高中英语作文:考试-About Eaminations

2022-08-08 英语作文

  在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的`思想,聚集在一块。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,下面是小编帮大家整理的高中英语作文:关于考试-About Eaminations,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。

  I don't remember howmany eaminations i've taken since i beganmy schooling. truth to tell, i don't like eaminations at all. i dare say that, in fact, no student likes eaminations.

  Ie often hear people say “eaminations are teachers' magic weapon”, so most of us may think it is our teachers who give us students so many eaminations. but i don't think so. almost all of them have once been students before they became teachers. we don't like eaminations, and neither do our teachers, which may be reasonably concluded. what's more,the more eaminations we take, the more time will be taken from our teachers and the more troubles our teachers have to take.

  It is the system in our country, i think, that gives us students so many eaminations. if there were no entrance eaminations, and all the students could go up to the higher grades without competition, there would not be so many eaminations in primary and middle schools. so it is important and necessary to reform the entrance system. only in this way can eaminations be greatly reduced, and then all the students will be happier.

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