


folk musicn.民间音乐
folk hero民间英雄
folk dancerphr. 民间舞者
folk medicine民间医药
folk kiln民窑
folk toy民间玩具


  folk religion民间习俗、信仰

  folk memory民间回忆[纪念]

  folk customn. 民间习俗

  folk costume民族服装

  put off fireworks放烟花


  wear new clothes in red穿新衣服


  a get-together dinner年夜饭

  spring festival春节


  买年货:Do Spring Festival shopping


  Chinese New Year custom culture has a long history. Various Chinese New Year customs have been developed all over the country. The North and the South are quite different and each has its own school. However, the preparation of New Year's Goods and the delivery of New Year's gifts are "necessary" for almost the whole country. Chinese families buy a lot of "New Year's Goods". Spring Festival couplets, lucky characters, new clothes and food during the Spring Festival (the market is mostly closed). Holding New Year's Goods is an important activity for Chinese people to celebrate the Spring Festival.

  剪窗花:Cut window flower


  In the folk people also like to paste various paper-cuts on the windows - window flowers. Window decoration not only sets off the festive atmosphere, but also integrates decoration, appreciation and practicability. While pasting Spring Festival couplets, some families have to paste the word "happiness" on their doors, walls and lintels. Spring Festival sticking the word "Fu" is a long-standing folk custom in China. The word "luck" refers to luck and good luck. It expresses people's yearning for a happy life and wishes for a better future. Some people simply put the word "happiness" upside down to indicate that "happiness has arrived" and "happiness has fallen (arrived)". In fact, the word "Fu" can not be pasted upside down, especially at the gate, where the word "Fu" should be pasted correctly. Folk people also have the word "Fu" carefully drawn into various patterns, such as longevity star, longevity peach, carp leaping Longmen, Wugu Fengdeng, Longfeng Chengxiang and so on.

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