
2022-11-01 英语作文


英文作文 篇1

  This past Independence Day, I saw two things that disturbed me greatly: First, people bashing America and its shortcomings; Second, people defending America blindly, while giving no thought to others’ criticisms. I’m a liberal and I more than acknowledge that there are problems with our country. Our executive branch is larger and more powerful than I’d like, our education system is broken, and our economic policy is not optimal for growth. I also know America has a lot of ugly secrets in its past. From the genocide of Native Americans to slavery to our foreign policy nightmare with Latin America in the early twentieth century, it’s easy to see why so many are angered by the jingoistic attitude that July 4th celebrations can incur. But I also recognize how remarkable of an achievement it was for those few men to break away, in the name of independence, and take a risk by establishing a democracy back in 1776. I also recognize that although the sins of our Founding Fathers were great, their accomplishments were greater, leaving a legacy of democracy and national sovereignty that would spread like wildfire throughout the world. The revolution was important and the ideals that this country was founded on, ideals of equality, respect for one another, and a commitment to progress, are ideals to be proud of, even if we don’t always live up to those ideals. I know many liberals hate to hear it, but the majority of the world is worse off than us, from third world countries to dictatorships, the world has got a lot of bad in it. And the much longer, more troubled histories of nations such as England have more mistakes and terrible acts in them than ours do. America has ideals and a commitment to democracy and freedom you can find nowhere else. Our spirit is strong and even if our government doesn’t live up to that spirit all the time, our citizens strive for it. Independence Day isn’t about petty squabbles and historical smear campaigns. This day is about celebrating our achievements and our ideals, acknowledging our mistakes, and reaffirming our commitment to make this country better so that, one day, those principles that the men who drafted our Declaration of Independence put forth, will be fully realized.

英文作文 篇2

  Nowadays we have to face the problem that there is a sharp increasing in population of China,and people tend to get more and more old,but many of us didn't realize it,and still ignore the Family planning,especially rural areas,4 people or even more in a family isn't a strange phenomenon.There is another important problem that more male than female needs to be paied more attention.If we all want to solve these questions,all we have to do is not only government appeal to all of us ,but als o everyone of this country get down to this.



英文作文 篇3

  Harry Potter is my favorite movie. Last week, my friends and I went to see the movie. It’s a movie about Harry and his wonderful experiences. Harry is young , but he is very brave. He can fight with Lord Voldemort (伏地魔). I am proud of his braver. He is one of the most fantastic persons.

  Harry Potter has two good friends ,they are Ron Weasley (罗恩韦斯莱) and Hermione Granger (赫敏格兰杰). They are close friends. Harry has no parents , his parents were killed by Lord Voldemort. His parents were very great. They have been dead to protect young Harry. He lives in his aunt’s home, they are not friendly to Harry . The Weasleys like Harry very much. They often invent Harry to their home to spend his holidays.

  I like Harry Potter very much because I yeam magic, its so brilliant.

英文作文 篇4

  4, May is rainy season that season that landscape, spring right away contain violent change, that raindrop a 撒 the earth that have the ox hair of 犹 , suddenly of nasty in a hurry of," really have the spring 眠 not 觉晓 , smell the bird of 啼 everywhere, night to rains and winds voice, how much does flower fall to know" of feel.The wet clothes of the in home hases no place to bask, have to hang in house, the like and international ensign is general.The small parachutist- fungi of the air inside lands on the table, the ground is last......... make the one inside the house is an expanse of white, another have a lot of special features, the tree flower and grass of the outdoors drive rain wash unusually delightfully fresh I want to experience personally the breathing in rain, so rain each time I will stand in veranda ascend saw rain, rain overly me open window smelt the breathing of the soil, one day me slow step in rain, the raindrop happy performance beating in my on the face felt very clear dryly, rain can forgot agony all, heart comes out.

  The different person has to see the hair differently:The some people likes the delightfully fresh and comfortable 爽 of rain, the person who have then dislike rain overbearing, madness.

  The sorry is some can't

英文作文 篇5

  Perhaps you're familiar with the super-strict mom who pushes her kids to be the best at school sport and music - no matter what the cost. Well there's another name in the parenting world: Cat Dad.

  Cat Dads use a solfer way to teach the kids. They are gentle and relaxed about family rules. They try their best to make their kids confident and have the ability to think independently.

  The term has become well known because of a popular Chinese TV series Tiger Mom Cat Dad .The two lead characters are a strict Tiger Mom and an easy-going Cat Dad.They always have different opinions and disagree with each other as they try to raise their young daughter.

  And as if the Tiger-Cat fight isn't enough there's also another parent- Wolf Dad.Wolf Dad is even stricter than Tiger Mom . Wolf Dads believe that "beating kids is part of their upbringing."

  "Just as the name suggests Cat Dad prefers a gentle way to children's education while Tiger Mom and Wold Dad believe that education is a painful process."says Vincent Ni of BBC Chinese.










