高中英语作文|My English Teacher 我的英语老师

2022-01-12 高中作文

  在我们平凡的日常里,大家最不陌生的就是作文了吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,下面是小编为大家整理的高中英语作文|My English Teacher 我的英语老师,欢迎阅读与收藏。

  We have a good English teacher.His name is Bruce.


  He comes from Britain, about forty years old.


  He is tall and thin. Wearing a pair of glasses makes him more gentlemen.


  He is strict with us. He often makes full preparations for his class and corrects our homework carefully.


  His teaching style is very unique, because he is used to encouraging all of us to think by ourselves and study on our own.


  The relationship between Bruce and us is harmonious.


  He is so kind and friendly that every student likes him and respects him deeply.


  Our teacher is so excellent that we all love him very much.


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