
2022-12-05 好文


  疫情的英文感想 篇1

  It has been passed down from generation to generation for years.we stick to our original aspiration, forge ahead for years, and work hard for years. years ago, the Communist Party led the people of the whole country to unite as one, to face the difficulties, and to guard the spring Now, the Communist Party, which is still the same, is bound to usher in the spring of.

  Enjoying the romantic cherry blossom and appreciating the charm of Chu heritage, Wuhan, a mild and beautiful city, suffered a serious disease when people gathered to welcome the year of gengzi, which affected the hearts of the whole nation. Under the rampant epidemic, a group of people "walked in the opposite direction" fearlessly.

  "Hospitals are battlefields. As soldiers, who don't we rush to?" Zhong Nanshan, a Communist Party member with more than years of Party age, told the public "try not to go to Wuhan", but he rushed to the front. "Change everyone, Party members!" Zhang Wenhong, the leader of Shanghai medical treatment expert group and the director of infection department of Huashan Hospital, said, "hard core". They interpreted the oath of joining the party with their own actions. "I'm a party member. Let me come." Dr. Huang Xige, designer of Beijing Xiaotangshan SARS designated hospital, is over 80 years old. He asked to go to Wuhan to support the design and construction of huoshenshan hospital

  These heroes all have a common name - Communist Party members. They have great responsibilities, glorious missions. Where the tasks are urgent and dangerous, there are their figures. It is the lofty ideals and firm faith that give them the courage to move forward and the strength to fight.

  Looking back years ago, Zhong Nanshan "sent all the serious patients to me" and dared to speak up and lead people out of their nightmares in the SARS campaign; Huang Xige completed the design of Xiaotangshan SARS hospital in hours and built the world's largest first-class infectious disease hospital in seven days and nights; Liu Weiyu, M.D., was seriously ill and asked to do experiments on himself. He vowed to contribute his last strength to fight against SARS and to do what a communist should do

  The original mission of the Communists has been handed down from generation to generation. The resolute figures of years ago have appeared again. I firmly believe that the great victory will come in succession. Today, the war "epidemic" will win!

  The Communist Party members are always ready. When the motherland calls, when the people need it, they will go all out and rush forward. They will build protective fortresses with ordinary bodies and let the party flag fly high in the front line of the fight against the epidemic.

  "Epidemic is an order, and prevention and control is a responsibility". The grass-roots party organizations and Party members all over the country also play a full role in the fight against epidemic prevention and control as a fortress and a pioneer model. Focusing on Bishan District of Chongqing where I live, a flag is emerging.

  "More party members run errands, less residents go out", the Party branch of bilanhe community mobilized party members to lead the way and provide "nanny" life services for free, and built a "safety wall" for residents' epidemic prevention and control with the party flag; "the epidemic is not over, and it will go down every day", sun Shaorong, Secretary of the Party branch of Sanwu village, Dingjia street, walked 10 kilometers every day to check the epidemic situation door to door; Shangdongtian, a disabled Party member who has lost his right arm, takes the initiative to ask for war, and cooperates with Party members and cadres to contribute a unique "one arm" in the front line of prevention and control This flag is flying high in the vast land of the motherland

  Regardless of the vicissitudes of life, or the mottled years, the Communists held up their hopes and beauty with their hands.

  We firmly believe that the time will come when "spring is peaceful, the waves are calm, the sky is bright and the sky is clear". We firmly believe that the time will come when "long smoke is empty and the moon is bright. Fishing songs answer each other and the music is endless". We look forward to meeting under the cherry blossom when spring is warm

  Come on, Wuhan; win, Wuhan!

  Come on, China; win, China!

  疫情的英文感想 篇2

  Life is precious. Life should be colorful and beautiful. Of course, life is only once. Life is like fireworks. It can only bloom for a while, but it can't come again. Life is also fragile. Paul kochkin once said: the most precious thing in the world is life. Life is only once for every creature. Life is limited and short.

  This Spring Festival, we should have enjoyed the city's streetscape and beautiful lanterns. We should have gone to all kinds of places to play and travel. When I am full of hope for every good future, an unfortunate thing happened. This made me, who had been full of joy, look as if I were in the dust and look down. In the past years, the busy streets were covered with a layer of dust, only the beautiful lanterns were flickering alone.

  Jittery Chinese novel coronavirus has been "attacked" by China as a whole. All of a sudden, China has launched comprehensive treatment for the epidemic. The epidemic has spread rapidly and continuously, invading the human body rapidly. The number of people suffering from the disease has become more and more, which makes people tremble and tremble. Especially in Wuhan, Hubei Province, the epidemic situation is the most serious. Wuhan people hold on!

  Countless angels in white rushed to the front line recklessly. They all experienced the test of life and death. In order to put on protective clothing, they cut off the beautiful long hair. They said, "hair can grow again, but death can't revive." In order to save people, they were stuck with red marks by protective masks. Because of wearing gloves for a long time, their hands were blistered, which made people feel sad. After the treatment of nurses and doctors, several patients have successfully overcome the virus. I rejoiced at the exciting news. Chinese technology, come on!

  What shocked me was that this powerful new virus was caused by some weak and small wild animals, which have strong toxins. However, naive people even prey at will, and those wild animal toxins spread to human body, resulting in this large-scale coronavirus. This terrible virus is caused by human beings themselves. Rare wild animals! Love nature!

  Come on, Wuhan! Go China! We believe that difficulties will never stop us. Come on!

  疫情的英文感想 篇3

  The novel coronavirus be cast into the shade of people's Spring Festival at the beginning of the year of the mouse. The Spring Festival was suddenly overshadowed. This year's Spring Festival is also the most different one for me. Mom and dad didn't take me to the elder's house to celebrate the new year, or to the park or amusement park. Mom and dad told me that at present, our common people stay at home honestly, that is, they are making contributions to the country and not making trouble for the country!

  Although this spring festival because of the epidemic, every family has no past bustle, but because of this epidemic, let me feel the concerted efforts of the Chinese people! When we can feel the terrible virus at home, but there are a group of amiable and respectable medical staff, the first time fighting in the forefront of the epidemic. The virus is merciless, there is real love in the world! They gave up the day of reunion, risked the risk of being infected at any time, and wrote a letter of invitation, full of red fingerprints that make people cry. These angels in white work hard every day to fight in the front line of the epidemic. I hope you can defeat the epidemic as soon as possible and come back safely. I hope we can enjoy the motherland together when the spring is full!

  At present, everyone is responsible for the national disaster! Every change of the epidemic affects not only the hearts of the angels in white, but also the hearts of the people of the whole country and even the people of the world! The year old grandfather of Huzhou, who lives by picking up garbage, donated yuan saved by frugality without hesitation. Grandpa said: "when the country is in trouble, I will do my best. I can stand my heart. Don't write my name or report on me!" coincidentally, an uncle from Anhui Province ran into the police station and left with masks. He gave his love silently Although these people live at the bottom of the society and have no bright identity, this does not affect their patriotism. Although they can't spend a lot of money, what they donate has become more important than a lot of money, which makes countless people moved! Here, I firmly believe that: when the country is in a crisis, the whole people of the country will twist their hearts into a rope, and no disaster can defeat us! Come on, Wuhan! China come on.

  As long as we work together, the warm sun in spring will shine on every inch of our motherland, let's look forward to the time of spring!

  疫情的英文感想 篇4

  Life is precious, life should be hanging colorful, should be beautiful. Of course, you only live once. Life is like fireworks, can only bloom for a while, but can not come again. Life is also fragile. Paul Korchagin once said: the most precious thing in the world is life, life for each kind of living things only once. Life is finite and short.

  This Spring Festival, we should be happy, happy to watch the city's street scene, enjoy the beautiful lanterns; Go to all kinds of places to play, travel. When I was hopeful for every good future, an unfortunate thing happened. This made me, who had been filled with joy, suddenly turned to dust and dejected. In previous years, the bustling streets were covered with a layer of dust, and only the beautiful lanterns shone alone.

  The sudden epidemic has made the whole Chinese people nervous, and the novel coronavirus has "attacked" the whole country. Immediately, China launched a comprehensive treatment for the epidemic. The epidemic continued to spread rapidly and quickly invaded the human body. More and more people are getting sick again and again. People in Wuhan, Hubei Province, in particular, are the most seriously affected.

  Countless angels in white rush to the front line regardless of all they have experienced the test of life and death, in order to wear protective clothing, they cut off the beautiful long hair. They have said: "Hair can grow, but the dead can not be brought back to life." In order to save people, they were covered with red marks by protective masks. Because they wore gloves for a long time, their hands were blistered, which made them feel good. Treated by nurses and doctors, several patients have successfully overcome the virus. I cheered at the exciting news. Chinese technology, come on!

  What shocked me was that this powerful new virus was originated from some weak wild animals, which had strong toxins. However, naive human beings hunted them at will, and those wild animal toxins spread to human bodies, thus causing this massive coronavirus. This terrible virus was caused by human beings themselves. Rare wild animals! Take care of nature!

  Come on Wuhan! Come on China! We believe that difficulties will never stop us from moving forward. Come on!

  疫情的英文感想 篇5

  I can't wait for the new semester to start! Early in the morning, I was very happy and anxious. I was glad that I could finally see my dear students go to school to study. I was grateful that after all, the epidemic still had a little influence.

  The teachers on duty inside and outside the school gate and the security guard uncle had arrived early. After checking the mask, I rushed into the school and clocked in. The only difference was that I first went to the main gate of the school and queued up 2 meters away. After everything is ready, I walked slowly into the classroom, full of confidence, our class desk has a desk, as if to welcome every student! I have seen more than three months away from the familiar figure: a mask to wear a little crooked naughty boys, breathless ran into the classroom athletes, have a ponytail shy girl, of course, there are 304 class our beloved teacher in charge - Teacher Li...... Look at me, look at you, all have long after the holiday feeling, some boast "you have grown taller and tan", "you have become white and put on weight", "this holiday is the most comfortable! . Everyone was so excited to see each other, they all had so much to talk about! Students are forced to wear masks, the epidemic has not gone away, a pity, can not be good friends hand in hand to play with each other at close range! The classroom is also more disinfectant hand sanitizer, I heard that a few days ago each class teachers have gone to work in advance for each corner of the school disinfection. Epidemic prevention measures are also reflected in the noon, the classroom door waiting for a person a box of lunch, the students are eating with relish. In the last class of the afternoon, we did the math test properly. I was a little nervous. I thought it was also a testimony to how much knowledge students had learned during the online class at home during the epidemic prevention and control period.

  There was a test on the first day of school, which made me understand that this semester must be more tight, I have to work hard! I will split the wind waves, go forward bravely, get rid of the problem of dragging careless work, into a positive, more to do a real, strong, confident me! The new semester, the new vision, let's refuel together, students!

  疫情的英文感想 篇6

  Looking forward to, looking forward to, the notice is coming, the pace of school is near!

  In the unusual winter of 2020, ushered in an unusual winter vacation. However, after nearly three months of extremely long winter vacation, we are finally about to start school!

  At the moment of the epidemic, we responded to the call of the country to suspend classes and sit in the room to take online classes. At home, there is no noise in the classroom, there is no so-called "deskmate interference", only the silence of their own room, can not chat with friends face to face, anyway, I can not adapt to this state. However, when I heard the announcement that the school was about to open, I jumped out of my chair with excitement. There was always a vague excitement in my heart at the thought that I could finally return to my long-lost school.

  In this super long winter holiday, everyone is sitting in front of the computer or mobile phone, taking a fair online course, without all kinds of weird questions. So, this winter vacation is for everyone is a fair competition, everything depends on their own consciousness. I am extremely unfit to take online courses at home. After all, at the moment of the epidemic, who is not so at home, quietly waiting for the notification of the past epidemic.

  When the announcement finally came, I was relieved. A few days before the beginning of the semester, I began all the preparations for returning to school: a storage box for books. I also carefully sorted out the books that I would use and would not use again and again, just in case I forgot anything. My mother reminded me over and over again about what to watch out for in school, and I engraved it in my mind. Now everything is ready for the day when school starts. I thought that I could chat with my classmates and share my winter vacation experience. Can sit in the classroom, listen to the teacher inculcate; Can run freely in the playground, inexplicably excited.

  Lu Xun once said, "When a young man meets a deep forest, he can hack it into flat ground. Meet the wilderness, can plant trees; When you meet a desert, you can dig a well." As teenagers, we should not waste time after school. We should plan our time reasonably every day and silently accumulate strength. Only in the future can we take on the task of "saving people from fire and water".

  疫情的英文感想 篇7

  Suddenly found that our students' ability to adapt is still very strong, but wearing a mask for a long time or feel a little stuffy, quiet sitting can also, more words are not used to.

  Today, I heard the teacher said that there would be classes on Saturday, and the summer vacation would be postponed. I don't know if it is just this Saturday or every Saturday. When I heard the news, my mood was not beautiful. Our vacation is so "requisition", we also have the heart is unwilling, but the teachers more hard, obviously they have been teaching online, and then the extension of the teachers' workload has not increased a lot?

  Today is PE class again, I specially looked at the schedule, a week there are three PE classes, is it to give us more sports experience? This physical education class is still a lesson under the tree, because the weather is hot, wearing a mask, not suitable for other projects. The temperature difference between day and night in spring is big, in case you get a cold and fever, it will be bad. The students played their own guessing game, divided into two teams, each team of three people, if one team lost guessing, the winner will designate the other side a person to be eliminated, until the number of one side is zero. Why switch to this game? Because they don't think Truth or Dare takes too long to play more than a few rounds of a gym class.

  Due to the impact of the epidemic, the students are still wearing masks, and because of the weather, we are too lazy to move. I wish I could have a good PE lesson!

  疫情的英文感想 篇8

  At the beginning of the Year of the Rat, the sudden novel coronavirus disrupted the pace of people celebrating the Spring Festival, the original lively Spring Festival suddenly eclipsed. This Spring Festival is also the most different Spring Festival I have ever had. Mom and dad did not take me to the elders home to visit the New Year, also did not take me to the park, playground. Mom and dad told me that the current national crisis, our people honestly stay at home, is to make a contribution to the country, do not give the country trouble!

  Although this year's Spring Festival because of the epidemic, every family did not have the usual bustling, but because of the epidemic, let me feel the concerted efforts of the Chinese people! When we can feel the terrible virus at home, but there are a group of amiable and respectable medical staff, the first time to fight in the forefront of the epidemic. Virus merciless, there is true love in the world! They gave up the reunion of the day, at the risk of being infected at any time, wrote a scrappy letter of invitation, full of red handprints let people tear eyes. These angels in white work hard every day on the front line of the epidemic. I wish you an early victory over the epidemic and a safe return! May spring fill the earth, we enjoy the motherland together!

  Everyone is responsible for the national crisis! Every change in the epidemic not only affects the hearts of the angels in white, but also affects the hearts of people all over the country and even the world! An 83-year-old man in Huzhou, who collects garbage for a living, did not hesitate to donate the 10,000 yuan he had saved. Grandpa said: "The country has difficulties, I will make a contribution, I worthy of their own heart, do not write my name, do not report me!" Coincidentally, an uncle in Anhui ran into the police station, threw down 500 masks and walked away, silently giving his love... Although these people live in the bottom of society, there is no bright identity, but this does not affect their patriotic heart, although they can not deal with thousands of dollars, but they have donated more than thousands of dollars, let countless people moved! Here, I firmly believe: the national disaster, the whole country of the people bent into a rope, no disaster can beat us! Come on Wuhan! Come on China!

  As long as we work together, the warm sun of spring will shine on every inch of our motherland, let us look forward to the time of spring in the world!

  疫情的英文感想 篇9

  Students do not come to school, teaching without interruption. In order to do a solid job of epidemic prevention and control in the education system, the Education and Sports Bureau of Tianchang recently issued a work plan for delaying the opening of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens. In order to avoid the impact of delayed opening on students' study, the education and sports Bureau of Tianchang actively planned to launch online teaching activities to ensure that students would not miss a class due to the epidemic.

  Offline courses will be delivered online

  According to the unified deployment of the city's Education Bureau, in recent days, all primary and secondary schools combined with the actual situation, through the "wise learning network", "Aopeng teaching", "cloud conference", "learning for education", "learning power", "classroom in the air", "QQ group", "wechat group" and other platforms, respectively on the online teaching of the early test, operation and running-in. Due to school conditions, all schools adopt the mode of "one school one platform" and make full use of the optimized and most convenient digital resource platform to implement online teaching activities in various forms.

  In order to ensure effective results, according to the unified arrangement of the municipal Bureau of Education and Sports, during the delayed opening period, all schools should select high-quality resources and record high-quality courses according to the learning needs of students. Based on the online classroom platform, they should provide students with online teaching, interactive Q&A, homework consultation, tutoring and testing and other online services in an all-round and all-weather manner. At the same time, the home-school contact should be maintained and widely publicized through the home-school contact group, so that parents can actively cooperate with the school, according to the schedule, do a good job in the home study and life management and counseling during the delayed enrollment of children, and urge students to participate in online learning on time.

  "Unified release" combined to achieve two full coverage

  As an innovative move, the online teaching activity in Tianchang covers all students in the city, including compulsory education, preschool education and high school education. At the same time, the education bureau of Tianchang stipulated that online teaching should be conducted in full accordance with the national curriculum plan and schedule to ensure full coverage of the curriculum. All primary and secondary schools should formulate and publish the online curriculum schedule before the scheduled opening time. The Municipal Bureau of Education and Sports will strictly check the curriculum and content of each school to ensure that the curriculum is reasonable and the content is of good quality and quantity.

  In the city epidemic prevention and control science special layout meeting, the person in charge of the education and sports Bureau also stressed that online teaching should be unified and integrated, that is, unified teaching content and open online teaching form. At the same time, online platforms should be made full use of to publicize knowledge of prevention and control of novel coronavirus pneumonia to students. In teaching, ideological and moral education of students should be highlighted, and online teaching activities of senior three and junior three graduating classes should be emphasized.

  Teachers arrive early to make sure the school starts "on time"

  Suspension does not suspend school, leave the school without the teacher. According to the superior's arrangement, the original spring semester will be delayed after February 17th due to the epidemic. How to arrange the "empty period" of students' learning? Tianchang City takes schools and kindergartens as units to actively coordinate the teachers and deploy key teachers to participate in online teaching work. All key teachers who accept tasks will be on duty two days in advance. Develop a plan for online lesson preparation, classroom instruction and personalized tutoring to ensure that all students can start school at the "scheduled time".

  The person in charge of the city's education and sports Bureau has special requirements: all schools and parks should think deeply and plan the operational scheme of online teaching, and do a good job in the logistics and technical support of online teaching for teachers, and take this as an opportunity to establish the concept of modern education for teachers and improve the practical application ability of information education for teachers.

  疫情的`英文感想 篇10

  The coronavirus pandemic continues, lengthening holidays and delaying the start of school. Zhangji kindergarten teachers do not flinch in the face of the epidemic, and make effective use of the long vacation. Actively respond to the call to participate in online learning activities. Study hard, strive to precipitate, with professional growth to fight the epidemic to do their part.

  Learn the knowledge of protection and improve the level of prevention and control. In order to implement the relevant spirit of the provincial and municipal COVID-19 prevention and control working groups, earnestly do a good job in COVID-19 prevention and control, and effectively popularize prevention and control knowledge, on the afternoon of February 25, Zhangji Kindergarten organized teachers to participate in the online live training of "Operation techniques and personal protection Knowledge of COVID-19 Air Defense and disinfection in Jiangsu Province". In strict compliance with the requirements of prevention and control work, the teachers made full use of multimedia communication equipment and adopted the learning method of watching and recording at the same time. During the learning process, they took careful notes and actively wrote their training experiences. Through this online training, teachers deepened their understanding of personal protection work during the period of COVID-19, mastered the basic epidemic prevention and control disinfection operation methods, which was a good first lesson for the safe opening of the school, and further improved the effectiveness and pertinence of the epidemic prevention and control work in the kindergarten.

  Meet "Guide" study, tamp the theoretical foundation. Zhangji Kindergarten organized teachers to meet with the Guide to learn, with the help of the platform of the National Kaixiang Learning Bar, in-depth study of the Guide for 3-6 years old Children's Learning and Development, and conducted discussions on the implementation of the Guide which problems teachers should grasp, what are the definitions and development goals of each field, and how we should work according to the guide. Through online learning and training, teachers carefully recorded, reflected and discussed, further solid theory, for the future teaching practice and teaching research activities to lay a solid theoretical foundation.

  Review classic movies and reflect on educational behavior. Recently, the teachers reviewed the documentary "Lilliputian", saw the real scenes of learning, playing and living of a group of children with different personalities, observed the educational behavior of the teachers towards these children, and perceived the parenting concept of the teachers of Ba School. Through study and discussion, the teachers expressed their views and feelings, have said to learn the education behavior of the teachers of BA School, and summarized practical methods for the characteristics of the class children, hoping to use their love, patience, to give children a healthy and happy childhood.

  Home war "epidemic", more than learning; Charged and empowered, waiting to grow. We can't rush into battle, only to protect their own career, teach my children, do a great love, great justice, professional contribution. Teachers, work hard to build up energy, until then, the growth of the children will return us a satisfied smile.

  疫情的英文感想 篇11

  In January 2020, a novel coronavirus broke out in China, disrupting the life of the whole country and even the whole world, and disrupting the originally happy Spring Festival. From the initial lockdown of Wuhan to the launch of level 1 public health emergency response in all regions, it only took a few days. I think the various measures taken in this short period of time have demonstrated the rapid, timely and effective response of the country to the epidemic, as well as the timely control of such a major event by all provinces. In the face of the epidemic, the Chinese people have shown unprecedented unity and solidarity. Under the epidemic, the "common appearance" has touched you and me many times.

  The most beautiful contrarian - angel in white. There is no doubt that in the face of such a major public health emergency, the soldiers on the front lines are weak but strong angels in white. Borrow a fire across the country: what is the angel in white, but a group of children changed a suit of clothes, learn the appearance of predecessors, cure people, and death rob people. "The healer is kind! If there is a war! A call will be returned! Win the battle! We will fulfill our mission!" This is a vow from the heart! "Girls who love beauty cut their waist-length hair to make it easier to wear protective clothing; In order to save protective clothing, they did not leave the ward, did not eat or drink for eight hours, and put on diapers. "This is a touching act to overcome the epidemic. Wearing the isolation suit for a long time, the protective mask has left deep marks on your beautiful face, the mask has worn the bridge of your nose, and the gloves have soaked your hands white. This is to fight against death! I want to say, the greatest retrograde, the return of angels, the world is worth it! This cold season, is the angels in white brought us the most warmth, the greatest sense of security.

  The most beautiful figure -- ordinary people. If the angel in white protects our health, the sanitation workers protect our environment, the vegetable farmers ensure our "vegetable basket", and the grass-roots cadres ensure the safety of the community. And in this special time, they have warmed our hearts again. They kept their names, but left behind a wad of cash, all that was left of their meagre earnings; In the face of reporters, they think it is "not worth mentioning", just want to do something; They do not disturb others, secretly put down an envelope, a box of masks, a box of supplies; They learned that the medical staff to help Wuhan, cycling to bring their own fresh vegetables, but cold hands and face red... "As long as we are united, I do not believe that we cannot overcome this difficulty and overcome this epidemic", how simple and sincere feelings ah! Yes, China has a history of thousands of years and a long history. We are united, hardworking, positive and optimistic. In case of difficulties, we will soon overcome the epidemic with support from all parties. This cold season, it is these unknown heroes brought us the most moved, the biggest happiness.

  The most beautiful engineer - construction workers. This winter shook the world in addition to the country's strong measures against the epidemic, and China's speed: 10 days to build a hospital! Covering an area of 79,700 square meters, it can provide isolation wards with 1,600 beds and living quarters for 2,000 medical staff! It's an impossible task, and yet, once again, China has made the impossible possible. A decision, a responsibility; An urgent message, military command mountain; One minute response, two hours out, start on the spot, work immediately. In order to respond to the speed of the "infrastructure monster", countless builders rushed to the front line at all costs, just to use that brick by brick, beat the virus, save compatriots. They received phone calls and threw themselves into construction. They worked day and night to finish as soon as possible; They are serious, they do everything they can to ensure quality and quantity... In this cold season, it is these builders who bring us together to witness the speed of China and witness the miracle of China!

  Recent data show that the epidemic is under control, which is both exciting and exciting. Until the cherry blossoms bloom and the epidemic recedes, we will give each other a hug, give nature a hug, warm and sincere! Come on Wuhan! Come on China!

  疫情的英文感想 篇12

  My father and mother are both doctors. In the face of the pneumonia epidemic caused by the new coronavirus, they are at the forefront.

  At the high-speed quarantine station, there were many vehicles and passengers, so my father arrived at the assigned post at the first time to carry out safety inspection, temperature monitoring and other work tasks. Carry out orderly inspection of vehicles, and do the inspection, diagnosis and treatment, registration and other work patiently. Every day, I monitored the body temperature of outsiders, popularized the knowledge of protection, and disinfected the home. Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia, my father has been sticking to his post. My father was not worried about the risk of infection, but my mother, who was also on the frontline. Mom used to worry more about dad, but this time, dad is more worried about mom. I guess I think girls are weak. And my greatest wish is that they both come home safe.

  At this critical time, my brother and I will not give Mom and dad trouble. I study at home, finish my homework on time, and take care of my elderly grandparents. We just want to let the parents in the front line can work with peace of mind, to win the epidemic prevention and control war to contribute their own strength!

  This is my story. In the front line of epidemic prevention, there are many children's parents who are unknown and dutiful. They gave up their families for everyone, they fought side by side, but they kept silent. A cheer, a sound of peace, become an inexhaustible power to encourage each other to move forward! The doctor's benevolence, the adherence in the epidemic, please you must take care of yourself, must be safe!

  疫情的英文感想 篇13

  Unite as one, fight the epidemic together!

  Life is more important than Mount Tai. The epidemic is an order, and prevention and control is our responsibility. In the face of the sudden outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia, the battle of epidemic prevention and control sounded a clarion call. The Party organizations and cadres at the county level gave full play to their pioneering and exemplary role. The peasants also responded to the call of the state and consciously defended their homes.

  Many people have signed up as volunteers to protect the villagers' safety. My neighbor Uncle x is one of them. He is a veteran Party member over 60 years old. Although he is old, he is ahead of everything. He and more than a dozen young volunteers from the village followed the members of the village committee to carry out propaganda, investigation, platoon and touch, set up posts and prepare materials.

  To prevent villagers from going out, banners and sentries have been put up at every intersection of the village. Not afraid of the cold, Uncle x insisted on standing guard with the young people and distributing masks to the villagers. When someone goes out, he patiently explains the dangers of the epidemic. He even took out his son's small business speaker and exhorted the villagers to go out less, not to gather together, drink more water, wash their hands frequently and wear masks when they go out. Looking at the old man's serious and responsible appearance, the villagers all consciously and spontaneously defended their homes.

  At present, many patriots like Uncle x have emerged all over the country. Our motherland will surely defeat the epidemic as soon as possible.

  疫情的英文感想 篇14

  In the three to four months since the outbreak of the epidemic, I have gained some valuable growth experiences. For example, I gained the company of parents, because during the pandemic, it was very dangerous outside, and their leaders gave them the day off and told them to stay at home. I also gained courage, because now the epidemic is coming to an end, so many companies began to resume production, my parents went to work, let me stay at home alone, do not open the door, do not stand on the balcony.

  I also gained 4.5 pounds of meat. Because during the epidemic I ate a lot of meat, vegetables and fruits at home, and also can't exercise, because there is a virus outside, resulting in my more and more fat, now there are 62.3 kilograms, are fast father so heavy, also fast have a mother so heavy. I also got my own mask, much smaller than the standard version of the mask, and it was impossible to buy outside, because this mask was made by my mother's company with a mask machine, so I could not buy it.

  These are my biggest gains during the epidemic, such as company, courage, masks, etc., what is your gain?









