高中英语作文:赞美之情:啊,乌鲁木齐!-Ah, Urumchi!

2022-08-10 英语作文

  在生活、工作和学习中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?以下是小编为大家整理的高中英语作文:赞美之情:啊,乌鲁木齐!-Ah, Urumchi!,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。

  have you ever been to urumchi, capital of injiang uygur autonomous region①? have you any idea of what the city is like? the city of urumchi is now very large, very modern and very beautiful.

  since liberation the city has developed rapidly. now urumchi is a modern city with a population of 1,200,000. many streets have been widened. and high buildings are being put up day and night. factories and schools are everywhere. the whole city is full of life!

  in the centre of the city there is the red hill. when you climb up the hill, you will get a bird's-eye view② of the city. green trees are seen everywhere. a bridge over the urumchi river joins the old city with the new city. the west park stands in the middle of the city. here the blue sky is reflected in the mirror lake, birds sing and the gardens are full of flowers. what a beautiful picture the city is!

  urumchi lies at the foot of the tianshan mountains. it is 960 metres above sea level against the background of the white peak of the baokuda mountain. the climate here is mild, neither very cold in winter nor very hot in summer. it is really an ideal③ health resort④!

  on hot summer days, when trees hang over the roads, the whole city is hidden from view. this makes the city all the more attractive. when night comes, some uygur girls and boys walk out into the streets, dancing and singing. what a happy life they live!

  in winter, when the city is covered with snow, it looks as clear as ice and as pure as gem⑤. young people come out to skate, play snowball fight, or put up snowmen. how fascinating⑥ the winter of the city is!

  today, urumchi has become the political, economical and cultural centre of the autonomous region.

  “urumchi” means “beautiful grassland” in mongolian. now, the beautiful grassland has turned itself into a modern city.

【高中英语作文:赞美之情:啊,乌鲁木齐!-Ah, Urumchi!】相关文章:









