Guizhou is like a verdant green lotus leafphotosynthesis, inlaid in the southwest of themotherland. Is a development of the fertile soil.Guizhou scenery more and more! HuangguoshuWaterall is located in Guiyang City, 137kilometers from the provincial capital of WhiteRiver, the Hua Lala River flew down from thecliff! The momentum of the majestic,magnificent! Huangguoshu Waterall is China'sfamous tourist resort!Yunwu Mountain in the south of Guidingprovince. It is one of the Miao mountain peak,1806 meters above sea levelYunwu Mountain towering majestic, warmclimate, very suitable for tea. This does not, aworld famous tea "tea --" said that this tea hasbeen tribute to the emperor, known as "tributetea"!Mention of giant salamander! You must bevery anxious, this with the dinosaurs lived inthe same era, a living fossil! We came to thegiant salamander Township -- rock. It islocated in southern Guiding Province,Shanqingshuixiu here, Qifeng list, prick towardthe sky, very suitable for giant salamandersurvival