
2022-10-22 英语作文


英文作文600字 篇1

  Here comes the summer holiday, I have planned a busy schedule on it.


  Firstly, I will find a part time job, probably work in a factory which is near my home, so that I can accompany with my parents.

  Secondly, I have joined a violin course in the previous time, because I have interest on it. therefore, I will do more practice at home by myself.

  As an old saying goes, practice makes perfect. At the end of the holiday, it’s time for me to have a good time.

  I tend to go on a trip with my friends, maybe Yunnan or other wonderful places. Travel to the place I have never been to certainly can broaden my mine.


  Make a good plan and enjoy it. I hope we all can have a meaningful holiday.


英文作文600字 篇2

  Person’s life is made up of countless days, while some days may be boring, some are precious and unforgettable memories.

  July 15,XX, the day I’ll never forget. It was a sunny day, but I was anxious, nervous and meanwhile, a little excited, for I was waiting for the arrival of my university admission notice. It was not until 3 pm that I finally waited the arrival of a green mail car full of hope. Only when I got the admission notice, did I believe that I was really admitted to my dream university—…university. It not only meant my past efforts and persistence not in vain, but also meant that I would say goodbye to the dull high school life, and step into the colorful university life. I was so happy and immediately called my parents to tell them the good news, and then teachers and classmates.

  What an unforgettable day!

英文作文600字 篇3

  The ninth day of the ninth lunar month is the Chong Yang Festival, a traditional festival in China. The celebrating activities are various and romantic ,including climbing mountains , appreciating chrysanthemums , wearing dogwoods , eating the Chong Yang cake and so on .

  “Nine"has the same pronunciation as the Chinese character “jiu"which stands for"a long time", and is the biggest single figure . Therefore it indicts longevity. There have been a lot of poems and works celebrating Chong Yang Festival and praising chrysanthemums since ancient times.

  People also believe that climbing mountains can expel bad luck, and indicates “climbing to a higher position"and “longevity”.

  China designates the ninth day of the ninth month as Senior ‘s Day , which combine tradition with modern times subtly to turn it into a festival for respecting , caring about , loving , and helping the elderly people .

英文作文600字 篇4

  In some provinces of China people use different activities to commemorate this day for instance spring-outing swinging tree planting and making special food. One special food is Ay Tsao rice balls. It looks like Tang-yuan but its colour is green. Mix the ay tsao juice with the rice powder then make it into small balls. The Ay Tsao rice ball is done. People believe that eating ay tsao rice balls can get rid of the bad luck and everything will go smoothly. Other activities such as spring outing tree planting are the other ways to commemorate the forbears. For one thing it is a sign that people should look into the future and embrace the hope; for another thing we do hope our ancestor rest in peace.


英文作文600字 篇5



  A northbound train北行的列车

  A southerner with a northerner’s appearance南人北相

  Connect the coast to the south and the central plains to the north南通海域,北达中原

  Moss affects the northern slopes.北坡常长青苔。

  the north/south transept of the cathedral大教堂的北[南]耳堂

  I'm quite disoriented. Which way is north?我完全迷失方向了。哪一个方向是北?

  There are mountains to the north/south/east/west of here.这儿的北[南/东/西]面有山。

  Saddle back鞍状物;(动)黑背鸥;北海豹

  The wind is from the north (south, east, west, northeast). 风从北(南、东、西、东北)方吹来

  North, south, east, and west are the four cardinal points of the compass.东、西、南、北是罗盘上的四个方位基点。


  n. 北,北方;北部

  adj. 北方的,北部的,朝北的

  adv. 在北方,向北方,自北方

  Outline a map of North America.画一幅北美的略图。

  The north wind is cutting and biting.北风刺骨。

  I live in the frozen North.我住在严寒的北方。

  The wind is from the north风从北方来。

  He was living up North.他当时住在北部。

英文作文600字 篇6

  New Year's eve, is the day when I most like.

  Because mother said that the day can go to sleep in the morning, because even fell asleep will also be new firecrackers wake.

  On New Year's eve, in addition to being able to eat a lot of delicious things, can also receive a lot of red envelopes, you can also watch TV for a long long time, really is so happy. A red envelope is New Year's money, since ancient times, elders will send children lucky money on New Year's eve, seems to be a meaning of exorcism disaster, mother said to put "lucky money" in under the pillow, pillow to sleep on it. I really do as this way, because it is very new.

  I also looked at the Spring Festival gala, the deepest memory is the "hello, I am leave." "Why? Why is this?" Whenever I say this, mom and dad laughed, because I copy too like said.

英文作文600字 篇7

  The fun picture

  Let me say something about the picture。

  There are two tall trees in it。 Under the tree there is a long chair。 And there is an old man reading about swimming。 Near the old man, there is a boy painting。 I think he loves painting very much。 Next to the painting boy, there are two boys playing football。 They are happy。 But the football is in the river。 Near the river, there are three children fishing。 They go fishing about twice a week and they always go to the People’s Park。 They like fishing。 In the river, there is clear water and some fish swimming in it。 The sky is clear, the sun is shining brightly,the weather is warm。。 There are two birds flying in the sky, they are happy。 Wow, that is a fun picture!

  Dear friends, can you draw the picture?

英文作文600字 篇8

  With the rapid development of the society, people can live a better life in general. So because of the improvement of people’ s living standard, more and more people own cars. Traffic jam comes to life. While people in order to be punctual, they often ignore the cars crossing on the road.

  This behavior will easily bring traffic accidens. On the other hand, the car owner also want to be on time and then regardlss the traffic rules, which is also easy to have traffic accidents. Both the driver and people themseves’ behaviour leads to accidents. Those accidents may take people’s lives away. It’s so terrible. Therefore, for the sake of life, the driver and the pedestrian should obey the traffic regulation as we have only one life.

英文作文600字 篇9

  Perhaps the most interesting person I have ever met is an Italian professor of philosophy who teaches at the University of Pisa. Although I last met this man eight years ago, I have not forgotten his special qualities.!~

  First of all, I was impressed from the beginning by his devotion to teaching. Because his lectures were always well=prepared and clearly delivered, students always swarmed into his classroom. His followers also appreciated the fact that he believed in what he taught and that he was always stimulating. (引人入胜的)Furthermore he could be counted on in every clasession to explain his ideas in an imaginative way, introducing such aids to student understanding as oil paintings, phonograph records, pieces of sculpture, and guest lecturers. Once he even sang a song in clain order to illustrate a point.

英文作文600字 篇10

  Computer, this twentieth century strange, fresh noun, now has a household name. With the development of Internet, some bad information began to develop out of control, leading to the network advantages and disadvantages, and even more harm than good.

  Lee - of course, the Internet search information, thus solving the life and learning difficulties; there is, the Internet can see some news, to understand some of the latest news, it will not fall behind!

  Harm - is to make people go astray, addicted to online games, unable to extricate themselves. And long-term Internet will lead to retinal detachment, and some even sudden death in front of the computer.

  So, to plan the Internet time, but also on a safe site, can not be harmful to the health of the site! To control self, less entertainment, learn more!









节约作文 英文04-16

