导学案:Unit 3 Section B ( 1a ~ 2c )(新目标版 初三(九年级)上册)


简介: ppt制作 学习目标:
Learn to use “ Do you ever…?”.
Review “ how often”.
Review “ be allowed to + v.”
Grasp the key words and phrases:
(1) finish strict fail late need pass
(2) fail a test, pass a test,
get to class late, take the test,
walk to school, be strict with/in…, . 上传者:smzxxshh2011

相关课件导学案:Unit 3 Section A ( 3a ~ 4 )

   简介: ppt制作 Improve reading skills about making conversations. Learn to use “ be allowed to + p.p.” Grasp the key words and phrases: (1) by so neither with (2) stay up, clean up, on school nights, choose one’s own clothes, get one’s ears pierced . 上传者:smzxxshh2011 「下载次数:254」

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上一篇:虚拟语气及其它形式下一篇:unit 2 Is this your pencil? Section A Period One