
2023-01-15 评价



  I have been to work since 20xx, has engaged in technical, production manager, marketing manager, production vice president, director and other post production work, familiar with the manufacturing enterprises of production planning, logistics management and control process to control a certain amount of manufacturing Technology and equipment knowledge, and work in the long-term accumulated valuable technical, production, logistics, quality management, manufacturing process on the set, on-site planning to have a more solid foundation. I have excellent leadership and team work spirit and extensive knowledge, adaptable, good at thinking and innovation.

  Familiar with the ISO9001 system can efficiently run, familiar with ERP system operation procedures, to the preparation and implementation of the operation of various departments to develop enterprise management system processes and can be skilled in using quality management system and the transformation of production systems to manage the enterprise. Sincerely hope we can have opportunities to cooperate with you and seek common development.


  I have been to work since xxx, has engaged in technical, production manager, marketing manager, production vice president, director and other post production work, familiar with the manufacturing enterprises of production planning, logistics management and control process to control a certain amount of manufacturing Technology and equipment knowledge, and work in the long-term accumulated valuable technical, production, logistics, quality management, manufacturing process on the set, on-site planning to have a more solid foundation. I have excellent leadership and team work spirit and extensive knowledge, adaptable, good at thinking and innovation. Familiar with the ISO9001 system can efficiently run, familiar with ERP system operation procedures, to the preparation and implementation of the operation of various departments to develop enterprise management system processes and can be skilled in using quality management system and the transformation of production systems to manage the enterprise. Sincerely hope we can have opportunities to cooperate with you and seek common development.


  After graduating from the school for more than a year, the unit leaders in the care and training, with the help of colleagues and friends, through their own continuous efforts, whether learning or work, have made great progress and gains, Just a year, is the wealth of experience in my life!

  Working year, but also learning the year, in theory, I do not learn advanced ideas and mature theory, and always keep walking in the forefront of society, with the strongest weapons to arm themselves with the latest theory to Enrich themselves. At work, no matter where, no matter what time, are strict demands on themselves, assiduously, strive to become experts. Is with such a firm belief, and gradually mature.Work one year is the accumulation of the year, make full use of the knowledge, the quality and quantity of the completion of the task, and in a project to accumulate experience, learn a lesson, summed up a suitable for their work and study method.

  In the twinkling of an eye, a year later, from a student to a social worker, the role of a great change, suddenly we must face their own independent life, has also been confused, after a year of trials and hardships, But also sentiment a lot, and finally, I want to say is that the work made a little achievement, thinking a little progress in my whole journey of life is only a small sum of the future but also continue to strengthen learning, continuous summary, negative And then negative, the establishment of a complete outlook on life, to his life journey to draw a perfect full stop.

  After graduating from the school for more than a year, the unit leaders in the care and training, with the help of colleagues and friends, through their own continuous efforts, whether learning or work, have made great progress and gains, Just a year, is the wealth of experience in my life!

  Working year, but also learning the year, in theory, I do not learn advanced ideas and mature theory, and always keep walking in the forefront of society, with the strongest weapons to arm themselves with the latest theory to Enrich themselves. At work, no matter where, no matter what time, are strict demands on themselves, assiduously, strive to become experts. Is with such a firm belief, and gradually mature.Work one year is the accumulation of the year, make full use of the knowledge, the quality and quantity of the completion of the task, and in a project to accumulate experience, learn a lesson, summed up a suitable for their work and study method.

  In the twinkling of an eye, a year later, from a student to a social worker, the role of a great change, suddenly we must face their own independent life, has also been confused, after a year of trials and hardships, But also sentiment a lot, and finally, I want to say is that the work made a little achievement, thinking a little progress in my whole journey of life is only a small sum of the future but also continue to strengthen learning, continuous summary, negative And then negative, the establishment of a complete outlook on life, to his life journey to draw a perfect full stop.


  I think that since school, has been to comply with the rules and regulations of the school, has a good ideological and moral qualities, all aspects of good performance. Have a strong sense of collective sense of honor and work responsibility, adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts. I think correct, hard-working, have lofty ideals and great goals, pay attention to personal moral self-cultivation, to develop a good style of life, helpful, concerned about national affairs.

  In the past year, I have been diligent study, assiduously, through systematic study to master the more solid basic knowledge. To develop a good learning style, a clear learning objectives, in my spare time, I actively participate in physical exercise, enhance physical fitness, but also love the work, and actively participate in the school to carry out various cultural and sports activities, enriching their spare time, All aspects have been a corresponding increase. "Bao Jianfeng from tempered out, plum blossom from the bitter cold to", I firmly believe that through continuous learning and efforts to make themselves an ideal, moral, cultural, disciplined students, with outstanding achievements to meet the challenges for the community The construction of the doctrine contributes to the strength of my life

  Suddenly, my freshman life is over, and now I own a year of study and life to make a summary:

  On the ideological and moral, I consciously abide by the "Code of Conduct for College Students" and the rules and regulations of the school, respect teachers, unite students, concerned about the collective, and actively participate in school and department activities, law-abiding, good morality, Set a collectivism as the core values of life, and a firm political direction, although I have not joined the party, but I will actively move closer to the party organizations. Have a good moral training, and a firm political direction.I love the motherland, love the people, and resolutely support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, support the socialist system, abide by the law, love public property, unity, helpfulness and pragmatic The courage to criticize and self-criticism, and establish a correct outlook on life and values, so no matter what the circumstances, I have the moral demands of their own to the supremacy of the first, the spirit of the school's public interest and patriotic activities.Whenever and wherever I follow the dogmatic creed, I do it in earnest. In learning, I love their own professional. In addition to excellence in professional knowledge, I also use spare time to read all kinds of books, to expand their knowledge and background knowledge. Strict demands on themselves, with the strong pursuit of personal goals and knowledge, assiduously, studious, correct attitude, clear objectives, basically a solid grasp of the basic knowledge and skills learned, while the theoretical knowledge applied to Practice, the knowledge into the practical ability, application ability and creativity, and strive to the unity of theory and practice, do a good job learning. Pay attention to the expansion of knowledge in all aspects of a wide range of other disciplines under the knowledge, so as to improve their ideological and cultural quality, to become a good college students and make unremitting efforts.

  In life, to develop good habits, so that life is full and structured, a strict attitude towards life and good living style, honest and trustworthy, helpful, have their own good accident principle, and students live in harmony; positive To participate in various extra-curricular activities, which continue to enrich their experience.

  In the psychological, I exercise a strong will quality, shape healthy personality, overcome various psychological barriers to meet the social development requirements. This year's university life, so that my level of knowledge, ideological level, the ability to work, etc. have stepped onto a new level. In this sophomore beautiful university life began, I want to full of enthusiasm, firm confidence, a high sense of responsibility to meet new challenges, climb new heights. In life, I honest and trustworthy, treat people friendly, helpful, has been with the students get along well. Strong sense of responsibility, good organizational communication skills, and students solidarity, pay attention to with other student cadres to complete the work.


  In July 20xx, I joined Baosteel Group BaGang Co., Ltd., and in the past year and a half I have been enthusiastic about my work, I have been strict with myself and my work position. I always keep my "modest", "prudent" The attitude of leadership in the cultivation of care and the help of colleagues to support, and always diligent study, proactive, and strive to improve themselves, and always work hard and earnestly complete the task, perform good job duties, outstanding performance in all aspects, has been the leadership and colleagues We are sure. Through their own continuous efforts, whether ideological, learning or work, have made considerable development and tremendous gains. Through this year's work and study, I realized that the growth of a qualified technician is a bright future, full of hope at the same time need to pay efforts and effort of the process, but also a need to constantly improve the continuous development of the long-term process. The following is a summary of my work in this year and self-identification:

  First, strict self-discipline, consciously strengthen party spirit, political consciousness has been improved.

  Thought is the guide to action, a person if you want to do a good job, we must first establish their own work thinking. As a non-party member, I actively asked to join the party organization, in August 20xx turned over to join the party application, is now a party activists. In my daily work, I have strict demands on myself, consciously accepting the supervision and assistance of Party members and colleagues, persistently overcome my own shortcomings and make up for my own shortcomings.Always adhere to the Marxist-Leninist position, viewpoint and methodology, adhere to the correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, and to guide their own learning, work and life practice. As a member of the company, I seriously study and penetrate the company's mainstream cultural thinking, the company's core business philosophy, and actively promote the party spirit, And apply it to the actual work, consistent with the company.

  Second, thirst for knowledge, with an open mind to learn.

  As the 20xx session of a new employee, and only continue to upgrade their knowledge and technical level, in order to better complete their work. Work encountered problems do not understand, the humbly to the master and other colleagues for advice. Daily work in the operating area in the morning software work in the afternoon into the scene to see more equipment to see more, and constantly increase their field experience.At the same time a serious study of the company's various documents on the management system and norms have a certain understanding of the work of the company to standardize the management of the standard to strict demands on themselves.

  Third, work hard, conscientiously complete the work tasks.

  I start from doing my own work and daily work, starting from me, from now on, I have always believed that a hard work, a harvest, so I have been working hard to continuously study and work hard. From the small things around and perseverance, love their own work to be able to take seriously each and every job, work, on time, effective use of working hours, stick to their posts. Equipment failure repair, no matter when they can do the first time to the field attendant operations, and put forward their own programs involved in repair, to ensure the normal operation of equipment as soon as possible. In February 20xx I was employed as a field professional engineer in the area. I followed the pace of the company to strengthen the theoretical knowledge of learning, and strive to achieve a new understanding of the use of new gains, to guide the practice of theory , To promote the work, improve the level of the purpose of the work, and constantly improve their technical level to guide their work. Through the theoretical study summary in the classroom, combined with practical problems in the work, "120T converter 9.1 meters platform operating instructions" were modified, and verify the operating standards have been prepared to apply the applicable standards have been revised, and the monthly new 2 standard operating standards to improve the standardization of operations. Through the dedication in their own work, tirelessly to make achievements, I want to constantly improve their job skills, and strive to master their job knowledge, to do their own work and the backbone of the experts, down to earth to do their jobs.

  Fourth, work to promote team spirit, to overcome the work of one after another problem.

  In the usual work, first of all do the daily work, I and other colleagues in the work area both division of labor and cooperation, insist on regular and other technical personnel exchanges, and fully carry forward the democracy, never arbitrary, and thus a more successful completion of the maintenance department The work tasks. The first quarter of 20xx in the work area colleagues and the leadership of the strong support of the lead by me to complete the smooth completion of the "alloy material in the position of the bin material electroplating push rod flap card material solution" QC information released to solve the The Material Problem of Electro - hydraulic Push - rod Flap Valve of the 3 - position 120 - ton Converter of 9.1m Platform Alloy. The design for the company's annual savings of about 21 million. And through this activity to enhance the cohesion between colleagues to improve the ability to participate in the program designers to analyze issues and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff, the use of existing technical strength for enterprises Taqian efficiency. In the fourth quarter of 20xx, the QC team was set up in the sub-assembly operation area to improve the alloy chute for the 120-ton converter. The QC data for the "alloy chute increasing life plan" is scheduled to be released in mid-December.

  Summary of eight years of work in the steel, I work on the ideas have made great progress. Of course, the results represent the past, in the future work, I will redouble our efforts to strive to do better. Because the technology continues to progress and update, only through continuous learning, down-to-earth style, can be competent for their jobs. At the same time in the accumulation of future work experience, and gradually develop their own predictability, and constantly in the on-site inspection, supervision at any time to identify problems and solve problems, so that their on-site comprehensive processing capacity continue to get exercise and improve.

  First, moral and civic literacy

  I abide by the law and abide by social morality. Respecting teachers, respecting the teachers, the elderly, the elderly, the elderly, the elderly, the elderly, the elderly and the elderly, Unity of students, love the collective, love public property, help each other, concerned about the students. At home, filial piety elders, so that "will tell, back will face", often help parents do housework, such as washing dishes, wipe, and do some simple meals. The initiative in the car to the elderly and sick people need seats, at any time within their power to help people in need.

  I love the motherland, concerned about national affairs, to oneself is a Chinese and feel proud. Every time the national anthem is played and the national flag is raised, my heart is always very excited. Like every Chinese person who loves the motherland, for the arrival of that momentAnd cheered!

  Actively participate in various activities. Participate in and organize classes and schools in a variety of extra-curricular activities, activities and students to live in harmony, concern for the collective, has a strong sense of collective honor. Willing to help others, in a variety of labor actively work hard, not afraid of dirty, not afraid of tired. Actively participate in social practice, often consult the teacher of various economic organizations, as well as the economic structure of the rights and obligations of the staff for the future into the community in preparation.

  Second, learning attitude and innovation

  Ability to learn can become useful to society. I have been studying hard, learning attitude is correct, purpose clear. Class to listen carefully, take the initiative to participate in the discussion, after school hours to complete the job. Has a strong independent learning ability, like and students to discuss issues. Can take the initiative to complete the learning tasks, good grades.

  Can reasonably arrange after-school time, get up on time, rest on time.Learning online at home to find information to take the initiative off the assembly line, not on the bad site to browse, never been to Internet cafes, no addiction. To control their own watching TV, finishing their own room and clothing, make up classes do not have parental transfer, self-management and self-reliance.

  I like a wide range, with curiosity, like to explore and think about the problem, like to see "I love the invention", with a certain sense of innovation.

  Cooperation and Exchange

  I am lively and cheerful, optimistic attitude towards life, positive, strong communication skills, with a strong team spirit, and actively participate in the collective activities of useful, care for the collective honor, work seriously responsible, with certain organizational skills. Can take the initiative to help teachers organize a variety of activities, teachers have regarded me as a good helper.

  I am good at communication and cooperation with others, whenever I have a happy thing, I will share with friends. I love life, I like to observe life, in order to develop my practical ability, I will participate in some activities, not only to know some friends, you can also open up horizons.

  Work in a serious and responsible, in the work, students can unite together, good at synergy with others "combat", social practice ability, the ability to accept new things fast, optimistic, hobbies, and can do a good job every one thing. Be able to actively make progress and take the initiative to challenge some difficulties.

  Fourth, exercise and health

  Actively participate in physical exercise, a good physical education class, the results qualified. Usually pay attention to exercise, like playing badminton and cycling, will take advantage of free time and holiday to play badminton and cycling. Good health, focusing on personal and environmental hygiene. Mental health, emotional stability, to control their complex in a variety of environments to play their roles.

  Fifth, the aesthetic and performance

  I like music, movies and art, dress neat. Have a healthy aesthetic taste, appreciate and listen to, do not pursue and accept low-level, vulgar things.


  Read, swim, basketball, speech, debate, cheerful, warm, work carefully, efficient, able to work hard, have a strong organizational skills work conscientiously, strong sense of responsibility, studious, good at summing up, Conscientiously serious, ambitious. Proficient in common use office software word, excel, ppt, etc., have a certain understanding of network management. Have a good writing skills, strong oral expression. Cheerful, humble, self-discipline, self-confidence, studious, down-to-earth, serious and responsible, perseverance, adaptability, hard-working, quick thinking, to be creative and dare to meet new challenges.

  Ideological aspects: in terms of thinking, I always ask ourselves to advance with the times, and actively understand current affairs at home and abroad, and earnestly study advanced theoretical knowledge. In the after school, I will extensively read all kinds of magazine articles, and gradually learned from the surface of things to analyze its internal causes. At the same time, I often with friends and elders to exchange views on current affairs, brainstorming, learn from them and experience, and constantly improve their ideological quality. Preparation period, I thought the biggest change and harvest is learned to no longer entangled in the "want to do", and directly to think about "how to do", do not waste time in hesitation and wandering.

  Learning: In learning, I usually listen carefully, timely review, after-school and students will discuss the issue, but the academic performance is still my weaknesses. But I want to learn but should not have been my weaknesses, may be I have not found the most suitable for my learning methods, can not be better to learn the knowledge into results. My grades were stable, and I always wandered between seven and eighty, with a grade point of 2.68 in the last semester, which was slightly lower than the second year. But I will always strive to continuously enhance their comprehensive competitiveness.

  Work: In the work, I served as a class publicity member, Deng read the group leader and vice squad, is also the bedroom of their bedroom long. In all positions, I can work at ease, and earnestly fulfill their obligations and responsibilities, and actively communicate with the other class committee to jointly build our class collective. In this regard, my biggest achievement is that, regardless of ongoing activities have any views or dissatisfaction with the activities of the collective should be finished, all in the collective interest first. I now serve as the branch of the Discipline Inspection Commission, will do their work, in good faith for all services, with the support of the Committee and the Secretary to build our family together.

  Life: in life, I self-reliance, care for students, help students, and students get along, but also help solve the contradictions between the n and bedroom students with activities.

  During this year's inspection period, I have strict demands on myself, to learn from the outstanding members of the surrounding, their ability to improve a lot. But he still has some shortcomings in the future to continue to work, subject to supervision, continuous improvement, to be a good party member.


  I am serious and responsible, proactive, able to endure hard work, better to complete their tasks and work in the work process to learn more knowledge and accumulated more valuable experience, communication skills with the guests of the letter Has been greatly improved.

  I have a high sense of responsibility, good at communicating with others, have a strong organizational coordination, environmental stress, a good and stable psychological quality. I firmly believe that as long as there is self-confidence, perseverance, give full play to their talents and learning ability, will be able to constantly improve themselves and create value for the company.


  In 20xx, I can support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the four basic principles, conscientiously study the rules and regulations, abide by the rules and regulations of the country, in the work of hard work, hard working, on time to complete the leadership layout The task, to unite the relationship between colleagues in the completion of their own work, and actively help the needy colleagues. Principle of strong, positive hard work, serious and responsible, have a strong entrepreneurial spirit. To deal with the problem in an orderly manner, act neat and accurate; the overall concept, to unite colleagues, to complete the task. In the completion of their own work, and actively help the needy colleagues.

  My main work in 20xx are:

  1, to learn new business knowledge, to consolidate the original knowledge, based on the self-conscious and constantly enrich their knowledge and work skills, in order to clear the use of all systems and familiar with the maintenance methods. In addition to the perfect system, in addition to the international business of gold trading, the other such as fmis, cms, the people's anti-money laundering system, personnel management systems, trade union financial systems, and so on systems have been replaced Web Edition, each a system, Will take the initiative to understand the relevant operation and technical conditions, through continuous learning and humbly ask, so that their never backward.

  2, deal with the relationship between colleagues, so that the fastest speed to solve the problem, such as a moment to go, will explain the reasons for all failures as far as possible within two working days to solve, especially important departments, such as the fifth floor of thePresident of the Office of the Office of the boss and the computer, there is a failure to do to solve immediately. Often remind colleagues in a timely manner to backup, important documents must be stored in the non-system disk, and patiently answer a variety of computer colleagues questions. Usually think colleagues think, urgent colleagues urgency, through patient and meticulous work, not only won the recognition of colleagues also increased the status of the Ministry of Science and Technology in the organs.

  3, encountered a computer hardware damage, promptly notify the manufacturers to replace the equipment, branches are now the majority of computers are relatively new, there is no warranty period, when there are bad parts, the timely notification of over 800 manufacturers to replace parts, to protect the system Of the normal operation.

  4, sort out the various departments of the equipment, will be eliminated and not used the old computer: the departments are still a lot of phase-out and old computers such as debris-like stack, in addition to leaving a small amount of configuration as a backup machine, With all the old computer on the collection, so that after the asset clean-up to reduce a lot of work.

  5, the management gradually standardized: the majority of the current branch of the computer are dell and Lenovo, there are a small number of Founder.

  Dell in the 520 and 320 are equipped with a system CD, when the two computer systems crash, with a random CD to restore the genuine winxp system.

  6, pay attention to the safe operation of computer environment, the existing branch of more than 200 sets of computers, each machine has its own professional software, in order to ensure the normal work of each system, each machine is installed provincial bidding pc cillen antivirus software, In order to prevent the spread of Trojans, in the pc cillen based on the installation of 360 security guards and other security software.

  7, the maintenance of the sub-camp, sub-camp in the branch building, in addition to receiving ordinary customers, the organs of all employees in this business, sometimes two floors of the workload even more than the entire branch, including the Internet, office Network and production network, due to a high degree of concentration, the smooth flow between the network and the network has become the most important work, followed by the normal operation of various equipment, such as video check system, check printing system, type of business inquiries, to ensure external Within the normal business, often overtime to rule out the fault.


  I love learning, rigorous work attitude, strong sense of responsibility, have a good team player. Good analytical, problem-solving thinking. Innovation to address customer needs and safeguard interests of the company for the purpose.

  To accept the challenge and greater development platform.


  First, the practical work attitude:

  Over the past year, I insist on practical work, hard working, consciously safeguard the company's corporate image, properly do their jobs, try to avoid any flaws in the work.

  Administrative clerks are the nature of the work of the service, and more complicated.

  (1) every day I do a good job in the service work to ensure that the business department, document department, shipping department, finance department and the design department of the normal work.

  (2) the clerk's daily work is more trivial, need careful, cautious, and not negligence, but can not be sloppy.

  (3) under the guidance of the Department of Administration Manager MAY, the establishment of the day memorandum. I will be included in the day's work in the memorandum, one by one to complete, so as to avoid omissions.

  Second, dedication, good job of administrative personnel work:

  Conscientiously do their own work and daily work, to help the leadership to maintain a good working order and working environment, so that the file management has become more standardized and standardized. At the same time do a good job of logistics services, so that leaders and colleagues to avoid worrying about, under the direct leadership of the department manager, active and active do the daily housekeeping work.

  1, the daily reception work: the call, the use of civilized language, speak and gas, warm, polite reception of foreign visitors to factories and foreign staff, for the relevant issues to ask or ask for help, I will give my best to give Answer or promptly convey the relevant leadership to solve.

  2, material management work: the development of the company's daily office supplies purchase and receive form, do a good job with the use of materials management, according to the department to receive the situation, to receive registration.

  3, file management: according to the work needs, at any time production of various forms, documents, etc., at the same time to complete the department to explain the English scan, copy the documents, the company issued the notice, the file to upload in a timely manner.

  4, personnel file management: the staff will be working and separation of staff files classified archives, and do scanning electronic archives, the new staff assessment table sorted by annual bookbinding and other preservation.

  5, recruitment: Check the e-mail reading resume, appointment arrangements for the manager interview and general manager of the re-examination.

  6, business meetings and exhibition itinerary work: the development of travel plans, booking domestic and international air tickets and hotels to ensure the normal travel of staff travel.


  In the past year, it has been the key to maintaining a high degree of consistency with the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and always thinking that the people's service is the key, the core of which is to respect and care for patients, to create a civilized and harmonious environment for medical treatment, the formation of equal and mutual understanding of doctor- , As a medical staff, professionalism is essential, professionalism is to be faithful to their duties, love their jobs, patient-centered, dedicated to the patient to relieve pain. Excellence in work, the patient is extremely responsible for fame and fortune, love patients , Willing to sacrifice.

  Second, the medical and health service industry is a special industry.It is composed of many "parts" into a life and life is closely related to the whole.Whatever "parts" out of the question, are likely to make the patient pay valuable Every member of the medical staff is the "part." Every medical person, whether you are a doctor, a nurse, a medical technician or a nursing worker, is an important part of the hospital as a whole. Each of our colleagues work together, unity and cooperation, the collective can be the normal operation, in order to perform well for the people's health service commitments.

  As a medical staff, work is very hard.When the body burdened with great mental pressure, but also often from patients and their families and do not understand the blame do not understand, only to find the value of their lives, will appreciate the ordinary In the happy. No matter how the times change, how to progress medicine, life-saving, humanitarianism will continue to be our medical staff to pursue the highest standards of life, we should always bear in mind the behavior of the benchmark.


  April 23 in my life is a turning point in it, on this day and many of my classmates together embarked on the road to Shenzhen internship, which is not out of the door for me is a great test is a transformation .The face of this strange city have not had time to fear and loss, they have felt the company leadership of our concern.

  Just up the first day, down from the car when the morning, the day is still a gray, and then we were the company's management staff to the dormitory, go just sit down, I heard a knock on the door, a door Gejing LiCame in, a word of mouth is a sentence of concern, a very moving, the original in this strange city there are people concerned about us, Gejing Li said: "Wait for the next to take you to the company look familiar familiar with the environment, The day when the day is already dark, and so the next day is to begin intensive training in the training time tired a lot of students want to go, but the last bites to endure down, after a weekAfter training to usher in a strict examination, first written, followed by practical exercises, and finally finished in the afternoon about 6 pm, we are relieved, thinking finally liberated, but behind us is waiting for separation, April 28 is the day we separated, the day is also under the rain gray, as if the days are crying, we each got into their own work is a car shop.

  And I was like this came to the Masuda store, arrived in the store when the manager arranged the store with us to familiarize ourselves with the environment, I thought this is where I work later, and my heart secretly think, I have to work hard, so I can not live up to so many days of hard work, 5:30 when I attended the class will feel just fine, and so on when the Director Zheng told us to stay down for us to arrange The master, said to us, "this is your master, and later to follow the master master." May 1 will officially follow the master posts, then mind began to be at a loss, why I learned in school International business, why do I come out but do the work of the waiter? What about my efforts in school two and a half years? For a time do not understand, but the busy work so I do not have time to think about it, and later discovered that the original waiter is not so simple things, during which I learned a lot of knowledge and theory in schools can not learn. Leaders are very concerned about us, it is very warm, but also appreciate the food industry in the service staff of the hard and happy, work, sometimes through their own warm service to guests satisfaction is a very happy thing. Sometimes will encounter some grumpy guests will be scolded a few words, though will feel very wronged, but sometimes think about: life for so short a few decades, why this little thing to suppress their own, so that they do not Happy it, these as commonplace, satiate waiting to slowly digest,


  Over the past year, I have been seriously studying the regulations and implementation methods of medical personnel 's medical ethics, the "Eight Disciplines of Health Profession" and the "Implementation Measures of Medical Personnel' s Medical Ethics Examination and Evaluation (Trial)". Strengthen the construction of medical ethics and the importance of the need to firmly establish the idea of serving the people wholeheartedly, all patient-centered, all for the patient service for the modern cause of white angel contribution to the wisdom and strength.The construction of medical ethics is an important part of the construction of spiritual civilization, and is the indispensable spiritual pillar of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Medical staff is the guardian of people's health, but also the party and the government to contact the masses of the window. Good and bad medical ethics, with the broad masses of the people closely related to the prestige of the party and the government is a major event.

  My heart is to respect and care for patients, to create a civilized and harmonious environment for medical treatment, the formation of equality, mutual understanding of the doctor-patient relationship, as a medical staff, professionalism, dedication to the people, Spirit is essential, professionalism is to be loyal to their duties, love their jobs, patient-centered, dedicated to lift the pain for the patient. Excellence in work, the patient is extremely responsible. Indifferent to fame and fortune, love patients, willing to sacrifice.

  No matter how the times change, how to progress medicine, life-saving, humanitarianism will continue to be our medical staff to pursue the highest standards of life, we must always bear in mind the behavior of the benchmark!


  Two years, oneself always keep promising mental state, obey leadership, pay

  attention to the interests, who, pragmatic and hard work. As the deputy leader, the assigned by the general manager work, never bargain, accomplishing; To one's weight active treatment, and strive to complete, do neither offside, and to reach the designated position, more not dereliction of duty; In the same group several other comrades work coordination, do it with sincerity, teach and learn. In honesty and self-discipline, can according to ranking and the party committee about the leading cadre the provisions of honesty and self-discipline, high standard, strict requirement, carefully regulate behavior in politics, and consciously accept supervision, always do self-respect, from cheng ZiJing, self-excitation.

  Through more than two years of work discipline, in the work they can do clear thinking, highlight, clear responsibility, administrative resumption ability on a new level: one is to cultivate their overcoming difficulties, overcome difficulties spirit. In a positive state of mind to respond and handle in the work the difficulties and

  problems emerging in the, overcome the previous work in fear of impatience and mood. The second is to improve the responsibility of courage and ability. In the work to do justice, fair, when anything crops up to be responsible to responsible for, not pursuing work don't expect, don't shuffle don't pass the buck. Three is to further improve the overall situation, their overall global, pay attention to the interests of the ability to further realize the importance of unity and cooperation. Unity setting hearts meet force, unity out energy, unite a result, in the work cherish the chance work, conscientiously strengthen unity and cooperation. Four is to improve their internal and external relations coordination and deal with major question ability. According to the superior arrangement, and puts forward the train of thought, the implementation of the project, and pay attention to solve problems, to carry out the implementation.

  1, vigorously promotes the campus environment greening health "window" construction, carefully clean campus every inch of the land, scientific maintenance every tree flowers and trees, and strive for teachers and students to create an elegant, clean and beautiful life learning environment, for the school won the "national model green unit" and liaocheng successfully created the "national health city" has made a positive contribution.

  2, to the patriotic health responsibility to the division and adjustment, and in every college health responsibility area setting the health division of mobilize all the teachers and students to participate in the campus management and the construction of campus's enthusiasm.

  3, to achieve the school put forward by greening greening construction to beautify the leap, implement the way increase green and flowers and plants to adorn engineering, enrich the school greening plant variety and level, improve the campus beautification level, make the landscape layout, beautification effect is more outstanding, has received the very good environment effect and social repercussions.

  4, conscientiously carry out teaching building, laboratory building management and clean, good service for the teaching affairs. And the academic administration actively contact, close cooperation, successfully held the first and the second classroom building management appraisal recognition work, powerful promotes the floor tube work to go into another new step.


  I am from the middle of October into the news and information department, although never before come into contact with this sector, it is not much understanding, but slightly know that it is my work of the Department of publicity one of the window through the reporting system related activities , To improve the influence of my department in the yard, in addition, also participate in the construction of departmental website management, and through news photography, communication, DV shooting and other forms of work for the group work. However, I have been holding a serious and responsible attitude, the use of their good learning ability, from bit by bit the little things to learn, start, never dare to have a trace of a sloppy.

  Through this period of internship, whether it is dealing with others or the coordination of the organization, my comprehensive ability has a new improvement, I always good at their duties to find and find fun, the successful completion of the work and I learned from the things that I feel very full and full of sense of accomplishment, which gave me a steady stream of power, let me hold a firm belief to work hard to adhere to.

  My language skills have been praised by the teacher, but when I write a press release, I still encounter a bottleneck, the sentence is not refined, the details are not vivid description, the reader can not attract much interest in reading, and timely press release Is very strong, its language is short and refined, logical, and there is no lack of vividness, to write in a very short period of time, really need to practice the process of continuous modification and summary.

  "Mentality decides everything", maintain a good attitude is essential, more girls really not easy to get along, it is easy to produce contradictions, and so far with the members of the department to get along very well, everyone is very happy to work together, This has nothing to do with the balance of my heart, no matter what the external factors, to do their part; good at discovering the advantages of others; do not others to make irresponsible remarks; generally decent , Will never go to preoccupied; more help, understanding of others, ask the views of others, so get along will be a lot of pleasure. In addition, before each event I will try to be prepared in advance, do not understand where to open to consult, activities will immediately do a good job summary, learn from the experience and lessons. No one will naturally know how to do something, are acquired through the efforts of the learned, even if I still have some good enough place, but I have been working with, persisted, with this unit tenacity, I believe I can!










