
2021-05-13 求职信


英文求职信 篇1

  1.My interest in the position of Masonry Supply Manager has prompted me to forward my resume for your review an consideration.

  2.The sales Manager position advertised in the Chicago Tribune on October 12 intrigues me. I believe you will find me well-qualified.

  3.Your October 30 advertisement in The Jackson Review calls for an Administrative Assistant with a background rich in a variety of administrative skills ,such as mine.

  4.My desire to locate a responsible position in plant management has prompted me to forward the attached for your consideration.

  5.I am writing to inquire opportunities for computer programmers in your organization.

  6.Are you currently seeking a security specialist to maintain or upgrade the security of your organization?If so, I would like to apply for the position.

  7.My interest in joining Any Corporation as a licensed electrician had prompted me to forward my resume for your review.

  8.Having majored in mathematics at Rice University, where I also worked as a Research Assistant, I am confident that I would make a successful addition to your Economics Research Department.

  9.At the suggestion of Walter Durrane, I am enclosing my resume for your consideration pertaining to consulting or related assignments with Any Corporation.

  10.I am forwarding my resume in regards to the opening we discussed in your Marketing Department.

  11.I want a job. Not any job with any company,but a particular job with your company. Here are my reasons:Your organization is more than just a company. It is an institution in the minds of the Chinese public.

  12.Attention of Human Resource Manager:Like many other young men, I am looking for a position. I want to get started. At the bottom,perhaps,but started.

英文求职信 篇2

  贵公司在六月二日布里斯多报上所刊登征求的职位正是本人想要得到的。 我今年十九岁,这个月即将从布里斯多高工毕业。在学三年中,我操作过各机械,曾协助学校工场机器的建立和修理工作。 家父为一名司机,我时常帮他修理汽车。去年夏天,我加入一群远征队旅行三周,在西伊平地方没有修理站,我的机件严重损坏,我不得不迳行修护两门汽缸,装配一支暂用的驾驶盘。

  附上我的简历表和相片,希望二者令您满意。至于我的品德您可函询布里斯多高工机械科主任,史列德先生。 倘若您能考虑我的申请,并给予面试机会,我将十分感谢。


  309 Lake Ave.

  Bristol, Ohio

  June 17, 19-

  Crown Laundry Co.

  Bristol, Ohio

  Gentlemen: In reply to your advertisement in the Bristol News of June 2, I wish to say that I am seeking the kind of position your offer. I am nineteen years old, and expect to graduate from the Bristol Technical High School this month. During three years of the course I have been working with many kinds of machinery and have helped to set up and repair the machinery in one of the school shops. My father is a chauffeur, and I helped him in repairing automobiles. Last summer I took a party of excursionists on a three weeks‘tour. While we were in West Epping, away from repair shops, my machine was badly damaged. I had to repair two cylinders and rig up a temporary steering wheel.

  Enclosed you will find a copy of my resume-and my photo. I believe they may be found satisfactory. Concerning my character I am permitted to refer to Mr. H. L. Sled, Head of the Mechanical section of the Bristol Technical High


英文求职信 篇3

  Dear Mr. Wang,

  In reply to your advertisement in BeijingYouth Daily of December 25, I respectfully offer my services for the situation.

  I am thirty-two years old and agraduate of Beijing Foreign Studies University. My experience in this line ofwork includes five years as a salesman with the NCC Company. The reason forleaving my present employment is because they're closing their office. I am enclosingmy resume together with my photo, and I believe that they may be foundsatisfactory.

  As regards salary, I would be gladto start with RMB5,000 per month plus commission. If you would like to knowmore about my ability, I can be available for an interview at any timeconvenient to you.

  Best regards,

  Zheng Yongqiang

  Encl: Résumé

英文求职信 篇4



  一份cover letter并不是我们认为的那样容易。首先,在写求职信的时候需要考虑职位是否符合我们的要求,一切都要紧扣job description,一些加分的工作技能也是很有必要的。就是人家要求啥,你就会啥,这样人家才会看你的求职信。如果你会的都是人家不需要的,那么就不会是一封成功的求职信。

  求职信的呼语很重要。如果不甚弄错了称呼,HR对应聘者的印象就会大打折扣。对于亲密的朋友如何称呼,正式场合下如何称呼别人,话说我之前还真的分不清,直接都是dear XXX一语带过。如果不清楚看求职信的人是谁,呼语就不要加职位称呼。

  再来说落款,我之前写信都是用Yours XXX,但是听了Dolly老师的系统介绍,我才知道这个称呼落款是私人信件常用的。而在求职信这样比较正式的情况一般不用。并且,英式说法和美式英语的落款说法也是不同的。如果你应聘外企的时候,不知道对方是老美还是老英,最好还是直接用“Sincerely,”比较好。





英文求职信 篇5


  because i believe

  that my sales background fits me for the position you advertised in thursdays

  newspaper, i ask that you consider my qualification.

  my reason for

  wishing to make a change at this time is that there seems no opportunity for

  advancement in my present position, and i feel that my ability and training, as well

  as my interest in my work, should lead to advancement and a higher salary.

  i am happy to

  refer you upon your request people who can tell you of my work and my character.

  truly yours,

  letter 3

英文求职信 篇6

Dear Sir/Madam:

  Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me because the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.

  According to the advertisement, your position requires top university, Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating() from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree. My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.

  During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only the have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question.

  I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

  With many thanks,

  Wang Lin

英文求职信 篇7

dear mr.cunningham:

  enclosed please find my resume for the postition of director of employment. should you have an opening at this level, i am confident that you will find my qualifications intriguing.

  my credentials include an m.s. in industrial relations from michigan state university with 14 years of solid human resources experience. this includes nearly 9 years in the employment function-6 as manager of administrative employment with drexel elector for russell j.reynolds, a premiere international executive search consulting firm.

  i have also managed a fortune 200 employment function with responsibility for recruitment of executive, managerial and professional employees for a wide range of functional areas. i enjoy a strong reputation for cost-effective, timely and quality recruitment, and am thoroughly versed in state-of-the-art behavioral-based interviewing and assessment methodology.

  if you seek a knowledgeable professional to manage your corporate employment function, i hope that you will give me a call so that we may discuss your requirements and the contributions that i can make to your company.



  barbara a.anderson

英文求职信 篇8

  1. If you would like to know more about my ability, I can be available for an interview at any time convenient to you. 倘若阁下愿意接见本人以了解我的能力,我将随时侯教。

  2. If you desire an interview, I shall be most happy to call in person, on any day and at any time you may appoint. 如贵公司有意面试,本人一定遵照所指定的时日,前往拜访。

  3. Should you entertain my application favorably, I would spare to trouble acquit myself to your satisfaction.


  4. If you feel that I am suited for the job that you have in mind, please inform me of the time convenient for an interview. I hope to hear from you in the near future. 如阁下认为我适合该项工作条件,请尽快惠函赐知面试。

  5. You will find enclosed a testimonial from the President of the University who has kindly offered to provide you with any further details you may require.


  6. I hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you.


  7. If there is further information that you wish in the meantime, please let me know. I can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter.


  8. I shall be able to call for an interview at your convenience and shall be able to supply any necessary or examples of my previous work.


  9. I am happy to refer you upon your request people who can tell you of my work and my character.


  10. I believe they may be found satisfactory. Concerning my character


  11. I am looking for a job. I graduate from Shanghai

  Commercial College and my major is business management. 我希望能在贵公司谋得一份职业。我毕业于上海商学院,主修商业管理。

  12. I would be very happy to work under your supervision if it is possible. Thank you very much for your kind attention. Please send me an answer at your earliest convenience.


  13. I believe that I can fulfill the requirements in your company. I hope you will be able to place me somewhere.


  14. Before my present employment, I worked for the

  Department Store as a salesclerk in the electrical section. 自感目前工作发展并不乐观,拟改变一下工作环境。

  15. I would like to make a change now because I feel that I can go no further in my present job, I feel that my training should enable me to advance into a better and more responsible position, and it appears that this will not be forthcoming at my present position.


  16. I am permitted to refer to Mr. Smith, Managing editor of the magazine.


  17.I wish to assure you that, if successful, I would endeavor to give you every satisfaction.


  18. Thank you in advance for your consideration and courtesy.承蒙阁下的关怀和礼遇,至此表示感谢。

  19. My duties included compiling reports for the chief engineer on production in the various departments.


  20. I am enclosing a brief resume as you requested. Please let me know if you want an interview.


  21. I am enclosing a personal data sheet which I think will adequately show you my qualifications.


  22. I would be pleased if you would grant me an interview at you convenience.


  23. Trusting you will give my application kind consideration and hoping to hear favorably from you at your convenience. 敬请贵公司对本人之应征惠予考虑,并请赐函告知。

  24. Thank you in advance for your concern and attention. Please let me hear from you as soon as possible.


  25. I hope to have the pleasure of your granting me an interview.


  26. I believe that you will consider this application favorably and I wish to assure you that I should make every effort to be worthy of the confidence you may place in me. 若贵公司对我求职应征能予以考虑,本人可作出保证,将尽力为贵公司效劳,敬顷信赖。










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