感恩母爱 Grateful motherhood

2022-03-08 好文

  The word "gratitude" often rings in my ears and mumbles in my mouth. Thanksgiving, in this world, we have to be grateful for too much, and the first thing we should be grateful for is maternal love.


  Our mother brought us to this wonderful world in October. After that, we start to grow up step by step from the baby. In this process, the mother's efforts to us are more than rewarding.


  How many days and nights, mother is at our side, because we can't sleep and noisy to tell us fairy tales. No matter how tired mother is, facing our request, mother is always unable to refuse. So, there are countless nights, the mother stood by us, again and again said slowly into our dream fairy tale.


  Mother's love is enveloping us in these countless nights, but we often ignore the fatigue revealed in mother's eyes because we are too self-centered. Busy with a day's mother, at night when it is not easy to have a good rest, but we are stubborn to mother to divide part of the energy to coax us to sleep. The greatness of maternal love lies in selfless dedication. Facing us, mother will always compromise.


  Thanks, let's thank our mother for her hard work. It is the mother who brings us up step by step. In our growth path, the mother stands beside us and looks at us quietly with a smile when there is nothing wrong. When we are in difficulties, the mother is always the first one to come forward. Mother will comfort us when we are sad and hug us when we are sad.


  Mother's love is a kind of emotion that mother poured into us. We should be grateful for mother's love and her company on the way of our growth.


  Gratitude can never just be said. It requires us to give practical actions. We need to know how to be grateful. For parents, even if we hand them a glass of water when they are tired, their hearts are warm. Gratitude lets us start from life.


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