简介:Unit6 Entertainment and friendship Topic 1 I would rather watch sports shows than those ones.Section B ppt制作 课件内容形象、丰富。练习题设计适当。能练习学生的基本功。使学生学有所得,在教学中,能体现学生主体,教师主导的作用。使学生能享受成功的喜悦。. 上传者:李梅
相关课件: Unit 6 Entertainment and friendship Topic 1 I would rather watch sports shows than those ones.Section A
简介: ppt制作 多媒体课件制作内容丰富。重难点突出,能突出学生主体,教师主导的作用。. 上传者:李梅 「下载次数:1374」
unit 6 Extensive reading (weekly)
简介: ppt制作 现在许多蔬菜种在温室里, 在那儿他们可以免受风雨袭击。
Today many vegetables planted in greenhouses, where they are protected from the rain and the wind .
8.在过去的十年中, 科学技术取得了重大发现。
In the past/last few years, important discoveries have made in science and technology.
. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:246」
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unit 6 全套课件(weekly)
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高二Unit 6 extensive reading
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Unit 6 extensive reading
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Unit 6 说课
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