
2023-02-06 评价



  The following is my work identification:

  First, abide by the rules and regulations, perform job responsibilities.

  In the cashier work, be able to adhere to the daily business at the end of serious rolling cash income, pay the amount of the registration book, the amount of money to pay the cash register, double the counter, double tube library 'requirements,' self- And check with the cash inventory to ensure that the cash inventory and the actual inventory of cash, general ledger balance, consistent with the accounts do, accounts match. To seriously deal with the size of the RMB currency, the exchange of damage currency business, the whole point to be accurate, pier Qi, pick the net, tied tightly, seal clear, timely check on the water accounts and cash receipts and registers. In strict accordance with the vault storage system, do a good job in the Treasury of the custody of the Treasury in charge, with the same into the same.

  Second, forge ahead in unity and work together to create a good working environment.

  "Solidarity with others, and people are good" has always been my criteria for others. In the work, to unite colleagues, live in harmony, learn from each other, promote each other; in life, help each other, mutual concern and work together to create a harmonious atmosphere. At the same time, continue to self-positioning, their ideas, improve service awareness, enhance service levels.

  Third, enhance awareness of prevention, the implementation of the "three anti-one."

  Security aspects. Work more and more, I can continue to enhance the sense of security precautions, the duty period to keep strictly in accordance with the "three anti-one" requirements, conscientiously implement the preventive measures, memorize anti-theft anti-riot plan, master, Kinds of prevention equipment, do a good job "three" anti-lock check. Often check the circuit, the phone is normal, to prevent the performance of the device is in good condition, when the abnormal situation can be handled on the spot on the spot processing, can not deal with the initiative to the upper reporting, etc., can always keep a clear head, enhance security awareness , And to ensure that the 24-hour duty-bound to keep out of control, to protect the credit of the property security.

  Fourth, strengthen theoretical study, improve their overall quality.

  Over the past year, I have been able to take the initiative to study the country's financial policies and regulations and the spirit of the document issued by the association, strengthen ideological and moral construction, improve professional training, establish a correct outlook on life and values; to strengthen their sense of love and dedication To cultivate, to further enhance the sense of responsibility, dedication to the spirit of ownership of their own work, so that "dry line, love line, special line", firmly establish the "social Xing Xing I, To fully establish the "customer first" service concept, the quality of civilization as a measure of the work of the standards to strict demands on themselves, and consciously accept the supervision of our customers regularly carry out criticism and self-criticism, and strive to be a To participate in credit cooperatives to actively participate in various learning and training activities, conscientiously do study notes, and in practical work to be used in their spare time, self-study undergraduate courses, to participate in distance education examinations, for betterTo adapt to the needs of each job to lay a good foundation.

  In short, the understanding of their work to have a higher awareness, and constantly strengthen themselves, improve work efficiency and accuracy, although in this regard there are still many deficiencies, such as financial accounting knowledge is not enough, the unit reform to beFurther understanding, etc., but I believe that the leadership of the care and support at the next level, with the enthusiastic help of colleagues, I will certainly do a better job stable and better for the new year will have better results.


  Year-end and end of the year, a busy year is coming, new challenges in sight. Meditation Review, supermarket in this family so that I got the exercise, learning the knowledge, pay a friend, accumulated experience, of course, through a number of profound lessons learned to find their own deficiencies. This year is a full year, my growth from supermarket this family, for supermarket better development next year to do their own full responsibility is incumbent. Now sum up the work of their own x

  One, Market Buildings Working Stage

  years after the Spring Festival, I am still responsible for the market building of the business, in cooperation with Zhai Jingli experienced postganglionic off-season business difficulties in the business of rent difficult, managed staff due to seasonal factors such as a lot of attrition Sexual problems, through the settlement of these issues, so that their own clothing retail market, market climate understanding, and staff and personnel management has been rapidly improved. Through the mediation work with the business contacts, coordination has been further exercise. In order to adapt to changing circumstances, with the company's overall planning for the market, a certain layout adjustment. March supermarket market began to conceive in April opened their own threw himself into the preparatory work, staff recruitment, business training, shelves, shelves, shelves to the daily operation and maintenance, the concern of the CEOs, the company's support , Under the guidance of Mr. Liu and Lee store, supermarket market to the smooth development and transition, the latest business knowledge of their supermarkets had a system of strengthening. Responsible for the market during the effort to maintain the normal operation of the business activities, no unexpected incidents. However, the overall market potential of did not give full play to produce benefits is a fact, although market development has all aspects of the objective environment of immature constraints, but market potential can not fully play their own great also shows the limitations of their ability, which is the market to get the most profound understanding. At the same time, market, a variety of difficult pressure experience, so that their psychological quality has been greatly improved, and then face the great difficulties and pressure, I will not flinch away, calm calm to face the solution, this is me Work in the market to get the maximum benefit.

  Second, supermarket stage

  June due to work needs, I was transferred to supermarket store manager and non-food manager. In the work to strengthen the management of goods and personnel on-site management, to achieve performance improvement is the center of the work.

  Although since joining the supermarket joined the family, supermarket staff are also very familiar with, but after all, there is still a difference in specific work. In order to enter the role as soon as possible to take responsibility, on the one hand to strengthen the professional knowledge of learning, actively reading newspaper articles, humbly ask Liu total Lee shop advice. On the one hand to strengthen communication to understand the actual situation, to the food, receiving goods, cash register and other relevant departments responsible for communication, and non-food group leader Wenjuan in-depth exchanges. In a short time with the relevant supervisors to establish a working relationship to dissolve contact, take on duty duty manager store. And the cabinet with the head of the non-food staff of the reorganization of training, the planning and display of goods has been adjusted by the joint efforts of non-food employees, our sales have increased significantly. Wen Juan was promoted to non-food procurement, I also played a non-food team leader, dive down, start from scratch, health, display, warehouse, receiving goods from the beginning of every detail strict requirements, so that non-food store atmosphere Have changed. And employees with the contact, on the basis of strict requirements, to the staff of the ideological communication and business training, so that the spirit of the staff has changed, the enthusiasm of the initiative has been played. In the company's concern and support of various departments, the whole group of staff work together, non-food progress has been recognized by the company.

  Store duty manager is responsible for coordinating the work of various departments to maintain the normal operation of all stores to deal with emergencies, in this position, based on their overall control of the overall situation, at the same time make full use of the platform to enhance their organization and coordination With the business level, in the cash register, customer service, receiving goods, loss prevention, fire and other aspects of in-depth understanding, identify problems, reduce vulnerability, as a competent store manager.

  Third, personnel management training

  As a supervisor, the management of the staff is a more difficult compulsory course, each person's experience, different personality, how to make the staff of the department to a heart to a heart not to talk about itSimple things. Through the relevant professional knowledge and practical knowledge of the work of the application of personnel management under a lot of my martial arts. Following the strict and care and use of the method.

  First of all, their real concern from the psychological staff, respect for employees, the real sake of the staff, really want to improve staff. On this basis, targeted staff of the ideological communication and business training to address staff ideas, establish a clear development goals, and indeed stimulate staff initiative and enthusiasm, and then through the business training for staff to know how to make, how to For the better. In the work management, and always take the lead in words, as long as the principle of making mistakes, never condone. So that the staff from the inherent dynamic, external combat effectiveness can produce benefits.

  But people are constantly changing and development, personnel management will change and development, which requires their own sober mind, continuous learning and improvement, and better play the full potential of the team.

  The staff training is also an important work of the supervisor, the first from the market 5 staff to market supermarket 3 staff and then to the August supermarket six sector B class 4 staff training, through a training and exchange, From the initial basic business sense of their own training, through the accumulation and learning, initially formed on the staff from the ideas, knowledge of goods, sales psychology and skills, discipline and other aspects of the system of training content. Has been recognized by the staff received a certain effect.

  Fourth, professional knowledge and market to control

  Ability to improve

  The trend of the development of the supermarket retail industry is unstoppable, but the retail industry is also facing both opportunities and challenges coexist, he was fortunate to be able to participate in the development of the times the most among the industry, we must seize the opportunity to work hard. Learning, learning, relearning is the same task in the work and spare time. On the one hand, the basic skills of supermarket management, merchandise display, reasonable inventory of stocks, the adjustment of seasonal commodities, the selection of goods, the convergence of all aspects of operation, from the book theory to practice in daily work, the real knowledge needed to digest Through and then applied to work. On the other hand, through a variety of information media to understand the latest market information, industry dynamics, to listen to the relevant professional training to make their own ideas in the global clearer to a higher point of view of market changes, the company decision-making From their own strategic recommendations.

  Fifth, the lack of work with the next year ideas

  As the saying goes: frozen three feet of non-day r all, the time to join the retail industry, just one year, the specific start of the work of the supermarket only nearly six months, and market knowledge and knowledge of supermarkets is so deep. Through the calm self-reflection, there are a lot of their own shortcomings, as a whole because of shorter operating hours involved, the operation is not comfortable, the specific also reflected in: First, the choice of goods and control to be strengthened, due to the different division of food Commodity awareness is relatively nd, the analysis of the market forecast is not accurate enough, lack of confidence, which is due to less experience.

  Facing the opportunities and challenges of next year, I will take the responsibility of pragmatism better, strengthen the study of the theory and practice, and make our own business level and management level improve comprehensively. We will devote ourselves to the development of the company. energy. In short, in the new year I put more efforts into the struggle for the cause of supermarket, with the development of benefits to return to the company, to achieve their own value in life.


  To a supermarket, has been for three months, the tension of the adaptation period is over, new challenges in sight. Meditation review, in this family so I got more exercise, learning more knowledge, pay more friends, and accumulated more experience, of course, through a number of profound lessons learned to find their own All sorts of deficiencies. This half is full, for the better development of the supermarket to do their best is incumbent on the responsibility. Now their 20xx-3 month 3 weeks of work are summarized as follows:

  Last week, the basic work is as follows:

  1, this week is mainly on the supermarket 's food area of the full range of commodity date investigation, the results of the inspection is not ideal, there have been many recent commodities, is a serious individual goods are still on the shelf expired. Now the staff has been re-planning the area of responsibility, so that employees are familiar with their management of the region, to strengthen the staff's sense of responsibility, reward and punishment at the same time. For those who deal with the shelves of goods, can retire back, can not retire the staff and management to pay their own.

  2, once again this week, the price of goods on the store to sign checks, so that the price tag and the corresponding goods. Check out a lot of goods without price tag, and now has to re-print out a new price tag, to strengthen the staff in this area of training. Focus on clean-up, the staff should be responsible for the platoon to be a large label, in kind, check the code to achieve the three match, for the wrong code or string of goods to inform the foreman and register,

  3, on the store merchandise row of the surface to be concentrated, homing treatment, the same single product multiple display to be concentrated in a row of surface display, beautiful commodity display. Prior to the surface finishing is not ideal, the same single product multiple display to be concentrated in a row of display, has now been an effective solution. So that employees strengthen the learning and strict access to the principle of goods, that is, "how to enter the commodity, any out."To ensure the accuracy of the goods in the store.

  4, part of the region for small adjustments. The discharge of commodities in the bulk area was re-planned,

  Adjust the bulk of the flow of people, the image point of view than the previous effect is better.

  5, pay close attention to the phenomenon of late employees and do not punch the phenomenon, and the emergence of the punch card and then eat breakfast

  Case. So that employees come early, after breakfast and then punch, to avoid having to eat breakfast to go to work, improve staff self-discipline.

  6, staff gathered to chat, work to play the phone also appeared. Strengthen the tour, see this

  The circumstances, the punishment, as long as the principle of a mistake, never condone. Increase the distribution of the work of the staff, and allow staff to actively patrol the field, good anti-theft work.

  7, clerk of the impact of leaving. Instantly deal with clerical work before, especially retreat

  Cargo aspects of the work, so that the impact brought down to a minimum.

  Next week's priorities

  1, to strengthen the training of new employees, to the staff more ideological communication, followed a strict and customs

  Love and use methods. So that they get started as soon as possible to reduce the occurrence of the problem, so that the mental outlook of employees has changed, the enthusiasm of the work of autonomy has been played.

  2, for the next phase of the event to prepare, inventory management, good stock plan, do a good job

  Return of goods in question

  3, do their own work at the same time a good part-time clerk's work, and a good handover to the next clerk

  Work 4, the manager and manager to complete the work assigned to coordinate the work to maintain the normal all stores


  5, to strengthen their own learning, the development trend of the supermarket retail industry is unstoppable, but the same retail industry

  When faced with opportunities and challenges coexist, he was fortunate to be able to participate in the development of the times the most among the industry, we must seize the opportunity to work hard. After all, the time to join the retail industry is very short, specifically the beginning of the work of the supermarket was nearly a year, and market knowledge and supermarket knowledge is so deep. Through calm self-reflection, there are many deficiencies, learning, learning, relearning is the same task in the work and spare short, in the days after I put more effort into the cause of the supermarket to fight for, with the development of benefits to return to the company, to achieve their own value in life.









