
2022-11-22 英语作文


春节的英语作文 篇1

  Our traditional culture is rich and colorful and has a long history. There are calligraphy, ceramics, Chinese painting, paper cutting, silk, wine, tea... Among them, my favorite is the traditional holiday.

  Every year, every family is busy, and my family is no exception. At this time, the division of labor began, and my mother and I went to buy cakes, dumplings, couplets and Chinese knots. Father went to buy fireworks and lanterns. In a few moments the house was stacked with big sacks. So I was busy. I stepped on the bench and hung a big red Chinese festival on TV. Dad hung red lanterns around the house. Mother is busy making pastries. My father and I were too busy to put glue on the couplets. The family is in a state of joy. "Oh, at last! "I said, wiping my sweat. "Mom, is the cake ready?" Mother brought a plate of pastry and a large bowl of dumplings on the table. Our family gathered around the table to eat the cakes and dumplings made by our mother, and talked about the gains and losses of the year. Dad said, "after a year, you are one year older and we are one year older. You have to study hard." I really don't want to grow up listening to my dad. Every time I grow up, my father and mother are a year old. I wish they were young forever. Mom and dad also took out the lucky money and said to me, "happy New Year, healthy growth and happy every day!"

  This year's Spring Festival is really fun and busy!

春节的英语作文 篇2




春节的英语作文 篇3

  The annual Spring Festival will soon come, everyone is busy to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, every family is jubilant atmosphere, very happy, our family is no exception, annual 29, I just get up and cried out, mother let my sister and I to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, we put up a big everyone in the middle of the door, the door both sides put up Spring Festival couplets, top allied is bottom allied FuZhongSheng is fond of music is "rich world wealth suisui huan" horizontal batch is "good luck in the New Year" we soon ok, I'm very happy to be looked at his work.

  On New Year's eve, we put on our new clothes and set off firecrackers with our sister. A "crackling" sound came through our ears as if to send blessings to thousands of families, and we were very happy. On New Year's eve, we had dinner, and I and dad? Mother and sister watch the Spring Festival gala. That wonderful performance made me feel very open, cross talk, have a sketch and dance... It's very nice. But I like little shenyang best? Ya eggs? Zhao benshan and Lao bi's "not bad money" are so much fun.

  On the first day I just woke up, he found that there are New Year's money under the pillow, elder sister also has, we happy smile, and then we eat dumplings, go to grandma's New Year, after, grandma and grandpa, will give us New Year's money, also take out your delicious of all, for us, we are all very happy.

  I like New Year's day.

春节的英语作文 篇4

  An important activity during the Spring Festival bainian (to pay a New Year call).People start to pay New Year calls from the lunar New Year's Day,that , the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar. Ever since the Ming Dynasty in the 14th century,ordinary people have begun to exchange greeting cards on th day.

  On the morning of the lunar New Year's Day,people get up very early and call on others. The earlier one does so,the more sincere he . Moreover,people wear new clothes and a new cap,symbolizing that a new year has begun.

  The younger generation should call on their elders first,such as the grandfather,grandmother,father and mother,whing them "Good health" and "Long life". Then the elders give children some money in a red envelope as a New Year gift. After that,people call on their relatives,friends and neighbors. As "big tangerine" a homonym for "very lucky" in Chinese,so people often present red big tangerines as a gift while paying a New Year call.

  Nowadays,besides greeting cards,people also use telephones and e-mails to pay New Year calls.

春节的英语作文 篇5

  The thirtieth evening of the Spring Festival is our busiest day. The family is busy cleaning, pasting, pasting couplet, hanging China festival, etc. Families prepare necessities and the ten days or so, before people started to busy purchasing items, including special purchases serve fish or fowl, tea wine sauce, the north-south nuts, sugar, fruit, bait to shop is enough, to prepare some Chinese New Year when the gifts when visiting relatives and friends, children need to acquire new clothes new hat, ready to wear at New Year.

  The Chinese festival is my traditional Chinese custom, and the red and red Chinese knot symbolizes the red fire and the color of the festival in the future. But one of my favorites is pasting and pasting. My brother and I have been involved in this task every 30 nights. We always ask dad, "why do you want to put the word upside down?" My father said meaningfully, "fu pour, fu pour, fu nature is home!"

  We saw adults busy, preparing for a big dinner. After a while my uncle and aunt came, and we began to have dinner. The feast is called reunion dinner, and the family is very happy to eat the delicious dumplings wrapped by their own hands around the table. I wish I had the Spring Festival every day!

  The Spring Festival is the first day of the first lunar month, also called lunar calendar year, commonly known as "New Year". This is one of the most solemn and lively traditional festivals in our country. The Spring Festival is coming, which means that spring will come, vientiane revives the vegetation, and the new round of planting and harvesting will begin again. People have just passed the long cold winter of the snow and vegetation, and have long been looking forward to the day when spring flowers bloom.

春节的英语作文 篇6

  Year thirty, firecrackers sounded, smiling face to spring, blessings begin.

  "Ha, ha... For the new year, the new year. " Listen to the outside do not know "worry" what the innocent children. "Hello, is that you? Ah, the new year is coming, I wish you a happy new year, happy new year." "Well, thank you, and wish you a happy new year." Listen to the phone to convey the most loyal blessings between friends. "Good, say good, tomorrow must come, our old friend gather together, intoxicated you in my house." "What?" "Kazakhstan..." Listen to the long lost friend is going to have the Spring Festival to the festive crazy play, my heart is full of happiness and satisfaction.

  The family sit together, do not use too much language, do not have too much etiquette, only with one eye, a smile, to pass on love.

  Think of a few days before thirty years ago, all the families are busy, shopping, laundry, room cleaning... It is to take away the past and meet the new beginning. Although tired but can not hold the heart of joy, the face of some vicissitudes at this time is filled with the yearning for the future life.

  Falling leaves, wild geese flying south, wandering the end to go home. Because home is always the heart of the people.

  Outside year round living parents to take us back to hometown. Grandma and Grandpa were white haired but supported each other at the door. The return of children brought a little happiness to the old man's face, less desolation, more happiness and less sadness, and more power in the new year.

  A family of people bless each other and talk about the life of the years. "The soldier divides five ways", the situation is different.

  My mother is sitting at the side of the bed with her grandmother. I care about my grandmother's health and tell the happy year of the year. Grandma uses a kindly look, and warm hands will pass on love.

  Dad was sitting at the table at the table and chatting. Talk about this year's harvest, talk about future plans, about the hometown of novelty, love in the wine room.

  And those of us nearly 20 year old girl, holding hands, watching TV, talk about their clothes, talk about their study and life, discussing the television shows. Sisterhood is passed on in the invisible.

  The brothers set up a table that belonged to their own. Oh, that drink, that scream, is really crazy, but no one is going to stop it because it's the way they make a deeper friendship. Be crazy once a year.

  Games are the children's favorite. A few children were surrounded. You play it once, and I play it once. From time to time did not forget to boast about, those naughty words have become the happy atmosphere of the flavoring agent.

  I am quiet and look at this scene, and my mind is full of happiness. Love will not be diluted by time by distance. Because consanguinity holds the family tightly, wherever it is, it will always be the parents' children.

  Sending short messages on mobile phones is an important tool for sending blessings. You pass one, I send one. Send blessing to all places, let the Spring Festival more a wonderful, friends will bless you, you will send a blessing to others, others will send their wishes to friends... That will not be interrupted by distance. A short message of a short message, a corner of the money will pass the invisible blessing, love light.

  My Spring Festival is simple and simple, although it is not vigorous but still shocked. Because I know that love in the Spring Festival will not be diluted by time because of distance, and family will not become distant because of distance. Friendship will not become strange because of distance. I know what is precious.

春节的英语作文 篇7







  Spring is a vibrant painting, a season for the recovery of all things.

  Spring breeze all like cotton like willows, then willow to show a piece of leaves, like a gentle girl. The spring breeze wakes up the spring flower, the foliage and the leaves of the spring flower are lush, and the yellow flowers only spread out, as if they are very shy. The peach blossoms are awakened by the sound of the spring wind, and the peach blossoms are like the painted face. Many of the flowers were awakened by the spring wind aunt.

  Spring thunder knocking his father-in-law "rumbling" drum, then it began to rain, "wow", the rain loudly sang it, wet earth, wake the baby baby spring bamboo shoots, rubbed his eyes, small head out, it saw a variety of flowers and trees were waking up. The baby carefully knocked on the bamboo shoots mother, mother said: "spring has come!" The spring rain also woke up a lot of hibernating animals.

  Spring is far away, "Ding Ding" singing, some fish swimming in the water, some in the "dragon", some in the play, some are sleeping, some......

  In the distance, the spring flowers open, small bees, butterflies eager to get honey, pollen, bee and honey, can be hard. But some children have to be careful, remember to go to the spring trip last year, one of our classmates pollen allergy, eyes swollen like a red bun.

  Spring is a good time for a boy to fly a kite. My mother and I took the kite to Lake Lotus Lake kite, spring breeze kite, I took the kite to run back and forth, it is a busy place to take advantage of wind kite. "!

春节的英语作文 篇8

  Was a "chip, marble" firecrackers, fireworks filled the air. The annual Spring Festival again come, early in the morning, my mother is busy in the kitchen, I decided to go around the streets.

  Ah! Each of the streets, there are so many colorful figure shook, flow like water, no head, before after see the tail.

  Under the soft light, all kinds of exquisite candy and assistant cordial smile, makes people pleasing, the customers are holding the bags in the crowded out of the supermarket, a smile on each face, bleeding heart honey.

  Every family cleaned the house and yard, with the Spring Festival couplets and New Year pictures, even a single dormitory, everywhere look brand-new.

  Ah! On New Year's eve finally came, the county everywhere colour pomp, in some places across the hung with colored lights series, some place to put the colorful fireworks, and local groups of wearing beautiful happy children at play.

  You see, in the crowded people mountain people sea, a huge dragon winding, roaring stretch run up and down.

  When the above the bell sound through the twelve, firecrackers exploded on the streets. "Double bang firecracker" up, "ZuanTianHou" roared into the sky. The stars shone in the night, festival of fireworks colourful, the ground laughter, the joy of the people. Like Fried bean firecrackers ring after, people rushed to the street happy New Year to each other, "I wish you a long life." "I wish you a happy Spring Festival!" These words as people's laughter, as from time to time off firecrackers to fly out of the streets, floating in a festival in the night sky.........

















