这是不是一种注定,让我们相遇又分开,让我们走在一起,打算一起就这样生活下去的时候却打不开命运的枷锁。 我和小简在深圳认识,当时,我和她都是一个人。在她没来之前,我与表姐一起上班,我和表姐一起去面试,一起去签合同,一起跟着指导员走,直到走到车间后,来了一个身穿工作制服的中年少女。她从我们这一批人里面挑选了二十多个人,在挑选的时候,我真的很害怕与表姐分开,毕竟我才出来不久,虽然算得上独立,但在一个陌生的环境里,面对陌生的人群,担忧和害怕确实是有的。 不过好在,我和表姐并没有分开。这让我减少了很大部分害怕,心里总算是比刚开始好多了不少。
在挑选的人里面,指导员就要我们跟她走,于是就这样,那位穿工作制服就告诉我们工厂里面的一些工作制度。说完过后,就把我安排在一个测试的位置,要我看着那个公位的姐姐测试。而我的表姐在哪个位置,我就不知道了。 那个姐姐人很好,她又有耐心又温柔,由于我刚开始,心里难免会有点紧张,但她还是有耐心的教我,这让我有点小小的感激她。 毕竟只是重复一个动作,看着没有一会我就学会了,就这样我就和她小声的说起话来(上班是不可以说话的)。 从她说的话里,我知道了原来那个穿工作制服的是我我们组长。她在这里工作好几年了。她也是重庆人,听到她说重庆人,我心里莫名的生出了一种亲近感。
我们是老乡。 那个工位因为有两个人了,就显得特别轻松。她就告诉我一些工作方面的事情,应该注意什么。我认真听着她的'每一句话,直到下班。
其实我是很讨厌这样子的自己的。以前我一直觉得我很独立,一个人可以做很多事情,可以走很长的路,可现在才发现,原来,我还是不够独立。 看着表姐在前面走,我既然在害怕她会不等我。在换鞋子的时候我加快速度,去追她。她也在一个转角处停了下来,往后看了一下,正好她一回头,我就跑到了她身边。然后我们一起去吃饭。
下午上班的时候我一个人在那里,那位教我的姐姐被调走了,我怕自己的速度跟不上,就加快的做。 一整天下来,我感觉确实是有点累,但我想不管好累也要坚持,毕竟我不能长期住在表姐家,必须要有工作才行。
第二天我们六点半就起来,在外面买早餐,一路走一路吃,大概走了半个小时多小时,还是算走的很快了。第二天晚上要加班,直到十点才下班,听她们说新来的员工第一天晚上可以不用加班,其它晚上都是要加班的,而且最近有点赶货。 表姐在第二天的晚上告诉我,说她不想做了,并且还对我说,她从来没有进过这样累人的厂。 她在对我说这句话的时候,我也不知道怎么办,但我觉得我还是不能走。 一个礼拜后,我搬进了厂里,表姐走了,连工资都没有要,我也是从拉长口里得知她那一天没有来上班,然后直接是自离了,我以为她只是请假,直到后来几天才知道。 就这样,我又开始一个人了,我以为我会一直一个下去,直到遇见了小简。
在你困难的时候,我帮了你。她们都觉得你有点傻,但我每次看见你工作拼的时候,就莫名的感到心疼。如果要我原因可能就只有一个――老实善良的人是应该有人来爱和关怀的。 认识小简后,我的生活多了一扇门打开。刚开始,她经常做错事,被划款挨骂。我安慰她,帮她返工,帮她清货。 就这样,我们成了好朋友,上班下班都在一起,有时候,我们也会有语言上的代沟,也会吵闹,这个时候通常都是她让我,但我并不是一个不讲理的人。所以,我们很难吵起来。 她也是一个人在深圳,除了表姐以外,也没有别的亲人了,在面对我们的工作时,我们都是相互安慰,不管怎样都要坚持下来。
我们也会在放假的时候去玩,但很多时候都只有我们两个人,再加上我也不喜欢有别人的加入。 我一直想去海边,一直想去看大海,但我不是很熟悉路。于是,我就像一个人品还好的厂友说起,问他知不知道海边,并且带我们去。 也是在一个周末,他带我们去海边,我晕车很厉害,不小心吐在自己身上了,而小简她也晕车,但她没有吐。 我不喜欢坐公交,人多而且又有很多个站。里面又有各种味道。下车后,我又吐了。与我们一起来的那个厂友赶紧去买水,递给我们。
2016年我看见了海,是第一次看见了海,海是很美的。 我和小简还有一位厂友一起。 那位厂友在沙滩上坐着,我和小简去海岸上走,我们脱下鞋子,踩在沙滩上。那沙子因为正午的阳光而变得炙热,我觉得我的脸很烫,可还是抵不住我奔向海岸的热血心情。 我和小简手牵手,走在海岸上,小简撑着伞。 海浪很大,我站在海岸边,觉得每次海浪都如我的心情一样。我在沙滩上写上小简的名字,还有我的名字。 我和小简在海岸待了三个多小时才回来,我们在岸边歇了一会儿就去吃饭。
走出沙滩后,我看见了一个贝壳店,里面有许多贝壳,我们又走进去看了一会儿,我买了三个小贝壳,我们三人一人一个,小简和那位厂友都不要,但我说就算是留个纪念吧,这样她们才收下。回来的时候,那位厂友要我们去他家吃饭,我们是同意了的,可是,我在回来的时候太晕车了,还没有到站就直接下来,最后那一段路都是我自己走回来的。 小简和那位厂友找了我很久,打我电话直接是关机了。 最后小简只好回宿舍来找我。
我和小简经常去老街,我们经常就是走路,有时候放假我们就会走很长一段路,她如果不去,我就会硬拉着她去。我喜欢走路。 我与小简的老地方,是一颗大树,我们经常坐在那颗大树下,每次吃完饭后休息一个小时,我们都会去那颗大树哪里,那颗大树就在我们厂后面,很少有人会从那里经过。 我喜欢安静,我也想有个只属于朋友的安静。 我和小简很好―――― 门卫那个保安说我和小简随影不离。 有一次组长看见我一个人了,也问我小简在哪里。那次是她去她表姐家了。
小简陪我走路,她陪我从龙园的那条河走了整整几个小时。 有次她惹我生气了,她马上问我想吃什么? 她除了陪我走路,还要随时随地迁就我,不能惹我惹我生气。还有 但我不知道为什么,我总觉得我值得她这样做,因为我不管怎样无理取闹,都不会伤害她,至少,我也会用心待她。
我们说好要一起面对以后的,虽然只是朋友,但我觉得没有关系,可是,最后我们还是分开了。我要回家,她也要回家。 我要走的时候,她哭了,我不知道一向好面子的她也会哭,而且是为我?以前我总是说她是个男人性格,她自己也承认了。可我没有发现,她也会有这样的一面。最后想想,可能我们每个人都有别人不知道的一面,哪怕你和她再好,她总是有你不知道的事。 要离开的时候,我告诉小简,我以后不敢一个人去老街了,那里有太多关于你的回忆。
我走的那天,下起了雨,我一个拖着行李,走走停停,我觉得我身边少了一个人,我也觉得好像是一场梦。 到重庆的时候已经是晚上了,晕车的我,走在人群里看着人群里一片吵杂,却感觉只有自己一个人。 夜风吹来,我深深地吸了一口气,然后对自己说没有关系,真的没有关系,以后的路还长。 这是,马路旁的灯向我正斜方照着。影子把我拉得很长很长。
This is not a destiny, let us meet and separate, let us go together, together we will not open the shackles of destiny when we live together like this. I met her in shenzhen, and she and I were both alone. Before she didn't come, I go to work together with your cousin, cousin and I go to the interview, go to sign the contract, together with instructor walked, until after went to the workshop, to a girl in work uniforms of the middle-aged. She this a group of people selected from us more than 20 people, at the time of choosing, I was really afraid of separated with your cousin, after all, I come out soon, although is independent, but in a strange environment, faced with unfamiliar people, worry and fear there is indeed. Fortunately, my cousin and I didn't separate. It made me a lot less afraid, and I was better off than I had just begun.
The instructor asked us to go with her in the selection, and so the work uniform told us some of the work in the factory. After that, I placed me in a test position and asked me to look at her sister's test. And where my cousin is, I don't know. The elder sister is very good, she is patient and gentle, because I have just started, my heart will be a little nervous, but she still has the patience to teach me, which makes me a little grateful to her. After all, it's just a repetitive motion, and it's not a while since I learned it, so I started talking to her in a whisper (it's not possible to talk). From what she said, I learned that the man in uniform was my team leader. She has been working here for years. She was also a chongqing person, and I felt a sense of affinity when I heard her say chongqing people.
We are the hometown. The job was particularly easy because of two people. She told me something about the job and what should be paid attention to. I listened carefully to her every word until after work.
I was walking with a group of strangers, and I began to look for my cousin in the crowd, but I hadn't seen it for a long time. So I followed the crowd, and at last I saw my cousin's shadow. She was a metre or two ahead of me, and a metre or two was not far away, but I could not overtake her, and there was a crowd of people in the middle, and I had to keep that distance, and look at her.
I really hate myself for that. I always felt that I was very independent. I could do a lot of things and I could go a long way, but now I realize that I am still not independent enough. Look at my cousin walking in front, I am afraid that she will not wait for me. I picked up my shoes and ran after her. She also stopped at a corner and looked back, just as she looked back, and I ran to her side. Then we go to dinner together.
I was there at work in the afternoon, and my sister who taught me was transferred, and I was afraid I couldn't keep up with it, and I did it faster. All day long, I feel a little tired, but I want to insist that I am tired. After all, I can't stay in my cousin's house for a long time. I must have a job.
On the way home, my cousin said that she would move to the factory after this week. After all, it was a little far from the rented house, not very convenient.
The next day we got up at half past six, bought breakfast outside, ate all the way, probably walked for more than half an hour or so, and it was very fast. I had to work overtime the next night and didn't leave work until 10 o 'clock. They said the new employee could not work overtime on the first night, and all the rest of the night was working overtime, and recently had a bit of a rush. My cousin told me the next night that she did not want to do it, and told me that she had never been in such a tiring factory. I didn't know what to do when she said this to me, but I didn't think I could go. A week later, I moved into the factory, cousin to walk, even not to pay, I also learn from mouth long she didn't come to work on that day, and then directly from left, I thought she just leave, don't know until a couple of days later. So, I started another person, and I thought I would go on until I met a little Jane.
I helped you when you were in trouble. They all think you are a little silly, but every time I see you work hard, I feel pain. If there is one reason I may have only one -- the honest and good man should be loved and cared for. After knowing little Jane, I had a door open. At first, she often did wrong and was scolded. I comfort her, help her get back to work and help her clear the goods. In this way, we became good friends, work together, sometimes, we will also have language generation gap, will also be noisy, usually she let me at this time, but I'm not an unreasonable person. So, it's hard to argue. She is also a person in shenzhen, besides the cousin, there is no other family members, in the face of our work, we are all comfort, no matter how to insist.
We also play during the holidays, but most of the time we are both alone, and I don't like to be joined by others. I always wanted to go to the seaside, I always wanted to see the sea, but I am not very familiar with the road. So, I was like a good friend of a good company, to ask him if he knew the sea, and took us to it. Also on a weekend, he took us to the seaside, I was carsick very severe, accidentally spit on oneself body, and little Jane she also carsick, but she did not vomit. I don't like taking the bus, there are many people and there are many stations. There are all kinds of flavors. When I got off the bus, I vomited again. The factory friend who came with us rushed to buy water and handed it to us.
I saw the sea in 2016. It was the first time I saw the sea. The sea was beautiful. I have a factory friend with Jane. The factory friend sat on the beach, and I went to the shore with Jane, and we took off our shoes and stepped on the sand. The sand became hot because of the midday sun, and I felt my face burning, but I could not resist the blood that ran towards the shore. I walked hand in hand with Jane, on the shore, little Jane holding an umbrella. The waves were very high, and I stood on the shore, feeling like I was in the same mood every time. I wrote down my little Jane's name on the beach and my name. Little Jane and I spent more than three hours on the coast before we came back. We had a short rest on the shore and went to dinner.
Out of the beach, I saw a shell shop, there are many shells, we went in to see again for a while, I bought three small shell, the three of us a person one, little friends and Jane and the factory have not to, but I say even leave a mark, so they didn't accept it. Friends when I come back, the factory want us to go to his house for dinner, we are agreed, but, when I am back too carsickness, haven't arrive station directly down, finally that a way is go back on my own. Jane and the factory friend have been looking for me for a long time. Finally, Jane had to go back to the dormitory to find me.
I and Jane often go to the old street, we often walk, sometimes we will walk a long way, if she doesn't go, I will drag her. I like to walk. My old place with little Jane, it is a big tree, we often sit under the big tree, after dinner to rest for an hour at a time, where we will go to the big tree, the tree is behind the our factory, few people passed by. I like to be quiet, I also want to have a quiet that only belongs to a friend. I was very good with Jane -- the guard at the guard said that I and Jane were inseparable. Once the group leader saw me and asked me where I was. That was when she went to her cousin's house.
Little Jane walked with me, and she walked with me for a few hours from the river in the dragon garden. Once she made me angry, she immediately asked what I wanted to eat. Besides walking with me, she has to accommodate me whenever and wherever I can, and I can't make me angry. But I don't know why, I always feel that I deserve to do this, because I don't want to make a fuss no matter how unreasonable, will not hurt her, at least, I will treat her with heart.
We agreed to face the future together, although it was just a friend, but I didn't think it was relevant, but finally we separated. I'm going home, and she's going home. When I was leaving, she cried, and I didn't know that she would cry, always, and for me. I used to say she was a man, and she admitted it herself. But I didn't realize that she would have the same side. Finally, maybe each of us has something we don't know, even if you and she are good, she always has something you don't know. When I was going to leave, I told Jane that I would not go to old street alone. There were too many memories of you.
The day I left, it was raining, I was dragging my luggage, I felt that I was missing a person, and I felt as if it was a dream. It was evening when I arrived in chongqing. I was carsick and I was walking in the crowd watching the crowd, but I felt I was alone. I took a deep breath, and then told myself that it had nothing to do with it. This is the light at the side of the road. The shadows stretched me long and long.
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