The sea(人教版 高一不详)


作者:陈平 作者单位:郑州十中 简介:无

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Unit16 the sea dialogue

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Unit16 the sea lesson 62

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Unit 16 Lesson 62 The Sea

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Unit 3 Under the sea

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高二选修7 Unit 3 Under the sea-Listening

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Reading ( Unit 2, Book 6 ) The search for happiness

   简介: ppt制作 本人公开课课件 是一堂成功的阅读课The search for happiness件. 上传者:xuedan 「下载次数:295」

Unit 3 Under the sea

   简介: ppt制作 模块7 Unit 3 Reading(公开课). 上传者:xuedan 「下载次数:316」

Unit3 Under The Sea

   简介: ppt制作 模块7 Unit 3 Reading Under The Sea

. 上传者:xuedan 「下载次数:430」

Unit 7 The Sea Lesson 1 The Spirit of Explorers

   简介: ppt制作 北师大版模块3 Unit 7 Lesson 1 公开课课件. 上传者:xuedan 「下载次数:629」

Module 6 Unit 2 Reading (2) The Search for happiness

   简介: ppt制作 模块6 Unit 2 Language items 语言点讲练. 上传者:xuedan 「下载次数:399」

Unit 3 Under the sea (Reading)

   简介: ppt制作 模块7 Unit 3 Under the sea (Reading). 上传者:xuedan 「下载次数:510」

Reading Task The Inuit Legend of Sedana The Sea Goddess

   简介: ppt制作 新课标模块7 Unit 3 Reading task. 上传者:xuedan 「下载次数:382」

Unit 2 Under The Sea LANGUAGE STUDY

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M7 U3 Under the Sea

   简介: ppt制作 浙江省高中英语课堂教学研讨活动2个课件-Unit 3 Under the sea. 上传者:xuedan 「下载次数:261」

Lesson 2 Protecting the Sea

   简介: ppt制作 北师大模块3 Unit 7 Lesson 2. 上传者:xuedan 「下载次数:454」

Unit 7 lesson 2 protecting the sea

   简介: ppt制作 Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb,

Mary had a little lamb.

Its fleece was white as snow;

Everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went,

Everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go.

It followed her to school one day,

School one day, School one day,

It followed her to school one day.. 上传者:xiaozhou 「下载次数:301」

unit3 under the sea using language

   简介: ppt制作 unit3 under the sea using language. 上传者:xiaozhou 「下载次数:312」

2010届高考一轮复习 Unit 7 The sea(北师大版必修3)

   简介: ppt制作 2010届高考一轮复习课件 Unit7 The sea(北师大版必修3). 上传者:xiaozhou 「下载次数:263」

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上一篇:牛津版 模块1 unit 3 reading下一篇:lesson29