Part B: Let's learn @ Let's learn(人教版 四年级)


作者:秦琼 作者单位:无 简介:无

相关课件My Days of the Week Part B

   上传者:meilinvshen 简介:该课件能有效促进本部分的学习,提高学生的兴趣。 「下载次数:706」

Unit 6 Meet My Family Part B

   上传者:Rose 简介:生动的画面,各种各样的职业,给学生以亲切的感受,让学生怀着美好的理想去学习吧。 「下载次数:453」

My Birthday Part B

   上传者:meilinvshen 简介:运用大量的练习来巩固本单元所学内容,效果极佳。 「下载次数:371」

it's warm today part B

   上传者:haikuoyuyue 简介:这个课件教学设计的思路很清晰,引导学生在真实的情境中学习。 「下载次数:391」

Unit 2 What’s the matter, Mike? Part B

   简介: ppt制作 本课件将书中的全部知识点全部覆盖,会让学生上课积极,主要注重的是单词、句型等。例如: It’s Saturday morning. The ______ is fine. There is a football _____ ______ Class 1 ______ Class 3. Many students are ________. Now John ______ the ball. He ______ it to Mike. Mike ______ the ball. It’s a _______. Now Zhang Peng has the ball. He _____ it. The ball _____ into John’s face! John is a ____ angry. But the ball ______ off his head. It flies into the ______. Another goal! How is John’s _____ now? Guess! He’s so ______. Hooray! Class 1 _____ the game. But Class 3 is not _____. They are ______ at John’s _______ goal!. 上传者:fjqzcyg 「下载次数:29628」

上一篇:Unit 6 happy birthday下一篇:通过“猜猜看”的游戏,来复习三年级英语中很重要的两部分知识