
2023-01-07 英语作文


学英语作文 篇1


  hobbies are very important to a person. without having any hobby, life wont be as colorful as it should be. i have a variety of hobbies, such as collecting stamps, playing musical instruments, reading, and doing sport activities.

  when i am free, i will spend time on my hobbies. when i am in a blue mood, i will also do my hobbies to cheer myself up. hobbies can help us improve our moods. many hobbies requires devotion. for eample, when you play a musical instrument, you have to practice over and over in order to perform good music. after a period if you still enjoy it, gradually it will become a hobby of yours. but, remember: a hobby is like gold under the ground; no hobby will come to you unless you dig it out yourself.

  if you can treat study as one of you hobbies, learning will be more enjoyable. i hope all of you can find your own hobbies and also have fun from them.

学英语作文 篇2

  My English teacher is a young girl. She is medium height and thin with long curly hair. She is popular among us.

  During the first English lesson this term, she told us something about learning English. We should write down our grammar mistakes in our notebooks and should speak English in and out of class to improve our oral English. It is a good idea to listen to the tape or read a newspaper in English but remember not to translate every word. There are some foreign teachers in our school, so how about talking with them? If you feel shy and can not speak to them, before you start, you can take a deep breath and smile. Smiling always helps a lot. And you can try to enjoy English movies or songs! Finally, you must write down the correct spelling, translation and grammar next to the mistakes after every dictation. I’ve learnt a lot from what our teacher told us.

  Many thanks to my teachers.

学英语作文 篇3

  a few days ago, i saw one of my classmates cheating on the accounting eam. i was so surprised that she did such a thing. it made me feel sad and confused. why did she cheat? maybe she just wanted to get higher grades and didnt want to lose face. but at any rate, cheating is a vile action.

  i told one of my friends about our classmates cheating, and she found it hard to believe. even though the girl has a good temperament, our impression of her has changed.

  now, i no longer trust people based on their looks. maybe someone looks honest, but he or she has bad intentions. can we tell by looks alone? so, ive lost faith in society.

学英语作文 篇4

  “叮咚,叮咚”门铃响了,我去开门,只见是爷爷。他满头大汗,手里捧着一本英语书,奶奶见了,嫌弃的说: “你这老头,说要出去买东西,没想到买来一本英语书……”还好有妈妈来解围。要不然,一场口水大战就要开始了。

  爷爷走到我面前,用请求的语气对我说:“孙女,你能不能教教我英语?”看着爷爷那忠诚的眼神,我无可奈何地对爷爷说:“好吧 !让我先考一考您的基本功吧!”我拿出一张英语四线纸,写出前几个英语字母,后面的请爷爷写。爷爷看了看,胸有成竹的对我说:“孙女,你是不是小看我了?虽然我已经87岁了,但A B C D这些我都记得一清二楚,看我的吧!”果然,不到一会儿,爷爷就写完了,他把那张纸交给我,我打眼一看,全错!我失落地对爷爷说:“爷爷,看来你必须从基础开始了!”我从仓库里拿出一个白板和一支记号笔。开始从“零”开始。

  经过365天的努力,终于学成了。当我问起爷爷为什么要学英语时,爷爷一五一十地告诉了我 。原来,那天爷爷去买中午饭,一位老外问他银行在哪儿,由于听不懂英语,伤害了爷爷的自尊心。


学英语作文 篇5

  这几天我听见姥姥嘴里一直念叨着一个词,我仔细一听原来是个什么“还楼”。我奇怪地问姥姥:“你这这念叨这个词干什么?”姥姥神秘地说:“过几天你就知道啦!” 一天下午,我放学回到姥姥家,听到姥姥还在念那个“还楼”,我不耐烦地问姥姥:“你到底在念什么呀?”姥姥说:“我在学英语呀!”“学英语!”我吃惊的大喊一声。姥姥说:“我是听你舅家的.小弟弟说的‘还楼’呀!”“姥姥,还是我来教你学英语吧!”


  以后的日子里。我还教了姥姥许多单词,比如:NO(不),Thank you(谢谢你),等等



学英语作文 篇6






学英语作文 篇7

  My name is Wunai Tianshi .I wasborn in Xionghe Jingzhou on November 13th 1991 .I want to be a journelist when I leave school !I have many friends in my school such as Fan Di Tong xin and so on ...I also have manyfriends in Xiaohe such as Suisuiyangguang Liu Beibei Xiao Xiao and so on .There was many idea in my head I want to find you Do you think so?please write a lettler forme!

学英语作文 篇8

  English is a very important subject for Chinese students, and now they have to learn it even in the kindergarten. Some parents are willing to spend a lot of money to let their kids master English better. While the fact is that college English teachers find that most Chinese students’ English are in the low level, this problem lies in the language background. The traditional way pays attention to the grammar. Students’ ability of speaking English has been ignored, because it works nothing in getting high marks. What’s more, as they barely have the chance to speak with local people, so they can’t master English well. Today, with the development of technology, we can have access to all kinds of resources, it is very convenient to listen to the foreigners and get used to their accent. Only the lazy students refuse to learn it well.


学英语作文 篇9

  Last week,our school had a discussion about whether junior students could ride electric bycycles to go to school. 25 students of our class agreed with it, because they say it was convenient for them and it could take less time to go to school. But the other 35 students didn't agree with them. They said it was not safe for the junior students to get to school by electric bycycles, for they were too young. They also said in the morning the traffic was very busy and the students couldn't ride electric bycycles quickly.











