
2021-06-17 ¾ä×Ó




¡¡¡¡I say£º to see the person of message Dragon Boat Festival is happy£¡


¡¡¡¡May I can put the best blessing to you£¬ and wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy£¡


¡¡¡¡Remember£º you smile smile of my world£¬ wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy£¡


¡¡¡¡Let this coat tightly with pass every minute near you£¬ wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy£¡


¡¡¡¡As friends£¬ I wish you happy Dragon Boat Festival


¡¡¡¡Not often contact£¬ but must heart£¬ As friends£¬ I wish you happy Dragon Boat Festival


¡¡¡¡Wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy


¡¡¡¡Wish you all the luck£¬ the Dragon Boat Festival is happy


¡¡¡¡Wish you and your families have a nice holiday£¡


¡¡¡¡Without it£¬ the gutty friendship£¬ but got the message£¬ wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy£¡


¡¡¡¡Fate£¬ let me meet you£» Happy£¬ let me know you£» Passions£¬ reminds me of you£» Friendship£¬ let us together£» Information£¬ let me have to send you£» Wish you all the luck£¬ the Dragon Boat Festival is happy


¡¡¡¡The arrival of summer£¬ wish you good mood£¬ had dropped greetings£¬ in this moment£¬ all the concern with compensation£¬ condensing this message£¬ wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy


¡¡¡¡Always happy£¬ happy heart£¬ wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy£¡


¡¡¡¡Filar silk gentle breeze£¬ preach to the festival£¬ piaoxiang distant remarks of you£¬ may you have this wonderful everything£¬ Dragon Boat Festival is happy


¡¡¡¡I do not have words to express£¬ only to have reality£¬ I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival


¡¡¡¡Peach son red£¬ apricot yellow£¬ fifth is the son of DuanYang£¬ zongzi incense£¬ packet five grain£¬ wrapped candy strip a zongzi£¬ a happy life million older£¬ wish you happy Dragon Boat Festival£¡


¡¡¡¡Best wishes to my friends£¬ the Dragon Boat Festival happy to be joyful£¡


¡¡¡¡While dumplings smell of incense£¬ missing float the river£¬ you and I separated a few hundred£¬ in the Dragon Boat Festival is more strongly because I want to share with you a happy Dragon Boat Festival


¡¡¡¡Today is the Chinese dragon boat festival£¬ I wish you a happy festival


¡¡¡¡God see you lonely£¬ so he created you friend I£¬ the Dragon Boat Festival arrived£¬ I wish you a happy holiday£¬ eat more rice dumplings£¡


¡¡¡¡a short message£¬ bless strings£º Dragon Boat Festival arrived£¬ wish happy£¬ a happy heart£» Healthy£¬ unwind£» Completely round£¬ boon conjugal love£» HeHeMeiMei£¬ thriving£¡


¡¡¡¡use a wisp of spring breeze£¬ the two drops of summer rain£¬ ¡ªpiece akiha£¬ four flower£¬ make it snows colorful box£» Floating ribbons waving discus with eight£¬ nine points sincere£¬ very enthusiastic£¬ put them in countless wishes to you£¬ let the Dragon Boat Festival good luck¡£


¡¡¡¡peach son red£¬ apricot yellow£¬ fifth is the son of DuanYang£¬ zongzi incense£¬ packet five grain£¬ wrapped candy strip a zongzi£¬ a happy life million older£¬ wish you happy Dragon Boat Festival£¡


¡¡¡¡piece of good news£º The Dragon Boat Festival the same day£¬ the first two digits of the phone is users can go to the free on¡ªstreet stalls for dumplings£¬ of course£¬ prior to being applied and who runs the burn ointment to prevent the water pouring into


¡¡¡¡I originally bought dumplings to give you£¬ and made a short message to you£¬ but the thieves got your phone£¬ dear£¬ we jump with Jiang Zemin£¡


¡¡¡¡the day I pack dumplings in their own hands£¬ we should see a good package£¬ but I do not know for a long time what point package of meat into the good Until I suddenly saw you£¬ I decided to pack it into the points Zhu Tourou¡£


¡¡¡¡I heard during the Dragon Boat Festival this year£¬ out of a strange£¬ I was just passing through£¬ but I do not think I saw everything£º the pig actually really like people holding mobile phone text messages are read£¡


¡¡¡¡Dragon Telecom test new features£¬ this month for free£¬ please click any of the number keys to test your IQ Test your IQ by zero Haha


¡¡¡¡I am bamboo leaves your rice£¬ layer by layer wrapped around you£¬ you are my teeth£¬ rice£¬ savory sweet stick you£¬ how much rice dumpling£¬ how much I think you£¬ remember to give me information£¬ or dumplings choke live you£¡




¡¡¡¡Sugar paste dumplings, full of your infinite yearning; meat dumplings, on behalf of the deeply for your blessing; Dragon Boat Festival, I want to cherish this opportunity, I send my mind: I wish you the Dragon Boat Festival happy!


¡¡¡¡Peach red, apricot yellow, fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival; colorful line, fried fragrant, in preserving health; dumplings incense, Wuliangye, candy strip a zongzi, a happy life million older, I wish you the Dragon Boat Festival happy!


¡¡¡¡Dragon Boat Festival, send you a happy dumplings, with my blessing; send you a happy dumplings, reflect my greetings; send you a sweet, soaked my care; send you a text message in the Dragon Boat Festival, transfer my wish, wish Dragon Boat Festival happiness.


¡¡¡¡Taohuawu peach blossom hut, peach blossom in the Peach Blossom Fairy; energy-saving, and the flowers for the drinks. I have been to the Dragon Boat Festival, rushed to text read dear; light slow dance song bless you, happy forever.


¡¡¡¡The arrival of the Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you ease of mind; the greetings had fallen, this moment together with the compensation, all the concern, condensing this message. I wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival!










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