英语五年级《We lived in a small house》教案

2022-08-26 英语教案

  作为一名默默奉献的教育工作者,时常需要编写教案,教案是备课向课堂教学转化的关节点。那么应当如何写教案呢?以下是小编收集整理的英语五年级《We lived in a small house》教案,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。



  (1)新单词life ,different, ago, any, television, grandchildren, us, grandmother, lady

  (2)新句型:There be ……,We lived…many years ago. We live…now.

  2、技能目标:能根据情境正确使用There be ……,We lived…many years ago. We live…now.句型谈论生活、学习中的事物,提出问题并作出解答。



  学会There be ……,We lived…many years ago. We live…now.句型并能在生活中灵活运用该句型。




  Step1 Warming up(热身复习)

  T:Good morning, boys and girls!

  Ss:Good morning, Ms Liang.

  T:Sit down, please.

  Ss: Thank you!

  T: You’re welcome. Do you have a good time in your holidays?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: Now, let’s sing a song—Where did you go.Ok?

  Ss: Ok!

  T: Great!Who can tell us were there any happy things in your holidays?


  Step2 leading in(课文导入)

  T: In the winter holiday, you had a lot of changes. Now you are older and cleverer .I am very glad to see your changes. Everything is changing. No change, no progresses.教师边说边把新单词“change”板书到黑板上,出示课题。

  Step3:New teaching(课文教学)


  T: I am a teacher, you are students. We are different.(different要读慢且重读)出示different的单词卡片。老师示范学生跟读。

  T: OK. Look here!What’s this?(指着电视机图片问)

  T: Yes, it’s a television.出示television单词卡片,让学生读。

  T: Look at the blackboard.出示课件一个祖母和几个外孙女对话。教师紧跟出示grandmother和grandchildren的单词卡片。学生读。

  老师出示life的单词卡问:What’s the meaning in Chinese?


  T:life生活。 Life↗ life ↗life↘学生跟读

  T:T am a lady(指着自己说)并出示单词卡。学生读。

  T: ago↗ ago↗ ago↘。one by one please.

  Ss: ago↗ ago↗ ago↘




  教师把画有房子和汽车的两幅画挂在黑板上,问学生:Are there anythings in the picture?

  Ss: There are houses and cars.

  T:Yes. There are houses and cars. We live in the house. We will learn something about this picture. OK, Listen the radio.





  先让学生熟读课文第二部分:Listen and say

  问一学生T: Were there computer in your house?

  S: No.

  T: There were no computer in his house. Follow me.

  Ss: There were no computer in his house.以同样的方式问几个学生。

  T: They are very clever!Now, We can see a lot of buses and cars in the road. Yes?

  S: Yes!

  T: There are a lot of buses and cars in the street.

  T: Are there anythings in our class?

  S: There are blackboard、book……



  T: Boys and girls look at me. Who can talk about these pictures?

  Ss: Four years ago, we lived in the small house. Now, we live in a big house.(老师帮助学生完成)

  Ss: Four years ago, We flied kite. Now ,we listen to the music.让学生充分发挥想象,自由发言。

  Step4 Summary and homework(总结与家庭作业)


  T: Today, we learn about the different between past and now. Now, we live in a happy life, we should love our life. and love our parents.

  Today’s homework(家庭作业)

  Listen and read Unit1 three times, try to recite and act.

  Copy the new words and sentences.


  Module 1 Changing

  Unit 1 We lived in a small house.

  weren’t lived small

  aren’t live big

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