
2022-05-08 英语作文


英文作文 篇1

  I recently started a new job, in a small office, where four of us share a fridge。 In that fridge is a Brita water filter pitcher。 One of my coworkers plained the water tasted "dirty"。 It went on for a few days, and she was stunned I could drink the water without any trouble。 I started to doubt my taste buds, but the water really tasted fine。


  Finally, she figured out the problem was actually her cup。 She simply forgot to clean it, and after awhile started to affect the water inside it。 She cleaned her cup, and drank the water with no problem。


  I can't help but think about the world we live in。 Too often we quickly blame other people, other things, anything else but ourselves。 "You're racist"。 "You're intolerant"。 "You're the problem"。 The world isn't perfect, I know, but I think we should take a step back sometimes and ask ourselves some tough questions。


  Can I be better? Is my heart really pure? Can I help this situation with kindness?


  I want to tell you this; please clean your cup。 Because when you do, the water will taste much better。 I promise you this。


英文作文 篇2

  A Good Plan

  Now I am a middle school student, and I have some experience on study. I think a good plan is the most important.

  In the middle school, there are a lot of things to do every day. So you must have a plan to help you do all the things, or you will be very busy and can’t do things well.

  First, a plan can help you save much time. It makes you know which must be done first and which can be done second. It makes you very clear in doing things.

  Second, a plan can help you do things better. A good order of doing things makes you happier and relaxed. You can do things quickly and happily and you will be interested in everything you do and want to do more.

  Third, all kinds of small plans will help you know how to make a big plan a life study plan. So if you want to make your life better and better, you should plan all the things you will do, and at last make a good plan for your life.

  A Good Harvest

  In spite of the flood disaster, a good harvest is still in sight.

  Yesterday we went to a nearby village to help the peasants get in the crops. We left our school early in the morning. It took us half an hour to reach the village. As soon as we got there, we joined the peasants in their harvesting work. They taught us how to cut rice, and how to tie it. It was in the fields that we had our lunch. After lunch, we had a short rest. We were fascinated by the beautiful scenery of the countryside. It got dark when we returned home. We were very tired, but we felt very happy.

  My Diary

  Saturday, May 26 Windy

  Saturday again. How time flies! Another week has gone.

  This afternoon, I was often absent-minded in class, for I was thinking of the film "The Sound of Music", which would be shown at 7 p.m. on the school playground. As soon as class was over, I hurried out of the classroom.

  On the way home I saw a little child standing by the roadside crying. Obviously, he had lost his way. Forgetting all about the film, I went up to him and asked him to tell me whatever he knew about his family. It took me nearly an hour to send him home. His parents were very glad to find their lost child back and thanked me again and again.

  I missed the film. But I felt happy.

  Air Around Us

  Air is around us. We can not see it, smell it, or taste it. But we can feel the wind blow. We can see the wind move waves on the water, clouds in the sky, and tree branches. Wind is moving air.

  Without air we could not breathe. There could be no living plants or animals. Because sound travels through air, without air there would be silence. The movement of air can support a large, heavy plane.

  Air is a mixture of gases and water vapor. The most important gases in the air are nitrogen and oxygen. 78 percent of the air is made up of nitrogen, and about 21 percent of oxygen. Almost all living things use the oxygen in air. Fire cannot burn without oxygen.

  Time Is More Valuable Than Money

  People often say, "Time is money," But in fact time is more valuable than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can earn it back. However, when time is lost, it will never return. This is the reason why we must value time.

  The time we have is limited. Every second is precious. We should make full use of our time. But there are a lot of people who do not know the importance of time. They kill away their time chatting, smoking, drinking or gambling, They do not realize that wasting time is simply wasting their valuable life.

  In a word, we should get into the good habit of saving time. Do not leave what can be done today until tomorrow. Laziness will not only bring us failure but also lead us to the road of poverty.

  A piano player

  What do I want to do when I’m older? Someone wants to be a doctor. Someone wants to be a basketball player because they are good at sport. Someone wants to be a writer and to make the writing. Someone wants to be a teacher because they like teaching children.

  I like playing the piano and I good at it. So I want to become a piano player. Play the piano is very interesting. And you can learn something of music. Piano can make you like music. A lot of musician and singer are love playing piano.

  I play the piano when I’m ten years old. Now I’m in grand five. I hope when I’m sixteen years old , I can become grand eight. I’ll be harder and harder to practise.

  Become a piano play is a hard job. But I believe I can do it.

英文作文 篇3

  The modern life is becoming more and more colorful. The Internet is an important part of our life. It makes our life more interesting. Do you know about the most popular Internet tool? It named micro blog . It means a small blog. The differences betwwn them are the micro blog is simpler and more convenient than a common blog. The first micro blog website is Twitter. And it’s also the most famous in the world. Now many famous persons in different professions have micro blogs such as Han Han, Liu Xiang, Lady Gaga, Bill Gates and so on.


  Chinese micro blog has about five years of history. Though it’s very short,the micro blogs in China are popular with young people, especially we students. We students believe that micro blog is very useful, we can do many things by using it. For example, we can get news and information quickly. And we can write our feelings, our sense of life and some small things everyday on it, just like keeping a simple diary in 140 worlds or fewer. We can enjoy or upload photos, videos and music easily. What’s more, we can find or create a hot topic, and then talk about the topic with others online. How interesting!


  Lots of my classmates and teachers have micro blogs. I also like using micro blog very much. I often upload my pictures and get some advice from others who can draw well. And it’s also a great way to learn English by using micro blogs. We can try to write three beautiful English sentences and then ask someone to modife them and teach us online.


  All in all,there are many advantages of using micro blogs, this can only give a brief introduction. But remember not to spend too much time on the Internet. Let’s surf the web healthily and grow up happily!


英文作文 篇4

  The cute boy is my little cousin, the youngest of my aunt and also her most beloved. He is almost five this year in preschool(the school year just before elementary school in my city).

  I shared my summer vacation with him this year,and it turned out to be quite pleasurable and funny. I will pic up a scene for you;it is at the swimming pool. That day, my sister, he and me went to the swimming pool near my home and i bought the tickets. My sister, my cousin and i, then, made for the changeroom. When we got to the door, he stopped and was hesitant,murmuring,"i am not entering it,it's for girls." All of a sudden, my sister and i bursted into laughter. So, i had to give his swimsuit to him. He ran for the men's and stopped outside. After looking into the room for a moment, he walked in it. A while later, when we two girls were finished, he was waiting for us outside.

  He was a green in swimming. Instead of being afraid, he was filled with exitment,showing his little tight teeth, while my sister and i held his arms firmly.

  What an cute angel my cousin was.

英文作文 篇5

  假定你是李华, 你的英国朋友Peter来信向你咨询如何才能学好中文. 请你根据下列要点写回信.

  要点: 1. 参加中文学习班;

  2. 看中文书刊、电视;

  3. 学唱中文歌曲;

  4. 交中国朋友。


  2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

  3. 开头语已为你写好。

  June 8, 20xx

  Dear Peter,

  Im glad to recerve your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well.


  Dear Peter,

  Im glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well.

  Here are a few suggestions. First, it is important to take a Chinese course, as youll be able to learn from the teacher and practice with your fellow students. Then, it also helps to watch TV and read books, newspapers and magazines in Chinese whenever possible.

  Besides, it should be a good idea to learn and sing Chinese songs, because by doing so youll learn and remember Chinese words more easily. You can also make more Chinese friends. They will tell you a lot about China and help you learn Chinese.

  Try and write me in Chinese next time.

英文作文 篇6

  My favourite bookDo you know Harry Potter? It’s one of my favourite sparetime readings and it’s written by J. K. Rowling. She had the idea about Harry Potter when she was on train “Harry just walked into my head.” She said later. She started writing the first edition of Harry Potter the next day. Harry Potter is a magical school student who wears glasses and has no parents now he is 16 years old. He is very brave and known by everyone because he is the only person who will not die by devil. At school he has two good friends they are Rone and Henry. When read the book my first time I feel very exciting and interesting. So I read it again and again each time I have different feelings sometimes I even feel as if I’m one of Potter’s partners. Now there are five edition of Harry Potter published and they are very popular with young students. Books about Harry Potter have sold millions of copies all over the world. Do you like Harry Potter? If you haven’t read the book yet read it now and you’ll find a wonderful world.

英文作文 篇7

  Claim: We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from those whose views contradict our own.

  Reason: Disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.



  I concede that undue discord can impede/hamper learning. Otherwise, in my view we learn far more from discourse and debate with those whose ideas we oppose than from people whose ideas are in accord with our own.

  1. Admittedly, discussing with those whose views we share is efficient with an accordant atmosphere.

  1) When facing a question, people are inclined to talk with those who are in accord with them instead of with those opposing them.

  2) People from different regions may even contradictory on some questions, such as whether to eat pork. In that case, its impossible to communicate between the two sides.

  2. However, it is common that we learn more from those hold different views against ours.

  1) Difference in opinion, perhaps due to consideration in other direction, may remind us what we have neglected.

  2) The two parties with different knowledge are able to complement each other.

  1. Besides, people holding the same views often have the same way of thinking. Its hard to progress for them to discuss together.

英文作文 篇8

  I grew up in a small village. I am the second child of the family, and my sister is the eldest. Our house is on the main street of the village so I always saw a lot of people on the streets There were farmers, fishermen, and a few merchants in the village.

  My sister and I used to play with the next-door children; their father is an elementary school teacher. Sometimes when we played together in the house we made so much noise that my mother wanted us to play outside, so we went to the seashore to look for crabs and clams, and pretty seashells, too. Also, we enjoyed running on the beach chasing each other. On breezy days we used to enjoy flying kites on the beach. When I look back on my early life in the village, I feel I had a happy childhood.

英文作文 篇9

  People always say that the most valuable things in the world is gold, but I disagree. I think the ability to read and understand other people's idea is more valuable than any tangible things in this world. Reading is always good even if you don't agree with what the author wrote.

  There is an old saying: Reading bring us everything. We should never stop learning for the entire life.

英文作文 篇10

  Everyone will have a rival, in the life everyone need also.Mom and dad's opponent was the unit of uncle aunt, better students is good student opponent...Do you know what is my opponent?Probably you had not found out the rest of my life, my opponent is, let a person smile to head off, no ghosts in the world.

  I am a girl watching horror fiction and horror movies.Whenever see who ghosts and bloody scenes just couldn't help shivering, heart maomao.Because see the horror films and a horror novel, can't often in bed sleeping or playing call mother accompany me to sleep.To this end, make mother helpless have to promise me or implement sticks education.

  One day, mother gives a bowl of water "god", a crackdown on monsters.In the evening, my mother in my room and the "god of water", and then read it I didn't understand abilities requires some evil to me.Rise, mother she said to me "has now been put inside the ghosts under repression, you can set his mind at to sleep."So I was unusually obedient into the pillow, because there is "water" god protect (on) me.

  Night, the end of my nose has a faint scent of jasmine flavor haunt in my side, as if a sleep easily let me fall asleep, and seems to be a requiem sweet sleep with me.Gradually, I closed my heavy eyelids, go to duke to play chess.










