CET4淘金词汇第一课 lesson1

2022-02-18 好文

  Lesson 1

  appoint vt. 任命,委派;约定

  Elaine Zhao, who was appointed as Secretary of Labor, is the first Chinese in the cabinet of the U.S. government. 赵小兰被任命为美国 劳工部部长, 成为美国政府内阁 成员中的第一位华裔.

  Let's appoint a time for the meeting.我们定个时间开会吧.

  appointment n. 约会,约定; 任命,委派

  You should keep an appointment after you make it.约好了就要守约.

  The appointment of Deng Yapingas member of the International Olympic Committee excited us.邓亚萍被任命为国际奥委会委员, 这使我们兴奋不已.

  arrange vi. 做安排,做准备 vt.安排;整理

  To our surprise, the fancy ball that she arranged turned out to be such a failure.出乎意料, 她安排的化妆舞会竟然会这样失败.

  I don't like anyone else to arrange my room for me, no one knows where I usually put my stuff.我不喜欢别人为 我整理房间, 因为没人知道我能常把东西放哪.

  We have arranged for the goods to be dispatched to you at once.我们已为立即向你 发运商品做好准备.

  Please make your own arrangements for accommodations.请自行安排住宿.

  Flower arrangement is an art that I know nothing of. 我对插花艺术一窍不通.

  attention n. 注意,专心;

  That swellhead never pays attention to what other people say.那个自大狂从来 不听别人的话.

  You must give a lot of attention to babies. 婴孩必须给予很多 关心和照顾.

  attract vt. 吸引, 引起...的注意

  Games can attract students' interest in learning English.游戏能引起学生对 学英语的兴趣.

  attraction n. 吸引力; 吸引人的事物或人

  The idea of working for state-owned enterprises

  has little attraction to young people nowadays. 现在去国有企业就职的想法,对年轻人没有 多少吸引力.

  The convenience of city life is one of its main attractions.便利是城市生活主要的诱人处之一.

  The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest tourist attractions in the world.中国长城是世界上最令人 向往的旅游胜地之一.

  delay n. 耽搁; 延迟的时间 vt.& vt.耽搁,拖延

  Please do it without delay.请马上行动.

  The deadline to hand in our proposals was delayed by 2 days.我们提交计划书的 最后期限推迟两天.

  Don't delay what you should do today.不要拖延.今天就做 你该做的事情.

  We decided to delay our holidays until the weather improves. 我们决定推迟我们 度假的时间直至天 气好转.

  vary vi. 变化,有不同 vt.改变,使不同

  Opinions vary from person to person.观点因人而异.

  I suggest you vary the pace at which you work.我建议你改变一下你的工作节奏.

  various a.各种各样的,多方面的

  For various reasons, China's accession into the WTO was delayed.由于种种原因,中国加入世界贸易组织的时间被推迟了.

  alter vt. & vi. 改变,变更

  Sharon Stone is really getting old,though her feature has not altered much through the years. 莎朗斯通确实是老了,虽然她的面容这些 年来没有什么改变.

  transfer vt. & vi.转移, 调动;转学 n.转移,调动;转车

  The head office of Jianlibao has been transferred from San shui to Guangzhou.健力宝公司的总部已由三水转到广州.

  If you are not happy here, why don't you ask for a transfer to another department?要是在这儿干得不开心,为何不要求调到 其他部门呢?

  shift vt. & vi. 移动, 转移,改变 n.转换,转变; 轮(换)班

  Winter is coming. The wind has shifted from east to north. 冬天即将来临, 风向已由东转到北。

  Learn to shift gear at the right moment while driving.开车要学会在适当的时候换挡.

  Not many people like to work the night shift.喜欢上夜班的人不多.

  cultivate vt. 耕作,栽培,养殖; 培养,陶冶

  Some of the areas in the west are poor because the land there is impossible to cultivate.西部的一些地区很穷,因为土地不宜耕作。

  Reading the best authors can cultivate your mind.阅读优秀作品能使你修心养性.

  seat n. 座位 vt. 使坐下,容纳...人

  Please take a seat. ;请坐.

  Will everyone please be seated? ;各位请就座.

  wear vt. 穿戴着;留(须、发) vi. 耐穿,穿破 n.服装,磨损

  I like to wear jeans because they wear well and comfortably.我爱穿牛仔裤因为它舒服又耐用穿.

  Constant dripping wears away stone. 水滴穿石.

  attractive a. 吸引人的,有魅力的

  Women who are over 30 can be quite attractive.30多岁的女人也可以很有魅力.

  lively a. 活泼的,栩栩如生的

  Only lively lectures can amuse and impress students.只有活泼生动的讲课才能把学生逗乐并给他们留下印象.

  transport vt.& vi. 运输 n. 运输,运输系统, 运输工具

  In the Netherlands,tulips are transported by air every day to many places in the world.在荷兰,每天都有郁金香空运到世界各地.

  Most people in Guangzhou go to work by public transport. 在广州,大多数人乘公交车上班.

  transmit vt. 播送,发射;传染

  I have never missed any World Cup final,which is transmitted live all over the world. 我从来没错过向全球直播的世界杯 (足球)总决赛.

  Sexually transmitted diseases in certain African villages can be rather serious. 传染病在非洲的某些村落相当严重.

  transform vt. 使改观,变换

  College life will probably transform a person's personality.大学生活很可能会改变一个人的个性.

  transplant vt. 移栽;移植(器官) n. 器官移植; 移植的器官

  Not every organ transplant operation can be successful,because the new organ may be rejected by the surrounding tissues.并不是每一个器官移植手术都能成功,因为移植的器官可能会受周围组织的排斥.

  liberal a. 开明的,自由的

  A successful leader always keeps a liberal attitude and listens to candid advice that may be unpleasant to the ear. 一个成功的领导者总是 保持开明的态度, 听取逆耳的忠言.

  Through the years, the liberal Party in Britain has lost power and influence. 英国的自由党 这些年来已失势.

  continuous a. 连续不断的, 不断延伸的

  Is this a continuous fight,or is there a layover somewhere? 这一航天班是直飞 还是中途有停留?

  long a. & ad. 长的,长久 n. 长时间,长期 vi.渴望

  I won't be long. ;我一会儿就来.

  Will you be away for long? ;你要离开很久吗?

  We're longing for the summer holidays. 我们渴望着暑假的到来.

  last a.刚过去的,最后的 ad.上一次,最后 vi.持续,维持

  The American presidential campaingn between Gore and Bush lasted so long that many voters finally lost their patience. ;美国戈尔和布什之间的总统竞选持续得太久以至许多选民到最后已不耐烦.

  continual a. 不间断的,频频的

  There appears to no end in sight over the continual debate over "human cloning"关于“克隆人”的辩论似乎没完没了.

  outstanding a. 杰出的;未解决的`,未偿付的

  Albert Einstein,an outstanding scientist, who advanced the Theory of Relativity, was singled out as Man of the Century by Times magazine in 2000.杰出的科学家爱因斯坦提出相对论,在2000年被美国 《时代》杂志评为 (20世纪)风云人物.

  A good deal of work is still outstanding. 还有很多工作尚未完成.

  consistent a. 坚持的,一致的

  What you are saying now isn't consistent with what you said yesterday.你现在说的与你昨天说的不一致.

  considerate a. 体贴的,体谅的

  Do you prefer an ugly but considerate wife or a beautiful but self-centered one? 你宁愿娶个体贴的丑妻还是一个自私的美妻?

  optimistic a. 乐观的,有信心的

  The stockholders of Phoenix TV are optimistic about the company's future. 凤凰卫视的股票持有人 很看好公司的前景.

  optionala. 可以任选的, 非强制的

  Some courses in college are required while others are optional. 大学里有的课程是必修的,有是是选修的.

  obvious a. 显然的,明显的

  It was obvious that Tess hadn't recovered her painful past when she refused Angel's first marriage proposal.苔丝还没有从痛苦的过去中恢复过来,因此她拒绝了安昭的第一次求婚.

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