
2022-07-06 英语作文


英文作文 篇1

  With the advance of science television has played a vital part in the day-to- day life of the people in developed or developing countries and its influence is simply astounding when I was young my family did not own a television set; so whenever we were free my younger sister and I would slip to a neighbor's where to watch their TV awhile Al though TV programs in those days were generally inferior we still had a good time for as young and indiscriminate children we were interested only in novelty and excitement Not until my family had bought a television set did I quit the habit of fooling around with my younger sister then this wonder of scientific wonders did do us a great service we now had more chances to chat with each other in front of the box I hope our television companies will keep on upgrading their programs so that the viewers can be benefited both morally and intellectually I t is our conviction hat television in addition its entertaining aspect should be educational as well.

  随着科学的进步,电视中发挥了重要组成部分 每天到人们的日常生活是发达国家还是发展中国家,其影响力让人吃惊,当我年轻时 我的家庭没有自己的电视机,所以每当我们是免费的我和妹妹,我滑到邻居家在哪里 看着自己的电视一会儿基地在那些日子里,虽然电视节目普遍不如我们仍然有一个为年轻的好时机 我们只有在新鲜和兴奋不感兴趣,直到我的家人买了一台电视机没有滥用儿童 我放弃了在外面混了我妹妹那么这个科学奇迹,我们不知道他做一个伟大的服务,我们的习惯 现在有更多机会互相聊天了在中,我希望我们的电视公司将不断提高方面的其他的 的节目,使观众能够受惠在道义上和理智上,我t是我们的信念,帽子电视 此外它的娱乐性方面应该是教育也。

  Many people think that TV can't teach you anything and most TV programs are just silly. True, there are a lot of shows that are anything but good. But if you watch, you will find that TV is still a powerful educational tool. With the emergence of the public TV in our country we now have more helpings of food for the mind. Take the travelogue "the world we live in" it provides us not only with vicarious travel experience but also with the histories and cultures of various nations. Spec live, what they wear and how they talk even though I can’t afford to travel to those countries. My family often sit together to watch a program and discuss it afterward. Sometimes my parents ask us what we would do in a similar situation and this gives us the opportunity to rethink. We should not forget that TV can be an excellent teacher. In this era of mass media we believe that TV, if guided into the right channel, can really fire our imagination and contribute to family cohesion.

  很多人认为,电视不能教你什么 和大多数的电视节目都是愚蠢的。诚然,有很多的节目是什么,但大有好处。但是如果你看,你会 发现,电视仍然是一个有力的教育工具。随着我国公共电视,我们现在有更多的出现 粮食你们帮助的想法。采取游记“的世界里,我们在”它不仅使我们的生活替代旅行 经验,但也与历史和各民族的文化。规格生活,他们穿什么和如何讲,即使 虽然我不能前往这些国家。我的家人经常坐在一起观看了节目,并讨论 之后。有时,我的父母问我们,我们会做类似的情况,这使我们有机会重新思考。 我们不应该忘记,电视可以是一个优秀的教师。在这个大众传播媒介,我们认为时代,电视,如果引入了 右声道,才能真正火我们的想象力和促进家庭的凝聚力。

  Whatever people may say to the contrary, I have on use for TV. I know there are many people who go along with me, even though they seem to be willing to fall under the spell of the box every time they turn it on. What a waste of time! Let me count the ways TV plays havoc among the members of my family who are all bitten by the TV bug. First, we keep our eyes on the TV screen, forgetting what are in the dishes at suppertime. Second, on occasion we quarrel like anything with one another over which program to watch. Third, as long term faithful TV viewers we all wear glasses—a sad phenomenon for which we alone are responsible. Fourth, sometimes, misdirected by what we see on TV, we lose our sense and go against our parents' wishes. These are the things I hold against TV, and there are many others;. In fine, TV does d9isturb the peace of my family and for the sake of my family I really wish my mother could throw away that damned thing wrongly dubbed "the greatest invention of the twentieth century."

  无论人们会向 相反,我对电视的使用。我知道有很多人谁跟我一起去,虽然他们似乎愿意 属于法术的方块每次打开它。什么是浪费时间!让我来逐一电视剧浩劫中 谁是我的家人都是错误的电视咬伤的成员。首先,我们一直在电视屏幕上我们的眼睛,忘记了是什么 在吃晚饭的菜肴。第二,有时我们吵架彼此喜欢在哪个程序看什么。三, 作为长期忠实的电视观众,我们都戴眼镜,一个可悲的现象,我们完全负责。第四,有时, 对于我们在电视上看到有偏差,我们失去了意义,违背父母的意愿。这一切都是我认为对 电视,还有许多其他的;。在罚款,电视不d9isturb我的家庭和平和我的家人为了我真的希望 我的母亲可以扔掉那该死的东西误称为“二十世纪最伟大的发明。”

  With the rapid progress made in mass media the television set has become one of the most important appliances in a home and there is every indication that TV is playing an increasingly important role in our daily life. TV can provide us with he quickest and most convincing information. We can stay at home and know what is happening around us or hundred miles away. Watching TV programs has become one of the major activities in many homes today. A wide range of TV programs can cater to different tastes. My folks always sit side by side after supper in the living room to watch evening news and, while listening to the newscaster, air their own views. In addition to news programs, my family are also aficionados of sports programs. When a sports program is due on the air, we would prepare some refreshments and drinks and when it really appeared on he screen we would watch it with rapt attention like a group of crazies. If a team representing our country scored or missed, father or brother would get excited and yell and sometimes the dog next door would bark after them. On such occasions I think commercials are not made to appear for nothing for, among other things, they do serve as a tranquilizer when TV watchers are beside themselves with excitement. At times a contest was not yet over while mother had already prepared her meal. Mother would wait till the end of the contest if we were not hungry, and then we would begin to dine. TV provides us with not only information but also entertainment and through TV we can also learn a lot about modern life. Incidentally, TV also plays a role in keeping a family together and that is another reason I like it.

  随着 的迅速进展,电视机已成为家庭中最重要的设备之一,大众媒体在那里 种种迹象表明,电视是发挥我们的日常生活中越来越重要的`作用。电视可以说我们提供最快 最有说服力的信息。我们可以留在家中,知道什么是我们周围发生的事情或几百英里以外。看电视 项目已成为许多家庭的主要活动之一。一个电视节目能广泛满足不同 口味。我父母总是并存后,在客厅看晚饭晚间新闻,虽然听着 新闻广播员,空气自己的看法。除了新闻节目,我的家庭也是体育节目爱好者。当 体育节目是在由于飞机在飞行,我们会准备一些点心和饮料,当他真的在屏幕上,我们似乎 会看的像一个疯子组凝神它。如果一支球队代表我国取得或遗漏,父亲或 弟弟兴奋和呼喊,有时隔壁的狗后,他们将树皮。在这些场合,我觉得 广告是没有什么出庭,除其他外,他们作为镇静剂的时候看电视 忍不住心情激动。在次比赛尚未结束,而母亲已准备饭餐。母亲 要等到比赛结束了,如果我们不挨饿,然后我们将开始吃饭。电视不仅提供了我们 信息,而且还通过电视娱乐和我们也可以学到很多关于现代生活。顺便说一句,电视也发挥了 角色保持家庭在一起,另一个原因就是我喜欢它。

英文作文 篇2

  Although my family is a typical family of intellectuals, are members of income, mom and dad are in the hospital doctor or nurse, but wages are not high, a month to 100 yuan — 200 yuan, and now is not the same, only 100 yuan a month before — 200 yuan, now has 3000 yuan, we from the small and shabby house moved out, now this is spacious and bright big house, before the little house is only 40 square meters, and now the house is spacious and bright, you know how big it is big the house now has 150 square meters.

  Before a small house in the air is poor, but also the air circulation, the walls are moldy, and there is no window, summer, people sleep in the house, like lying in a large steamer inside, there are many mosquitoes and flies all over the sky to fly, mouse or even regard it as their home. The winter came, and the cold wind came in from the broken tile. When it's raining, it's raining hard outside, drizzling inside, and rainwater coming from the basin. Otherwise, you shouldn't feel sleepy tonight, because the rain will wash the quilt well.

  And now the big house has a good air, it is also circulating, the wall is painted that white paint! There is no window window to screen window, because I have air conditioning in summer and winter I am not afraid!

  My family has changed so much! The credit is also a government plan.

英文作文 篇3

  In the rapid economic development, increasing competition in the industry, enterprises want to rapid development in the fierce competition, people want to survive and develop in the enterprise, requires the enterprise employees must play the spirit of dedication.

  So, what is love and respect? I think the dedication is self love work, love their work, with a serious attitude towards self work, diligent, conscientious, dedicated, conscientious working spirit and work style. Loving one's love is a general demand for people's work attitude. Love their own job, that is, professional workers in the right attitude towards all kinds of professional work, and strive to cultivate love of self - work of happiness, honor. Once a man falls in love with his profession, his mind and body merge into his professional work. In ordinary positions, can make extraordinary career. Each post bears the necessary job functions, which are the leading roles of the employees in the division of labor. In today's society, employment means not only to obtain the source of life, master a means of livelihood, but also means that a formal identity recognized by society can fulfill the functions of society. National development, enterprise development and personal development require everyone engaged in all walks of life and jobs, and should love their own work. A passion for a career and a personal interest in a career. If you are interested, it is easy to produce love feelings. Without interest, you can not love. But every post has to be done. Therefore, the state and enterprises should arrange their personnel to various posts in a necessary way. Whether you are interested in what you are doing or not, you should start from the point of view of the needs of the whole society, cultivate interest and love this job. It is a manifestation of one's work consciousness. It is necessary to point out that...

  In our work, those good conditions, high treatment, professionalism, work and simple work, many people like to do, and love to do relatively easy. For our work in the difficult environment, gruelling or working in remote locations, monotonous work, low technology, high repeatability, and even dangerous work, bear work pressure, to make us do love and is not easy, in this situation, our employees in these positions and in love these jobs work hard working people is a noble character who is worth our learning portal staff. Devotion is in a serious attitude towards self work, diligent, conscientious, dedicated, conscientious working style. Ancient Chinese thinkers advocated professionalism, and Confucius called it "Deacon's respect". Zhu Xi explained that dedication was "devotion and devotion."". Our telecom enterprise is like a big machine, in which any department, link, even one of the small screw problems, will affect the operation of the whole machine. If our telecom staff can not perform their duties and be loyal to their duties, it will affect the whole work process of our whole enterprise. Serious will also bring losses to enterprises and countries, and give employees themselves will cause great impact and losses. In my opinion, dedication involves two layers of meaning: one is to make a living and the other is dedicated. Many people are holding strong breadwinners get rich to treat occupation. This kind of devotion morals factor is few, personal interest color increases, sometimes because of personal of but lose influence work, I feel should not advocate, but also can't completely oppose, our telecommunication member

  In part in this situation, they care about themselves more worry about personal gains and losses, gains and losses, this may affect our business interests. Another is because it is truly aware of the benefits of self work and dedication, this is the highest level of dedication, this spirit is inherent in promoting and carrying forward the spirit of professionalism. Is a powerful driving force to encourage people to work diligently, serious and responsible work. Among our telecom staff, this kind of person is worth learning and respected by all of us. Love and dedication are interlinked, they are related to each other in unison. Love is the foundation of dedication, professional dedication is the specific expression of love, not love, it is difficult to do the job, not dedicated, it is difficult to say is true love.

  Love and dedication requires each of us to do one thing and love one another. In the past China's planned economic system, each of us must obey the national distribution, according to the national plan to each of us must arrange to work, whether we go on what jobs have to do a line, love line. At present, under the condition of market economy in China, the implementation of the two-way selection of job seekers and employers, individuals can select enterprises, enterprises can also select individuals. The advantage of this type of employment is that it enables more people to work in what they are interested in. Employers can also select the right people they need. The two-way selection of employment mode can create the conditions for bringing people's intentions into full play. In my opinion, promoting love and devotion and loving one's duty does not mean that people can only do "one" business for the rest of their lives, and love "one" and does not exclude the overall development of human beings. We telecom enterprises have brought us a good atmosphere for learning and work, and encourage everyone to develop in an all-round way. Personality is the day when industry competition and enterprise competition are getting worse. It requires our employees to go through their own jobs and to a certain extent

英文作文 篇4

  i have a pet dog, it”s name is bear. it is a lovely dog. it was born in 20xx. it has a pair of big black eyes, and it is black all over. it has four long legs and a long tail. it often play with me, i love it very much.

  【i have a cat 】 i have a cat .its name is mimi. it's very lovey.my family all like it.

  it always plays with me every day .it has black and white fur.as long as we say'mimi',it right away runs to you.

  it's very good!so my family all like it!

  mother gave me a lovely "pig" made of cloth on my tenth birthday. it was very lovely. the pig was dressed in blue. he had a red face and a little mouth. his two ears were just like two fans. he really looked funny. there was always a smile on his face. he must be a happy "pig" , i think.

英文作文 篇5

  Different people have different views on success.Some hold that making a great deal of money means success.Others argue that holding an important post in the government means success.Still others believe that having a high academic title at a famous university or a research institute means success. In my opinion,success means brilliant achievement in our work.In other words,no matter what we do,making outstanding contributions to the development of our country and bringing help and happiness to others is success. To achieve success,we should,first of all,have a clear long-term goal in our life.Besides,we should have short term goals in different periods of life.

  As we know,it is these short term goals that make our long-term goal possible.Second,we should be both perseverant and hardworking.Whatever we do,there are always two possibilities:success and failure.We should never lose heart when we come across difficulties or when we are confronted with failure.Instead,we should learn from our experience,build up our confidence and work even harder and smarter towards our purpose.

  Third,we should follow the examples of those who are successful and learn from them.Finally,we should try to get along well with our classmates and colleagues.We should care for each other and help each other in our study,our work and our life,because team work is of great importance in the realization of our dream. If we can follow these principles,we will certainly achieve remarkable success in our life.

英文作文 篇6

  It’s 23:09pm now. It’s Saturday today. Having finished replying some of the essays in my beloved English Salon, I realized I still have one more relaxing day to enjoy. I felt good when I noticed it.

  I hate Mondays, because there will be too many things for me to do. On Mondays, I will re-arrange my schedule on meeting some of the foreign investors in my city; check my email boxes to find out if I get new emails from my customers and friends; remind my boss what should be done and whom he should see in the week.

  And I know from Monday on, I will keep working for 8-10 hours a day, and I will work hard for the next four days. I may feel tired, exhausted and frustrated. I may have to drink with some people I never like, and I may have to send my boss home and help him with his private things. Monday is always full of obligations for me.

  On Mondays, I will re-join the vehicles tide to go to work. I may/will see some traffic accidents and many traffic policemen, who always hide themselves somewhere and won’t show up until you break the laws. On Mondays, I will still need to make my way out of the heavy group of those who ride bicycles and motorcycles, because they seldom pay respect to the traffic laws. And of course, I will see my QQ friends and give my greetings to them on Mondays.

  Thanks God. It’s Saturday today! So I can still make plans with my pals for going somewhere in the city to have fun. My father has asked me to join a dinner with his friends the next day, so I would be able to hear more useful experiences from those who have been doing business for many years.

  And since it is Saturday today and I have solved the problem with my wife, I will go shopping with her tomorrow. I’m gonna buy some really cool stuff to memorize this super unforgettable “incident”. My wife asked me to play badminton with her tomorrow. I said yes. You see, A Saturday could be wonderful day if you are in a really good mood!

英文作文 篇7

  Ocean marine pollution is from domestic sewage and municipal refuses. When the pesticides went into the marine ecosystem, they quickly become absorbed into marine food webs. Once in the food webs, these pesticides can cause mutations, as well as diseases, which can be harmful to humans as well as the entire food web.

  About 60 percent of cities are polluted in China. The rubbishes are everywhere. And the air pollution is also very serious. Exhaust fumes, household garbage and industrial refuse all can make our city dirty. So, don’t spitting ,don’t litter, don’t graffiti on the wall!Forest

  The forests are being destroyed now. Acid rain, big fire and saws always break the forests unfeelingly, so, they are in danger . The number of forests are becoming less and less. Let’s plant trees and protect the forests together!River

  There are many things in the river, like newspaper , oil, chemicals and heavy metal. If we drink the water that’s from the polluted river, we will get sick or die. And the plants which is near this river will die. So, don’t sewage effluent into the river!

英文作文 篇8

  我的家乡在绥阳,绥阳是一个比较热闹的小镇。 My hometown in Suiyang, Suiyang is a more lively town. 在民间传统节日中,最热闹的也就是春节了。 In the traditional folk festivals, the most popular is Spring Festival.

  春节也叫做过年。 Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year. 一年一度的春节大家都很重视,各家各户都在春节前半月就忙着筹办年货。 We attach great importance to the annual Spring Festival, Spring Festival, each household are busy organizing the first half of the stocking. 卖对联、鞭炮、食品的人都会大赚一笔。 Sell couplets, firecrackers, food, people will make a killing.

  到了除夕中午,各家各户都贴上了红红的对联和各式各样的福字。 By New Year's Eve at noon, each household has a label on red couplets and a wide variety of good fortune characters. 远方的亲人都要赶回来吃团年饭,到了晚上八点,大家都围在一起看联欢晚会。 Distant relatives should be back to eat Nian Fan Mission, to the 20 o'clock, we all sat together to see Festival. 当新年钟声敲响时,大家坐在一起吃饺子,饺子里包上钱,如果有人吃到了钱,就象征着一年财源滚滚。 When the New Year when the bell rang, we sit together to eat dumplings, dumplings inside packets of money, if someone eat the money, it symbolizes the one-year rolling financial resources.

  到大年初一的早晨,家家户户的男女老少都穿上了漂漂亮亮的新衣服。 To the lunar New Year's morning, every household of the young and old, wore new clothes neat. 在震耳欲聋的爆竹声中,拜年开始了。 In the deafening sound of firecrackers, the New Year began. 小孩们给大人恭喜,大人忙着给小孩掏红包。 Congratulations to the adults the children and adults busy for kids dig red envelope. 在这天小孩可发了大财。 In this day a child can be made a fortune. 朋友互相访问,亲戚往来也是春节的主要活动。 Exchange of visits to friends, relatives and contacts of the main activities of the Chinese New Year. 从初二到元宵节的期间,大街小巷男女老少三五成群,拿着礼物去串亲访友,谈谈过去一年的生活或新的一年的打算。 During the period from two days to the Lantern Festival, the streets of men and women gather in small groups, carrying gifts to the string of pro-and friends, and talk about life over the past year or new year plans.

  这就是我们家乡的民间风俗----春节。 This is our home folk culture ---- Spring Festival. 我喜欢家乡的春节,喜欢它的情趣盎然,更喜欢春节的欢天喜地,因为在春节这一天,大家都可以团团圆圆一起分享快乐。 I like the hometown New Year, like it's fun-filled, more like the Chinese New Year of the rapture, because the Spring Festival this day, everyone can share their happiness with the round and round.

英文作文 篇9

  The word "birthday" brings happiness and happiness to many people! I would like to thank my birthday for having the most happy yesterday. Maybe this is the milestone of my growth. Just yesterday, I learned more...

  Once the so-called time goes without reflux, and I don't seem to realize! Until yesterday, the word "birthday" woke me up and seemed to hear a sweet whisper: "you are eleven years old!"

  In the morning, the world is getting a lot of rain, bigger and bigger, the plan will still be on time? Parents are so happy, they gestured me hurry, ride "KFC", at this moment, I'm very touched, more let I didn't think my parents "KFC" wait for me, here is very beautiful, on the wall for a variety of birthday card, next to the two POTS of flowers, a basin is fiery-red color unknown flowers, one is like the trumpet flowers open. Early in the waiting for the friends, they are the father to get here early.

  After a happy birthday song, I blew out eleven candles. Dad, we're going to play the game: who can tell the birthday of their parents and give a piece of cake... Suddenly, the noise stopped. My heart is so quiet, tears wet, so many years, my birthday always in different places always so rich, but I have never been to my parents birthday party? I don't even know their birthdays!

  I really want to say to everyone, "dad, mom, I remember today's birthday party, and I remember the care you have given me over the years, and you will always be the light in my heart!" As the celebrity Einstein said, "remind yourself every day that my life depends on the work of others. I have to do my part to repay what I have received and what I still receive."

  Out of the "KFC", the rain is still down, looking at a pound of heavy rain, I once again yusheng a gratitude: this heavy rain polyester my heart, appreciate my parents, give too much love for me; Thanks to my friends, let me have such a special birthday party: thanks for the birthday, let me have today's growth!










