
2024-05-06 母亲节


  1、To the worlds number one mom!给世界上最好的妈妈!

  2、Today is Mothers Day, again shy also want to brave expression, again simple also want to send flowers, again busy also want to take time to go home, again far also want to make a phone call, again familiar with also want to send a reminder. Mothers Day, dont forget.今天是母亲节,再羞涩也要勇敢表达,再简单也要送束鲜花,再忙碌也要抽空回家,再遥远也要通个电话,再熟悉也要发个提醒。母亲节,别忘了。

  3、Today is mothers day, I use the paper of the mind into a most beautiful carnations, to your mother, wish her happy and healthy! For she has brought up you at the same time, make you to become an indispensable friend in my life.今天是母亲节,我用心灵之纸叠成最美的康乃馨,献给你的妈妈,祝她健康快乐!同时更感谢她养育了你,使你成为我生命中不可缺少的朋友。

  4、Today is mothers day, no flowers, no gifts, only my deep blessing!今天是母亲节,没有鲜花,没有礼物,只有我深深的祝福!

  5、Today is mothers day. May you always be healthy and beautiful. Everything goes well with you. No flowers, no gifts, only my deep blessing!今天是母亲节,愿你永远健康,美丽;一切事情都顺心,如意。没有鲜花,没有礼物,只有我深深的祝福!

  6、Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you. Happy Mothers Day.今天是您休息的日子,让我们来照顾您。母亲节快乐。

  7、Today, mothers day, bless you, and I wish you good health and good health.今日母亲节,祝福送给您,祝您身体健康,福寿安康。

  8、Todays mothers Day, I use the heart of the paper folded into the most beautiful carnation, dedicated to your mother, I wish her happiness and peace! Thank her for raising you and making you an indispensable friend in my life.今天母亲节,我用心灵之纸折成最美的康乃馨,献给你的妈妈,祝她幸福平安!更感谢她养育了你,使你成为我生命中不可缺少的朋友。

  9、Touching the heartstrings of the years, bearing in mind the growth of the bit, grateful for the mothers hard work, unforgettable maternal love selfless. Mothers Day arrived, thousands of words into a heartfelt sentence: mom, I love you!拨动岁月的心弦,铭记成长的点滴,感激母亲的操劳,难忘母爱的无私。母亲节到了,千言万语汇成由衷的一句:妈妈,我爱您!

  10、Travel across the mountains and rivers, see the ebb and flow, after the wind and rain, taste the sweet, sour, bitter, always feel your embrace the most warm! No matter how far I go, my heart will always be nostalgic. Happy mothers day to my mother!踏遍千山万水,看过潮起潮落,历经风吹雨打,尝尽酸甜苦辣,始终觉得您的怀抱最温暖!不论我走多远,心中永远怀恋。祝妈妈母亲节快乐!

  11、Use my heart to smooth the wrinkles on your forehead, with my love of black hair on your head. Mom, thank you for giving me life, in todays festival belongs to you, do children wish you longevity and health! Happy Mothers Day!用我的真心抚平您额上的皱纹,用我的情感染黑您头上的白发。妈妈,谢谢您给我生命,在今天属于您的节日里,做儿女的祝您健康长寿!祝您母亲节快乐!

  12、We will try to make this your best Mothers Day ever. 我们将努力让今天成为您最愉快的母亲节。

  13、We wish you the best of health on this Mothers Day. 在母亲节,我们祝福您身体健康。

  14、When I fall, your eyes give me courage! When I fail, your eyes let me strong! When I succeed, I also have a person to share this happiness with me! Mom, thank you! Happy Mothers Day!在我跌倒的时候,您的目光给我勇气!在我失败的时候,您的目光让我坚强!当我成功时,同样有一个人跟我分享这份快乐!妈妈,谢谢你!祝您母亲节快乐!

  15、Wish: dear mother, happy life, good health, happy mothers Day!祝愿:亲爱的妈妈一生平安,身体安康,母亲节快乐!

  16、With a gentle blessing and endless words in my heart, a short message sends my heartfelt greetings. Mother wishes you health and happiness.轻轻地一声祝福,道不尽心中的千言万语,短短的一条短讯送去我衷心的问候,妈妈祝您健康快乐!

  17、With simple language to express the voice, with intimate care warm affection, with warm words to move the heartstrings, with sincere feelings to convey blessings. Mothers Day is coming, wish all mothers happy and healthy!用质朴的语言表达心声,用贴心的关怀温暖亲情,用温馨的话语打动心弦,用真挚的情感传递祝福。母亲节到了,愿天下母亲幸福健康!

  18、Without you there is no me, no I dozens of years of sorrow, nor my spring, summer, autumn and winter laughter, thank you for giving me all the wonderful life and growth. Happy mothers day!没有你就没有我,就没有我数十寒暑的悲伤,也没有我春夏秋冬的欢笑,谢谢你给了我生命中美好的一切与成长。母亲节快乐!

  19、Wont be as time goes by, will you love; Not over years of indifference, is my wish: let mother recreation holiday!不会随光阴流逝的,是您的爱;不会随岁月淡漠的,是我的愿:愿母亲节日康乐!

  20、Write a sentence of blessing, a sentence of blessing to a friend. Today I wish you Ming wish him, but how many friends do you have to give his wife, concerned about not only on Mothers Day, usually greetings more than all oh!一条条信息写一句句祝福,一句句祝福送给一个个朋友。今祝你明祝他,可是朋友你有多少条是送给自己的老婆,关心不只在母亲节,平时的问候更胜一切哦!

  21、Year after year, ups and downs, day after day, day sunset, mothers love into my heart, in this holiday, send me sincere wishes, I wish mother a happy holiday, joy.一年又一年,风风雨雨,一日又一日,日落日起,母亲的厚爱渗入我的心底,在这节日之际,送上我真挚的祝福,祝母亲节日快乐,欢欣无比。

  22、Years dyed white hair, but do not take youth; Years have written down wrinkles, but do not take away the beauty; Years of growth of children, grow up is childlike innocence. Mothers day, mothers love is full of heart, I wish my mother forever young and beautiful!岁月浸染了白发,却带不走青春;岁月写下了皱纹,却带不走美丽;岁月成长了儿女,长不大的是童心。母亲节了,妈妈的爱装满心田,祝妈妈永远青春美丽!

  23、You are a big tree. Spring depends on your fantasy, summer on your prosperity, autumn on your maturity, and winter on your meditation. Dear mother, thank you for giving me!您是一棵大树,春天倚着您幻想,夏天倚着你繁茂,秋天倚着您成熟,冬天倚着您沉思。亲爱的妈妈,感谢给予我的!

  24、You are a towering tree, for children shade shade. Mothers Day is coming, I wish my mother health forever!您是一棵参天的大树,为儿女遮荫乘凉。母亲节到了,祝妈妈永远安康!

  25、You are a wall of wind, for children wind and cold shelter; Mothers Day is coming, I wish my mother health forever!您是一堵挡风的墙,为儿女挡风避寒;母亲节到了,祝妈妈永远安康!

  26、You are the one that we love the most. Have a happy Mothers Day.您是我们最爱的人。祝您有一个快乐的母亲节。

  27、You are the sea, I am a little fish, you let me swim in your arms. Wishing my mother a happy mothers day, a happy and healthy life.你是大海我是小鱼,是你让我畅游在你的怀抱。祝福我的妈妈母亲节快乐,幸福健康生活美好!

  28、You as I pour all my energy, time, time ruthlessly destroyed a your body and mind, no thought to the son, can only say: here you were laborious!您为我倾注了所有的精力,时光流逝,岁月无情地摧残着您的身心,这些儿子无以为报,只能在这里说一声:您辛苦了!

  29、You keep out the wind and frost for me, you bring me warmth, you give me the wings of love, you let me full of ideal. Mothers Day is coming, wish my dearest mother health forever, I wish my mother a happy holiday!你为我遮挡风霜,你为我带来温暖,你给我爱的翅膀,你让我满怀理想。母亲节到了,祝愿我最亲爱的母亲永远安康,祝妈妈节日快乐!

  30、You live in a foreign country, someone in the care, you return home, someone brew hot tea, you lie in bed, someone shed tears, you smile, someone happy bloom. This person is our mother, mothers Day wish mother healthy and happy, peace and happiness!你身在他乡住,有人在牵挂,你回到家里边,有人沏热茶,你躺在病床上,有人掉眼泪,你露出笑容时,有人乐开花。这个人就是咱的妈,母亲节祝愿妈妈健康快乐,平安幸福!

  31、You raise me, I accompany you to grow old. Companionship is the greatest gift. Wish all mothers a happy mothers Day, happiness!你把我养大,我陪你变老。陪伴才是最大的礼物。愿所有母亲母亲节快乐,幸福!

  32、Your hands, for children to support a beautiful blue sky; Your eyes seek a field of hope for a child; Your heart, for the children to build a warm harbor. My dear mother, happy mothers Day!您的双手,为孩子支撑一片美丽的蓝天;你的双眼,为孩子寻找一片希望的田野;你的心灵,为孩子搭建一个温暖的港湾。我亲爱的母亲,母亲节快乐!

  33、Here's a little token of my appreciation for all that you have done for me over the years.这是我一点小小的心意,感谢您这么多年来所付出的一切。

  34、This is the day that we appreciate all the things that moms do for us. Thank you .在这个日子里,我们感谢妈妈为我们所做的一切。谢谢您。

  35、Sometimes it may not seem like it, but I really do love you.有时候好像不是这样,但是我真的爱您。

  36、There are little things that I should have said and done to show my gratitude, but it is appreciated what you do.尽管我为表示谢意所说的和所做的都那么少,但同样也是表达对您所做一切的感激之情。

  37、Thank you for all of the wonderful things that you h ave done for me.谢谢您为我做了那么多奇妙的事。

  38、This card is to let you know that you have done a super job raising us children.这张卡片是想告诉您,在教养子女方面,您做得棒极了。

  39、We may not be angels all of the time, but we do appreciate what you do.我们也许不是一直都像天使那样乖巧,但我们确实感谢您的教诲。

  40、Though it is hard to tell you sometimes, I do love you dearly, mom.虽然有时要告诉您并不太容易,但是我真的非常爱您,妈妈。

  41、I wish my mother peace and happiness, a healthy life and a happy mothers day.愿妈妈平安快乐,一生康健,母亲节快乐。

  42、Mothers Day is coming, I wish my mother happiness and health, young and beautiful!母亲节到了,祝福妈妈幸福安康,年轻漂亮!

  43、Give mother carnation, wish mother happiness, happiness, health, young!送给母亲康乃馨,祝福母亲幸福、快乐、健康、年轻!

  44、Mothers day, I wish you health and happiness, always smile!母亲节,愿您健康快乐,笑口常开!

  45、I wish you a happy life.祝福您快快乐乐,一辈子。

  46、I wish you eternal youth and good looks.祝您青春永驻,容颜不老。

  47、Send mother a rose, forever beautiful.送妈妈一朵月季,永远美丽。

  48、On Mothers day, I wish my mother happiness and health forever.母亲节,祝福母亲快乐幸福,永远安康。

  49、Every year, my mothers love always flows to my heart.岁岁年年,母爱常流我心田。

  50、Wish mother health and longevity.祝愿妈妈,健康长寿。

  51、Mothers day, keep her mothers happiness, let her feel happy.母亲节,把母亲的快乐留住,让她感受幸福。

  52、Mothers day, only true blessing, wish mother health forever, happy accompany!母亲节,只有真真的祝福,愿母亲健康永远,快乐常伴!

  53、Mothers day, season of love and affection, happy mother!母亲节,爱和亲情流淌的季节,祝母亲快乐!

  54、Mothers day, the most beautiful blessing to mother, health often laugh.母亲节,最美的祝福送给妈妈,健康常笑。

  55、Mothers nagging: mothers nagging, like the weather forecast is old and new, warning you in advance; Mothers nagging, like hot spring straight bubbling, endless. I deeply wish mother a happy holiday!母亲的唠叨:妈妈的唠叨,像天气预报又旧又新,提前向你发警告;妈妈的唠叨,像温泉直冒咕嘟咕嘟,没完没了。我深深的祝母亲节日快乐!

  56、My height is long, your white hair is long, is you feed me with life; My age is growing, your wrinkles are growing, is you use life to train me to become. Mom, happy Mothers Day, I love you!我的身高在长,您的白发也在长,是您用生命哺育我成长;我的年龄在长,您的皱纹也在长,是您用生命培养我成才。妈妈,母亲节快乐,我爱您!

  57、My mother spends more time like a bosom friend of mine. She feels so sweet and happy. I hope my mother is healthy and happy.我的妈妈更多的时间更像我的一个知心朋友,感觉好贴心好幸福。希望妈妈身体健康,快快乐乐的。

  58、My sky, is you to hold up; My life, is you to create; My future is also paved by you. Mothers Day is coming, mom, you have paid too much for me, I thank you!我的天空,是您给撑起;我的生命,是您给创造;我的未来,也是您给铺起。母亲节到了,妈妈,您为我付出了太多,我谢谢您!

  59、Never been a thief, but want to steal a happiness to you! Never pit people, but want to cheat a happy to you! Never hurt anyone, but want to turn a happy to you! Never rely on who, but want to rob a peace to you! Mom, happy Mothers Day!从未做过贼,却想偷个幸福给你!从没坑过人,却想骗个快乐给你!从未害过谁,却想拐个开心给你!从没赖过谁,却想抢个平安给你!妈,母亲节快乐!

  60、No matter the side or the horizon, you always take me; Rich or poor, you always walk with me; Young or old, you always run for me; Whether insipid or brilliant, you always treat me the same; Youre always there for me, in good times and in bad. Mothers Day is coming, dear mother, you have worked hard, wish you happiness, health, happiness and good luck!不管身边还是天边,你总是把我挂牵;不管贫穷还是富有,你总是陪我共走;不管年幼还是年长,你总是为我奔忙;不管平淡还是辉煌,你总是待我一样;不管快乐还是悲伤,你总是伴我身旁。母亲节到了,亲爱的妈妈,您辛苦了,愿你幸福健康,快乐吉祥!

  61、Not only in the mothers day this genius to "special" to care for mother, 365 days, every day is mothers day. Hope mother can happy every day, every day happy!并不是只有在母亲节这天才要“特别”去关心母亲,365天里,每一天都是母亲节。希望母亲能天天快乐,日日幸福!

  62、Old mama, you wrinkles but is said the original had smile place, in my mind, you will always be the most beautiful. I wish you a happy holiday, health and happiness!老妈,您脸上的皱纹不过是表示原来有过笑容的地方,在我心目中,您永远是最美的。祝您节日快乐,健康幸福!

  63、On Mothers Day approaching, to your mother, I wish her happiness and peace!在母亲节来临之际,献给你妈妈,祝她幸福平安!

  64、On Mothers day, I wish my mother happiness, happiness and health.母亲节到,祝母亲生活幸福,开心无数,身体健康,永远吉祥。

  65、On Mothers day, may mother be safe and healthy. Happy mother every day!母亲节,愿母亲平安康健,顺心如愿。母亲快乐每一天!

  66、On this day, we honor you, dear Mother. 亲爱的妈妈,我们向您致敬。

  67、On this special day, I want to say to your mother: mother happy holidays! To my mother in the future days more healthy and happy!在这个特别的日子里,我想对妈妈您说声:妈妈节日快乐!愿妈妈在今后的日子里更加健康快乐!

  68、Pick a bunch of beautiful flowers and pick up a bunch of morning sunshine. To you, dear mother!摘一束美丽的鲜花,采一束清晨的阳光。送给你,亲爱的妈妈!

  69、Send mother a peony, life peace; Send mother a rose, beautiful forever; Send mother a carnation, forever young; Send mother a lily, I wish a happy mothers Day!送妈妈一朵牡丹,一生平安;送妈妈一朵月季,永远美丽;送妈妈一朵康乃馨,永远年轻;送妈妈一朵百合,祝母亲节快乐!

  70、Sewing, weaving endless thoughts with love; Sew and mend, fill the lack of life with feelings. The eyes of the needle are dense, looking forward to the return of the wanderer. Mothers Day, I wish my mother always shine with the glory of the years!飞针走线,用爱编织无尽的思念;缝缝补补,用情填补生活的欠缺。针眼密密,期盼游子归程。母亲节,祝母亲永远闪耀着岁月的光辉!

  71、She isnt a cloud, because she is not with the wind scattered; She is not a spray, because she would not go with the flow. She is a love, a mothers love, I wish all mothers happiness!她不是云彩,因为她不会随风而散;她不是浪花,因为她不会随波逐流。她是爱——母亲的爱,祝天下母亲幸福!

  72、Some love, buried the deeper, the more true; Some things, the longer, the more wonderful; But some love, only say, are the best. I wish mom, happy mothers day.有些情,埋得越深,就越真;有些事,藏得越久,就越妙;可是有些爱,只有说出,才。祝妈妈,母亲节快乐。

  73、Stray clouds do rely on the sky, falling leaves have the earth as a destination, sailing ships have port to shore, colorful life given by the mother, soon to Mothers Day, dont forget to use Thanksgiving heart greeting mother oh!流浪的白云有天空做依赖,飘零的落叶有大地为归宿,远行的航船有港口可靠岸,多彩的生命由母亲所赐予,快到母亲节了,别忘用感恩的心问候母亲哦!

  74、Take good care of yourself. We all love you, mom.请好好地照顾自己。我们都爱您,妈妈。

  75、Taste the taste of love, is warm sweet; Experience the feeling of love, is selfless dedication; Silently, no longer bright is the mothers eyes; Time flies, no longer tall and straight is the mothers shoulder; Mothers Day to, love no longer store heart, loudly tell you: mom, I love you!品着爱的味道,是暖暖的甜;体验爱的感觉,是无私的奉献;悄无声息间,不再明亮的是妈妈的眼;岁月荏苒中,不再挺拔的是妈妈的肩;母亲节到,将爱不再存放心田,大声地告诉你:妈妈,我爱您!

  76、Thank you for everything over the years, Mom. 妈妈,谢谢您这些年来的付出。

  77、Thank you, mom. When I stumble, you are always supporting me. Today is your holiday. Sincerely wish you a happy holiday!妈妈,感谢您!在我跌跌撞撞的时候,是您一直在支持着我。今天是您的节日,衷心祝您节日快乐!

  78、Thank you, my dear mother, you are like my guide sign, always guiding me the way.感谢您,我亲爱的妈妈,你就像是我的指路牌,时时刻刻为我指引道路。

  79、Thanks for being there, Mom. Happy Mothers Day. 谢谢您一直的支持,妈妈。祝您母亲节快乐。

  80、The most beautiful words, is the mothers call; The most beautiful face is the mothers face. When we got home, the first thing we wanted to see was mother. When we are away from home, we miss our mother most. When we are happy, the most want to share the person is mother. When we are in pain, the most willing to talk to the person is mother. Mothers Day is coming, wish all the mothers of the world healthy and happy!最动听的话语,是母亲的呼唤;最美丽的容颜,是母亲的面容。当我们回到家,最想见的是母亲。当我们远离家,最惦念的是母亲。当我们快乐时,最想分享的人是母亲。当我们痛苦时,最愿倾诉的人是母亲。母亲节到了,愿全天下的母亲健康快乐!

  81、The mother to the warmth from the mind; Mother gives happiness from the memory of life; The mothers love transcends the worldly track; Mothers warmth in the heart like a rainbow beautiful, happy mothers Day!母亲给的温馨来自于心灵的惦记;母亲给的快乐来自生命的回忆;母亲的关爱超越了世俗的轨迹;母亲的温暖放在心中像彩虹一样美丽,母亲节快乐!

  82、The sky is broad, not as broad as the mothers love; The sun is warm, not as warm as mothers true feelings; Flowers are bright, not as bright as the mothers smile; Rainbow bright, not as happy as the mother bright. Mothers Day is coming, I wish your mother a happy holiday, happy every day!天空广阔,比不上母亲的博爱广阔;太阳温暖,比不上母亲的真情温暖;鲜花灿烂,比不上母亲的微笑灿烂;彩虹鲜艳,比不上母亲的快乐鲜艳。母亲节到了,祝妈妈您节日快乐,天天开心!

  83、The sky is the mothers smile; The sea is the mothers kindness; The land is the mothers warm; The Yellow River is the mothers child! Today I cant live without such a mother, now smile to you: I wish a happy mothers Day!天空是母亲的微笑;海水是母亲的亲切;士地是母亲的暖和;黄河是母亲的孩子!今天我不能没有这样的母亲,现在微笑给您:祝母亲节快乐!

  84、The stars in the sky do not speak, the doll on the ground want to mother, the eyes of the stars blink, the mother heart is full of care. Mothers Day is coming, I wish all the mothers in the world have a happy holiday!天上的星星不说话,地上的娃娃想妈妈,星星的眼睛眨啊眨,妈妈心啊满牵挂。母亲节来了,祝天下所有的妈妈都有一个快乐的节日!

  85、The water is the attachment of the mountain, the wind is the call of the rain, the star is the brilliant night, the love is the dedication of the heart. A mothers love life constantly, family affection forever. Mothers Day is coming. May your mother be happy and healthy!水是山的依恋,风是雨的呼唤,星是夜的灿烂,情是心的奉献。母爱一生不断,亲情一世牵绊。母亲节就要到了,愿您的母亲幸福安康!

  86、The wax torch into ash, is your regretless pay; Spring silkworm spinning, is your dedication without complaint; Watering rain, is your unremitting care; Spread the sunshine, is your continuous rush. Mothers Day, I wish my beloved teacher happy and healthy!蜡炬成灰,是您无悔的付出;春蚕吐丝,是您无怨的奉献;浇灌雨露,是您不懈的呵护;播洒阳光,是您不休的奔忙。母亲节,祝敬爱的老师快乐安康!

  87、The wind and rain outside tormenting me, the house under the warm sun warm I, because of the room with you, I love you mom, forever!外边风吹雨打折磨着我,屋内和煦的阳光温暖着我,因为屋内有您,我爱您妈妈,永远永远!

  88、The wind carries my thoughts, the clouds pass my exhort, the sun focuses on my concerns, the rain string up my blessing. The weather is uncertain, the temperature is hot and cold ups and downs, Mothers Day approaching, I wish my mother a good mood every day!风儿载着我的思念,云儿传递我的叮咛,阳光聚焦我的关切,雨丝串起我的祝福。天气阴晴不定,温度冷热起伏,母亲节来临之际,愿我的母亲每天好心情!

  89、The world is only good mother! Mom, I wish you a happy mothers Day! May the cheerful song haunt you all the time. May happy years be with you forever. Wish you a happy holiday!世上只有妈妈好!妈妈,祝您母亲节快乐!愿欢快的歌声,时刻萦绕着您。愿欢乐年华,永远伴随您。祝您节日愉快!

  90、There is a caring, there is a sincere and selfless emotion, there is an image comparable to an angel, there is a watchful persistence, that is the mother! Mothers Day arrived, mom: happy holidays!有一种关爱无微不至,有一种情感真诚无私,有一种形象堪比天使,有一种守望执着坚持,那就是母亲!母亲节到了,妈妈:节日快乐!

  91、There is a kind of love for nothing in return, when you succeed, she will quietly walk away. There is a kind of love, with your life, when you are tired, she always stretched out her arms, this is a mothers love. Mothers Day arrived, you bless the mother?有一种爱不求回报,当你成功了,她会悄悄走开。有一种爱,伴你一生,当你累了,她永远伸出臂膀,这就是母爱。母亲节到了,你祝福母亲了吗?

  92、There is a kind of love, called affection; There is a kind of love, called maternal love; There is a kind of address, called mother; On the arrival of Mothers Day, I wish all the mothers in the world a long and healthy life!有一种情,叫亲情;有一种爱,叫母爱;有一种称呼,叫母亲;在母亲节到来之际,愿天下所有的母亲健康长寿!

  93、There is a love of life, life you planned - a mothers love; There is a person, life worth my love - mother. Today is mothers day, wish my dear mother a lifetime happiness, well-being!一生一世的爱有一种爱,一生一世不求回报-母爱;有一个人,一生一世值得我爱-母亲;今天是母亲节,祝我亲爱的妈妈一生幸福,安康!

  94、There is a love, warmth, there is a caring heart to heart, there is a wanderer, poetry, has a name called mother, mothers day is coming, message table, my heart grateful chunhui, mother offered blessings. I wish mom happy holidays!有一种关爱特温馨,有一种牵挂心连心,有一首诗歌游子吟,有一种称谓叫母亲,母亲节来临,短信表我心,感恩春晖明,祝福献母亲。祝妈妈节日快乐!

  95、This card comes from the whole family. Happy Mothers Day.这张卡片是我们全家合送的。祝您母亲节快乐。

  96、Thousands of miles away, greetings such as sound of nature. Care in the heart, blessing like honey sweet. Thousands of miles away, a mothers love flowers often open. Wind and rain of life, a mothers love often carry. Mothers Day is coming, wish mother peace, health and happiness forever!身处千里外,问候如天籁。牵挂在心间,祝福如蜜甜。儿行千里外,母爱花常开。风雨人生路,母爱常萦怀。母亲节到来,愿母亲永远平安健康幸福快乐!

  97、Through the mountains and rivers, seen the ebb and flow, after the wind and rain, taste the sweet and bitter, always feel your embrace the most warm! No matter how far I go, my heart will always be sentimentally attached. Happy mothers day to my mother!走遍千山万水,看过潮起潮落,历经风吹雨打,尝尽酸甜苦辣,始终觉得您的怀抱最温暖!不论我走多远,心中永远眷恋。祝妈妈母亲节快乐!

  98、Through thousands of mountains, see thousands of water, taste sour, sweet, bitter, taste five taste Chen miscellaneous, even successful, heart still with filar silk care, unpleasant ear nagging, see hometown loving mother tears, mothers Day is coming, dear mother, you will always be my deepest attachment, wish you good health, all the best.走过千山,看遍万水,尝酸甜苦辣,品五味陈杂,纵功成名就,心中依然带着丝丝牵挂,难闻耳边唠叨声,不见故乡慈母泪,母亲节到了,亲爱的妈妈,您永远是我最深的眷恋,愿您身体健康,万事如意。

  99、Throughout your hard life, you have silver hair like snow, but you are still so beautiful in my mind! Mother, I wish you always young and happy!辛劳一辈子的您虽已银发如雪,可您在我心目中仍是那么的青春靓丽!妈,祝您永远年轻快乐!

  100、Time does not go back, the river is down, flowers blossom and fall with nature, just like you are indispensable in my life, you gave me a beautiful life! I wish you and all mothers a happy holiday!时光一去不回,河流顺势而下,花开花落随自然,就像您是我生命中不可缺少的人,是您给了我亮丽的生命!祝您和所有天下母亲节日快乐!

  101、In this world, no one more than you love me; In this world, no one can replace your position in my heart. Mom, no matter where, I love you forever.这世界上,没有人比您更爱我;这世界上,也没有人能取代您在我心里的位置。妈妈,无论在哪里,我永远爱您。

  102、In your opinion is always long not big child, we worry about everything, and here I want to say to my dear mother, I wish you a healthy body, youth and happy every day!在你看来我们就是永远长不大的孩子,事事操心,在这里我想对我亲爱的妈妈说,祝您身体健康,青春永驻,开心快乐每一天!

  103、Increasingly vicissitudes of figure, no longer tall and straight waist, the mother turned around in time, the sad white hair, frames the life how much warmth and moved. Mothers day will come, children know Thanksgiving, please take care of yourself!日渐沧桑的背影,不再挺拔的腰身,母亲在岁月中转身,那让人伤感的白发,定格了生命中几多温暖与感动。母亲节将至,儿女知感恩,请您多保重!

  104、Is the most beautiful face, I strive for success; Is the most beautiful smile, with my life to pursue; Is the most beautiful blessing, I pushed the end of the world. Mothers day arrived, wish my dear mother healthy and happy forever happy.是最美的面孔,伴我拼搏争成功;是最美的笑容,伴我生命去追梦;是最美的祝福,伴我天涯向前冲。母亲节到了,愿亲爱的妈妈健康快乐永幸福。

  105、Life stronger mother, hands hold up our home. Now your child has grown up, but the ear is not without your care. Your concern is not grandiose. I understand your greatness. Mothers Day is coming, say: mom you are happy一生要强的妈妈,双手撑起我们的家。如今你的孩儿已经长大,耳边却少不了你的牵挂。你的关心不是浮夸,我已理解你的伟大。母亲节来临,道一声:老妈你辛苦啦!

  106、Mama: in order to I you black hair turned white, painstakingly. Today is you of festival, mom, thank you! You were laborious! Will do my best to repay you my dearest mother!妈:为了我您的黑发变白,费尽心血。今天是您的节日,妈,谢谢您!您辛苦了!儿会尽我所能报答您我最亲的妈妈!

  107、May your dear mother be healthy, happy and happy!愿亲爱的妈妈身体健康,快乐幸福!

  108、Maybe I am very willful stubborn, make you worry about make you angry; Maybe I always love self-assertion Aleck smart, put your words as wordy. But in my heart, I actually love you! Mom, I wish you a happy mothers Day, forever young!也许我很任性固执,令您操心惹您生气;也许我总爱自作主张自作聪明,把您的话当成罗嗦。但在我心里,我其实很爱您!妈妈,祝您母亲节快乐,永远年轻!

  109、Mom I thank you for give me life, is you taught me to be the truth, no matter how in the future, I love you forever!妈妈我感谢您赐给了我生命,是您教会了我做人的道理,无论将来怎么样,我永远爱您!

  110、Mom is always the best in the world! If there were not heaven, there wouldnt be earth. If there were not you, there wouldnt be me! Thank you so much for bringing me everything! 世上只有妈妈好,没有天就没有地,没有您就没有我,谢谢您给我带来的一切。

  111、Mom! Mom! I love you! Work together and be tired together! Cook and eat together! One bed for two! Love you, love you, love you forever!妈妈!妈妈!我爱你!一起干活一起累!一起做饭一起吃!一张床两人睡!爱你爱你永远爱你!

  112、Mom, happy holidays! Beautiful words cannot express and describe your love and hard work for this family. I love you, daughter will do her best! I wish you health and longevity I wish all mothers a happy holiday!妈妈,节日快乐!华丽的语言也无法表达和形容您的爱以及为这个家所付出的艰辛劳作。我爱您,女儿会尽力做好自己的!祝您健康长寿祝天下母亲节日快乐!

  113、Mom, I love you, because you gave me life and brought me up. 妈妈,我爱您,因为您给予我生命并养育我。

  114、Mom, I thank you gave me life, is you taught me to be the truth, no matter how in the future, I love you forever!妈妈,我感谢你赐给了我生命,是您教会了我做人的道理,无论将来怎么样,我永远爱您!

  115、Mom, I wish you a little more happy, less trouble; More health, no more injuries; A little more happiness, I dont let you worry. Mothers Day comes, I just want to say to you: mom, hard! May you always be healthy, always happy, always beautiful and always happy!妈妈,我愿您快乐多一点,烦恼少一点;健康多一点,伤病不再有;幸福多一点,我不再让你担心。母亲节来到,我只想和您说声:妈,辛苦了!愿您永远健康,永远快乐,永远美丽,永远幸福!

  116、Mom, I wish you young and never old; Mothers day came today, blessing continuous to find you; May you be better, happy and close, sweet and sweet to laugh, and never ever have trouble!妈妈你,愿你年轻永不老;母亲节日今来到,祝福绵绵把您找;愿你身体更加好,舒畅快乐紧紧靠,甜甜蜜蜜来欢笑,永永远远无烦恼!

  117、Mom, now that I have done the mothers, your hard work, love you, I also understand deeper. I wish you a happy mothers day!妈妈,如今我也做了母亲,您的辛苦,您的爱,我也体会更深。祝您母亲节快乐!

  118、Mom, thank you for being you.妈妈,谢谢您的一切。

  119、Mom, thank you for giving me life, today belongs to your festival, do children wish you longevity and health mother: for so many years you have worked hard! I hope to send you my special greetings on this special day! I wish: happy mothers Day! Mom, I love you forever!妈妈,谢谢你给我生命,在今天属于你的节日里,做儿女的祝你健康长寿妈妈:这么多年来您辛苦了!希望在这特别的日子送上我特别的问候!祝:母亲节快乐!妈妈我永远爱您!

  120、Mom, today is your holiday, although I am not in your side, although I still let you worry about, but I will not let you down, happy Mothers Day!妈,今天是您的节日,虽然我不在你的身边,虽然我还是这么让你操心,但我不会让你失望的,母亲节快乐!

  121、Mom, you are to me obsess me year after year, month, looking forward to miss a day, always concerned about, seconds seconds thinking, in this special day, I want to be together life wishes to thank you!妈妈,你对我年年牵挂着,月月盼望着,日日想念着,时时担忧着,秒秒惦记着,在这个特殊的日子里,我要汇聚一生的祝福来感谢您!

  122、Mom, you have worked hard to bring me up, and its time to enjoy it. Soon, Ill come over and take you over. Ill wait on you!妈妈,您辛辛苦苦把我养大,也该好好享福了,过不久,我就过去把您接过来,我要好好伺侯您!

  123、Mom, you have worked hard. The four seas for the ink, not to write my infinite admiration for you, thousands of words, endless I love you. On Mothers Day, I sincerely wish you a happy holiday, health and longevity!妈妈,您辛苦了。四海为墨,写不尽我对您的无限敬仰,千言万语,诉不尽我对您的无限热爱。在母亲节里,我衷心地祝福您节日快乐,健康长寿!

  124、Mom, you recently? I wish you a happy mothers day: water goo goo, cover the quilt, watching television, music, enfolding her tummy, watching SMS, thought that I was happy, always happy!妈,最近好吗?祝你母亲节快乐:喝水咕咕乐,盖着被子乐,看着电视乐,捂着肚子乐,看着短信乐,想到我还乐,永远都快乐!

  125、Mom, you worked hard, I wish you a happy mothers Day!妈妈您辛苦了,祝您母亲节愉快!

  126、Mom, your love is just like a bar of candy, with a package of ceaseless chatter and scold; I couldnt find it out until I grow up. Happy Mothers Day!妈妈,您的爱,就像块糖,包在唠叨里,藏在责骂里,让我东找西找,直到我懂事,才找到。祝您母亲节快乐!

  127、Mom, your love is like a lump of candy, wrapped in nagging and hidden in scolding. Let me look around until I understand it. Happy Mothers Day to you!妈,您的爱,就像块糖,包在唠叨里,藏在责骂里,让我东找西找,直到我懂事,才找到。祝您母亲节快乐!

  128、Mom, youre the best mom a son could ever have. 妈妈,您是我心中最好的妈妈。

  129、Mother church before planting plant nepenthes, wish mother happy, no worries, Mother put a basin of bed carnation, wish mother happy and healthy body. Mother ankang son, mothers day, mother SMS blessing feeling well: peace be to mother!母亲堂前栽株忘忧草,愿母亲快乐无烦恼;母亲床边放盆康乃馨,愿母亲幸福健康身。母亲安康儿安心,母亲节,短信祝福感母恩:愿母亲平安顺心!

  130、Mother is a thick book, is not love, Syria is not over of affection, say a is grateful, take not to go is memory, read the serial is a mothers love. I wish my mother happy holidays!母亲是一本厚书,品不尽的是关爱,叙不完的是亲情,说不出的是感激,带不走的是记忆,读不完的是母爱的连载。祝母亲节日快乐!

  131、Mother is the body of the quilt, no she will feel cold; Mother is the salt in the dish, without her life will lose the taste; Mothers Day is coming, pick a beautiful carnation, say words of love to mother, mother, I love you!母亲是身上的被,没有她会感到寒冷;母亲是菜中的盐,没有她生活就失去了味道;母亲节到了,采一朵最美的康乃馨,对母亲说出爱的话,妈妈,我爱你!

  132、Mother loves me the most. Thank you, my dearest mother! You must live a long and healthy life. Its so happy around you!妈妈最爱我了,谢谢您我最亲爱的妈妈!您一定要健康长寿,在你身边太幸福了!

  133、Mother! You are a clam, I am a pearl, the robbers outside come, only you, is my floating boat in the deep sea of all malice!母亲啊!你是河蚌,我是珍珠,外面的强盗来了,只有你,才是我在全恶意深海中的浮舟!

  134、Mother, thousands of words in a bow, I wish a happy mothers Day!妈妈,千言万语在一躬,祝母亲节快乐!

  135、Mother, you will always be the harbour of my soul, wish my dear mother health and happiness! The world is always so gentle, only you. Thank you, Mom!母亲您永远是我心灵的港湾,祝亲爱的妈妈健康快乐!这世上永远那么温柔的,只有您。感谢您,妈妈!

  136、Mothers Day can not be modified a rival, bring out the warmth behind forever, even if wordy always concerned, do not know how to cherish too guilty...... On this special day, mom, please allow me to say out loud: really love you!母亲节无法可修饰的一对手,带出温暖永远在背后,纵使罗嗦始终关注,不懂珍惜太内疚……在这个特别的日子里,妈妈,请准我说大声说出:真的爱你!

  137、Mothers Day is coming, I wish you health, I wish you peace, I wish you smile, I wish you happiness; I wish you good health, I wish you full of spirit, my dear mother, love you forever, I wish you a happy holiday!母亲节到了,我愿您康康健健,我愿您平平安安,我愿您笑口常开,我愿您幸福无边;我愿您老当益壮,我愿您精神饱满,我亲爱的妈妈,永远爱您,祝您节日快乐!

  138、Mothers Day is coming, let my greetings, smooth the wrinkles on your face, wish you young; Brush away your worries, wish you happy; Brush off your disease, wish you health; Warm your loving heart, wish you happiness! Mom, happy Mothers Day!母亲节到了,让我的问候,抚平您脸上的皱纹,愿您年轻;拂去您心中的忧虑,愿您快乐;拂掉您身上的疾病,愿您健康;温暖您慈爱的心灵,愿您幸福!妈妈,母亲节快乐!

  139、Mothers Day is coming, Mom, I wish you a happy holiday, your happiness is my greatest happiness! Your happiness is my greatest happiness! May you be happy forever!母亲节来了,妈妈,祝您节日快乐,您的幸福是我的幸福!你的开心,是我的开心!愿你永远幸福快乐!

  140、Mothers Day is coming, my message to fly to your mobile phone, out of a carnation, I wish you health and warmth; My blessing to hide in your heart, into a small meteor, wish you a long life and happy! Mom, happy holidays!母亲节快到了,我的短信飞到您的手机,开出一朵康乃馨,祝您健康又温馨;我的祝福躲进您的心灵,化作一颗小流星,愿您长寿又开心!妈妈,节日快乐!

  141、Mothers Day is coming. Thank you for letting me feel full of sunshine. I wish you happiness forever!母亲节到了,谢谢您让我心里充满阳光,祝福您幸福万年长!

  142、Mothers Day is coming. With my filial piety, I wish my mother happy. With my sincerity, I wish my mother good will and happy Mothers Day.母亲节到了,带着我的孝心,愿妈妈开心,拿着我的诚意,愿妈妈顺心顺意,祝妈妈节日快乐。

  143、Mothers day pass blessing, wish mother health forever!母亲节传递祝福,祝母亲永远安康!

  144、Mothers day thousands of miles try to ask peace? And send the missing away. Continuous love and care, thick affection and blessing. Mom, safe and happy holidays!母亲节千里试问平安否?且把思念遥相寄。绵绵爱意与关怀,浓浓情意与祝福。妈妈,节日平安快乐!

  145、Mothers Day to, thank you. A mothers love like a mountain, shelter from wind and rain. A mothers love is like water, indifferent distant. A mothers love is boundless, generation after generation. A mothers love is eternal, warm permanent. Bless mother, happiness and peace. Good fortune, good health and happiness.母亲节到,感念亲恩。母爱如山,遮风挡雨。母爱如水,淡泊悠远。母爱无边,生生世世。母爱永恒,温暖常驻。祝福母亲,幸福平安。吉祥顺意,健康快乐。

  146、Mothers day, add many miss in the heart, sons and daughters in the mother under the aegis of flying out of eaves, plump wings, disseminated the mothers blood. Give love a pair of wings, fly to her side. Dont forget to send you greetings, and I wish a happy mother.母亲节,心中平添许多挂念,儿女在母亲的庇护下飞出屋檐,丰满的羽翼,浸染母亲的血汗。给爱一双翅膀,飞到她的身边。别忘送上问候,祝母亲快乐平安。

  147、Mothers day, for you will comb the white hair, hope to retain the lost years; Mothers day, I wish mother happy peace.母亲节,为你将白发梳理,希望将逝去的岁月挽留;母亲节,祝母亲快乐平安。

  148、Mothers Day, I pray: "health angel" grab your hand, "peace angel" holding your waist, "happiness angel" around you, "happy angel" to report every day. Bless you, dear mother, happy mothers Day, life peace, happiness forever!母亲节,我祈愿:“健康天使”抓住您的手,“平安天使”抱着您的腰,“幸福天使”围在您身旁,“快乐天使”天天来报到。祝福您,亲爱的妈妈,母亲节快乐,一生平安,幸福永远!

  149、Mothers day, I wish my dear mother healthy, happy and safe!母亲节,祝亲爱的妈妈身体康健,快乐平安!

  150、Mothers Day, I wish my mother good health, the more live the younger!母亲节,祝母亲身体健康,越活越年轻!

  151、On this special day, I want to thank you for all your love and care. You are the best mother in the world. Happy Mothers Day!

  152、Mom, your love is like a warm sunshine that brightens my days. Thank you for being there for me always. Wishing you a very happy Mothers Day!

  153、On Mothers Day, I want to tell you how much you mean to me. Your guidance and support have made me who I am today. Thank you, Mom. Happy Mothers Day!

  154、Mom, your kindness and patience are an inspiration to me. I am so grateful to have you as my mother. Wishing you a wonderful Mothers Day!

  155、Thank you for being my role model, my mentor, and my best friend. I love you, Mom. Have a beautiful Mothers Day!

  156、Mom, your unconditional love and endless sacrifices have made me stronger and braver. I hope this Mothers Day brings you joy and happiness.

  157、On this Mothers Day, I want to express my gratitude for all the things you have done for me. You are the most amazing mother in the world. I love you!

  158、Mom, your smile is my favorite thing in the world. Thank you for always being there for me with a smile and a hug. Have a happy Mothers Day!

  159、Your love and wisdom have guided me through lifes ups and downs. Thank you, Mom, for being the best mother ever. Happy Mothers Day to you!

  160、Mom, your love is my strength, your support is my courage. Thank you for everything. I wish you a very special and happy Mothers Day!

  161、On this special day, I want to tell you how much you mean to me. 母亲节这天,我想告诉你,你对我来说意味着一切。

  162、Mom, your love is like a warm blanket, always keeping me comfortable. 妈妈,你的爱就像一条温暖的毯子,总是让我感到舒适。

  163、Thank you for being my role model and teaching me how to be strong. 谢谢你成为我的榜样,教我如何变得坚强。

  164、Your smile is my sunshine, Mom. Happy Mothers Day! 妈妈的笑容是我的阳光。母亲节快乐!

  165、You are the best mom in the world. I love you so much. 你是世界上最好的妈妈。我非常爱你。

  166、On this Mothers Day, I pray for your health and happiness. 母亲节这天,我祈祷你健康、幸福。

  167、Mom, your patience and love have made me who I am today. 妈妈,你的耐心和爱让我成为今天的我。

  168、Your unconditional love has always been my greatest strength. 你无条件的爱一直是我最大的力量。

  169、Thank you for always being there for me, Mom. I love you forever. 谢谢你总是在我身边,妈妈。我永远爱你。

  170、Your kind heart and gentle touch have healed my wounds. 你善良的心和温柔的触摸治愈了我的伤口。

  171、On Mothers Day, let me remind you that you are the best. 母亲节这天,我想提醒你,你是最棒的。

  172、Your love is like a lighthouse, guiding me through lifes storms. 你的爱就像一座灯塔,指引我度过生活的风暴。

  173、Mom, your wisdom and courage are my inspiration. 妈妈,你的智慧和勇气是我的灵感来源。

  174、Your hugs are the safest place in the world. 妈妈的拥抱是世界上最安全的地方。

  175、On this special day, I want to hug you tightly and tell you how much I love you. 在这个特别的日子里,我想紧紧拥抱你,告诉你我有多爱你。

  176、Your love is like a sweet melody, always playing in my heart. 你的爱就像一首甜美的旋律,总是在我心中回荡。

  177、Mom, your sacrifice and dedication are unforgettable. 妈妈,你的牺牲和奉献是难忘的。

  178、On Mothers Day, I want to thank you for all the little things you do for me. 母亲节这天,我想感谢你为我做的所有小事。

  179、Your love is like a warm blanket that wraps around me, keeping me safe and secure. 你的爱就像一条温暖的毯子,包裹着我,让我安全无忧。

  180、Mom, you are my hero. I admire you for your strength and courage. 妈妈,你是我的英雄。我钦佩你的力量和勇气。

  181、I want to wish you a happy Mothers Day.祝福您母亲节快乐。

  182、I may not often say it, but I do love you.我也许并不常挂在嘴上,但我真正爱您。

  183、I wish my dear mother a safe life and a healthy mothers day.祝亲爱的妈妈一生平安,身体安康,母亲节快乐!

  184、There may be moms all over the world, but you’re the only one that matters to me.全世界也许到处都有妈妈,但您是我惟一最在意的。

  185、Dear mother, hard you, I love you, I wish you good health and happy life!亲爱的妈妈,辛苦您了,我爱你,祝你身体健康,快乐一生!

  186、Dear mother, thank you for wishing you a happy, happy and healthy holiday.亲爱的老妈,感谢您,祝你节日快乐,幸福健康,开心每天!

  187、Dear mother, I wish you a happy mothers day, health, happiness and good health.亲爱的妈妈,祝您母亲节快乐,健康幸福好身体!

  188、Before ignorance, let mother work, now grown up, mothers love, I cherish in my heart all my life.以前的无知,让母亲操劳,如今长大了,母亲的爱,我一辈子珍藏在心。

  189、Children have grown up, a mothers love never forget. Mothers Day, I wish my mother longevity and health!儿女已长大,母爱永不忘。母亲节,祝妈妈福寿安康!

  190、I want to loudly announce to everyone: mom, I love you! Today is Mothers Day, I wish you a happy mothers Day!我要向所有人大声宣布:妈妈,我爱你!今天是母亲节,祝您母亲节快乐!

  191、Gently a blessing, not the words of the heart, one short message bring my sincere greetings to you, actually I have been very miss you.轻轻地一声祝福,道不尽心中的千言万语,短短的一条短信给你带上我衷心的问候,其实我一直都很挂念你。

  192、From the day I was born, to now I have everything, you give me, in the mothers day is coming, I want to say "hard you my dear mother"从我出世的那一天,到现在我拥有的一切,都是你给予我的,在母亲节到来时,我想说“辛苦你了我亲爱的妈妈”

  193、Dear Mom, you have worked hard to bring me up. You have more white hair on your head. I want to tell you that Mom loves you. Happy Mothers Day!亲爱的妈妈,你辛辛苦苦的把我养大了,你头上的白发也多了,我想对你说妈妈我爱你,母亲节快乐!

  194、A mothers love selfless, with my life; Boundless love, give me warmth; Kindness is infinite, has given me strength; Meaning thick unbounded, with me!母爱无私,伴我一生;大爱无边,给我温暖;恩情无限,赐我力量;意浓无 界,与我同在!

  195、Collect every wish, every hope, and send you deep concern. In such a season, take my sincere wishes to you. May happiness always be with you.收集每一种愿望,每一个企盼,寄予你深切的关怀。在这样的季节,把我的真挚的祝福捎给你,愿幸福常在你身边。

  196、A mothers love is like the sea, accommodate infinite, a mothers love is like day, without a trace, endless blessing world all mother, and my mom, happy mothers day!母爱似海,容纳无限,母爱似天,无边无迹,祝福天底下所有的母亲,还有我的妈妈,母亲节快乐!

  197、Flowers blossom my concern, springs flow my thoughts; sunshine spreads your kindness, the breeze blows your kindness; Mothers Day I invite you a: Mothers auspicious!鲜花绽放我的牵挂,清泉流淌我的思念;阳光播撒您的慈祥,轻风吹来您的善良;母亲节我给您请个:妈妈吉祥!

  198、A hedge between keeps friendship green, so every day, I always dont forget to send a to you: happy holidays. When I finished, I remembered that today is mothers day!君子之交淡如水,所以每到节日的时候,我总不忘记对你送上一句:节日快乐。等我说完了,我才想起今天是母亲节!

  199、Carnations, may seem a little thoughts, just like her mother; The ends of the earth, everywhere I go, but never go out of your warm eyes, mom, I wish you a happy holiday!五月的康乃馨,好似一种清清淡淡的思念,就象母亲;天涯海角,无论我走到哪里,却总也走不出您温暖的目光——妈妈,祝你节日快乐!

  200、Have around have, dont forget, have got, more to cherish, belong to their own, dont give up, have lost, leave as memories, want to get, must work hard. Happy Mothers Day!曾绕拥有的,不要忘记,已经得到的,更要珍惜,属于自己的,不要放弃,已经失去的,留做回忆,想要得到的,必须努力。母亲节快乐!










