2021-06-14 É¢ÎÄ



¡¡¡¡The first snow came.How beautiful it was, falling so silently, all day long, all night long, on the mountains, on the meadows, on the roofs of the living, on the graves of the dead!


¡¡¡¡All white save the river, that marked its course by a winding black line across the landscape, and the leafless trees, that against the leaden sky now revealed more fully the wonderful beauty and intricacy of their branches!


¡¡¡¡What silence, too, came with the snow, and what seclusion!


¡¡¡¡Every sound was muffled, every noise changed to something soft and musical.


¡¡¡¡No more trampling hoofs, no more rattling wheels! Only the chiming of sleigh-bells, beating as swift and merrily as the hearts of children.


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¡¡¡¡The thermometer had dropped to 18 degrees below zero, but still chose to sleep in the porch as usual. In the evening, the most familiar sight to me would be stars in the sky. Though they were a mere sprinkle of twinkling dots, yet I had become so accustomed to them that their occasional absence would bring me loneliness and ennui.


¡¡¡¡It had been snowing all night, not a single star in sight. My roommate and I, each wrapped in a quilt, were seated far apart in a different comer of the porch, facing each other and chatting away.


¡¡¡¡She exclaimed pointing to something afar, "Look, Venus in rising" I looked up and saw nothing bur a lamp round the bend in a mountain path. I beamed and said pointing to a tiny lamplight on the opposite mountain, "It's Jupiter over there!"

¡¡¡¡ºÉÖ¸×Å˵£º¡°Ä㿴άÄÉ˹( Venus)ÉýÆðÀ´ÁË£¡¡±ÎÒ̧ͷÍûʱ£¬È´ÊÇɽ·תÕÛ´¦µÄ·µÆ¡£ÎÒâùȻһЦ£¬Ò²Ö¸×ŶÔɽµÄÒ»Ðǵƻð˵£º¡°ÄDZßÊÇÇð±ÈÌØ( Jupiter)ÄØ£¡¡±

¡¡¡¡More and more lights came into sight as we kept pointing here and there. Lights from hurricane lamps flickering about in the pine forest created the scene of a star-studded sky. With the distinction between sky and forest obscured by snowflakes, the numerous lamp-lights now easily passed for as many stars.


¡¡¡¡Completely lost in a make-believe world, I seemed to see all the lamplights drifting from the ground. With the illusory stars hanging still overhead, I was spared the effort of tracing their positions when I woke up from my dreams in the dead of night.


¡¡¡¡Thus I found consolation even on a lonely snowy night!



¡¡¡¡One evening I look out the window of my secluded cabin£¬and there are soft languid flakes falling in the golden lamplight. They fall all night£¬while the voice of the Teal River becomes more and more hushed and the noises of the forest die away. By dawn£¬the whole world of stream and wood and mountain has been kindled to a white flame of beauty.


¡¡¡¡I go out in the early morning and there is such silence that even breath is a profanation. The mountain to the north has a steel-blue light on it£¬ and to the west the sky still holds something of the darkness of the night. To the east and the south a faint pink is spreading. I look up and see the morning star keeping white watch over a white world.


¡¡¡¡Soon the whole sky is azure and flamingo. Every branch of every tree is weighted with cold and stillness£» every fallen log is overlaid with silver. The wild berry bushes have puffballs of jeweler¡®s cotton here and there along their branches£¬ and the stark roots of hemlocks and cedars have become grottoes of quartz and chrysolite.


¡¡¡¡After heavy snowfalls£¬ it is the evergreens that are the loveliest£¬ with their great white branches weighted down until they are almost parallel with the trunks. They seem like giant birds with their wings folded against the cold.


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¡¡¡¡The sky is clear blue now and the sun has flung diamonds down on meadow and bank and wood. Beauty£¬ the virgin£¬ walks here quietly£¬quietly. Her feet make no sound and not sign upon the immaculate snow. The silence is dense and deep. Even the squirrels have stopped their ribald chattering. And faint snowbird whisperings seems to emphasize the stillness.


¡¡¡¡Night comes£¬ and the silence holds. There is a feeling about this season that is in no other¡ªa sense of snugness£¬ security and solitude. It is good to be out in the bracing cold£¬ which clears the mind and invigorate the heart. Blanket£¬ fire is a first-rate companion. The coffee is full-bodied and fragrant£» shadows dance on the walls and the world outside my windows is very still. I am more than content to begin and end a day like this amid all the calm clarity of wintered earth.


¡¡¡¡Outside the moon is high with a dark-blue sky behind it and with mountains£¬ plains and forests of silver lying below. The trees£¬ the bushes and the tall ferns are carved with alabaster. The river runs like quicksilver between the porcelain of its banks.


¡¡¡¡Earth and heavens glitter£¬ and the sword-fern clumps are diamond sunbursts pinned to the silver-sequined ground. But it is all in silence. There are shadows from the stars. They are white£¬ sharp lights in the midnight blue sky and appear literally to spark with coldness. I feel as though I can see every star in the universe.


¡¡¡¡It seems impossible for one human heart to contain all this loveliness without breaking. Perhaps the ache that is in mine comes from the knowledge that all this beauty is so ephemeral£¬ that it will be gone almost before I have done more than touch it with my fingertips.










