
2021-06-25 论文




  指示型摘要(indicative abstract)也称为介绍型摘要,或者陈述型摘要,这种摘要一般较短,所描述的内容主要包括论文的论题和结论,或者概括表述作者的研究目的或者发展趋势。其目的是使读者对论文的主要撰写目的和大概内容有一个了解。指示型摘要一般不介绍试验方法、结果和作者的结论等具体内容,一般也不包含数据、公式、讨论等。指示型英文摘要一般篇幅只有30~60个单词,其主要谓语常用describe, indicate, introduce等。例如:

  Title: Simulation tests of transfer of Turbine generator

  Abstract: The simulation tests of transfer on turbine load and different changes was described。 It shows that the transfer curves of the main part parameters on the core simulator of Guangzhou turbine generator had been firmed in an optional status。

  Title: Summarize of Cell Disruption Technique and Application

  Abstract: Cell disruption of mechanical and non—mechanical technique and application were summarized in the paper。 Features and problems of these techniques were discussed。 In the end, the development of ultrasonic cell disruption technique was forecasted。

  信息型摘要(informative abstract)也就是常說的报道型摘要,有时也被称为资料型、材料型摘要。这种类型的摘要在当前专业英文期刊论文中普遍使用,其特点是主要介绍作者的研究目的(aim)、方法(method)、结果(results)和结论(conclusion)等,整个结构比较完整且一般有前后顺序和层次关系,可以说是整篇论文的高度浓缩,因此,信息型英文摘要的篇幅一般较长,根据实际表达的内容,整个摘要大约100~300个单词,上述各部分内容基本按顺序表述。例如:

  Title: Mathematic model of seed peeling efficiency with critical structure parameters based on orthogonal multinomial tests

  Abstract: In this paper, research results of peeling technology for some small diameter cereals were presented。 The study found out some inherent laws between the peeling parameters, such as the helix angle, gears interval, rotating speed and the gears gap, and the peeling effect with a mathematic model after taking many orthogonal multinomial regressive tests with multi—factors and multi—levels。 The main test material is rapeseed, the typical o ill seeds which is widely planted in the south China。 This research result laid a reference of optimizing design of apparatus for small diameter plant seeds peeling。

  结构型摘要(structured abstract)也就是常说的标注型摘要,或者叫标记型摘要。结构型摘要可以看成是信息型摘要的另一种形式,因为这种形式的英文摘要在信息型摘要的基础上更加突出摘要在表达上的'层次性和要描述的重点内容。其和传统英文摘要的明显不同,在于摘要的行文中必须有明显突出的字体(一般用黑体或斜体)直接标示出论文的研究目的(aim)、方法(method)、结果(results)和结论(conclusion)等各部分内容。这种类型的英文摘要由于需要表达论文的完整要点,一般篇幅较长,有些会超过500字。突出的字体便于读者直观找到论文的关键内容,也使整个摘要的表达形式更加简单明了,因此,广泛应用于理工科类科技期刊论文的摘要中。例如:

  Title: Optimized design and experiment of roller—crush board ginkgo huller

  Abstract: Aim The propose of the study is to overcome shortcomings of gingko hulling process of roller—crush board huller, low hulled rate, difficulty of crushed mixture, etc。 Methods A new structure of the huller was redesigned。 The crush board was improved, two shocking board were put into the crushing facility, and crushed mixture of gingko were separated with wind raising sieve。 After 4—factor—2—level orthogonal experiments had been accomplished, key parameter of the hushing equipment had been studied with the quantitative analysis。 Results The cracked nut rate T increases by 9% over before, and can reach 70%。 The smashed nut rate S is less than 12%, the rate of remained core in shell dropped to 10% and the rate of remained shell in core go to 8%, while the four key parameters (roller material, rolling interstice, rotate velocity and pre—treating) were adjusted to 45# steel, 10 mm, 1000 r/min and 4 hour under 50℃ infrared drying oven, respectively。 Conclusion The study got an optional parameters for a new generation of improved prototype of gingko huller。





  结构型英文摘要按照层次关系在表述各部分内容时,其句型和语法是基本固定的,研究目的(Aim或Objective)部分基本都是不定式开头的陈述句,例如:In order to study the effect of radiated cellulose by low energy electrons of the nitrocellulose。方法(Method)部分经常使用study, consider, discuss, investigate, analysis, develop等单词。结果(Results)部分则直接采用简单句的型式,并多用present, report, illustrate等表达结果的单词。结论(Conclusion)部分则简单明了地表达文章发现的规律或总结性结论,常采用summary, outline, rule等词汇。



  Title: Determination of disruption rate of recombinant hansenula polymorpha cells expressing HBsAg

  Abstract: Objective To develop a method for rapid determination of disruption rate of recombinant Hansenula polymorpha(HP)cells expressing HBsAg。 Methods The disruption rate of recombinant HP cells was determined by microscopic counting and capillary centrifugation after staining, and the protein contents in supernatants of cells before and after disruption were determined by Lowry method to evaluate the disruption rate indirectly。 Results The disruption rate of cells was directly calculated by microscopic counting, and the result was reliable。 The disruption rate of cells determined by capillary centrifugation was similar to that by microscopic counting。 The suspension of disrupted HP cells were well stained with Coomassie brilliant blue。 Conclusion Microscopic counting, capillary centrifugation method were suitable for evaluation of cell disruption rate, however, capillary centrifugation was rapid, simple and practical in actual production process。



  在表达研究方法和试验过程上多用method, approach, exhibit, find out, indicate that, observe, show that等单词和词组。例如:

  The effects of proper maxim courses on the lump occurrence in the normal way were observed。(例证了常规下适当的采掘程序对冒顶发生的影响),而尽量不用类似The ascend rocket in the down—half of the Lunar Module was studied thousands of times(登月艇下半截的上升火箭试验过几千次了)的语句,以表达文章内容的客观现实性,以及作者研究的科学意义。


  科技英文摘要表达的研究对象可能涉及研究技术、试验装置等,常用application, usage等词汇,以明确表述此类研究对象的用途和发展趋势等。例如:The obtained technologies were adopted to automobile exhaust analysis(将所获得的技术应用于汽车废气的分析)。These equipment were used to study new hardware in many projects(这些设备被用于研制许多项目的硬件)等。少用概括性地表述一般范围的词汇和语句,如cover, contain, include等,不利于在有限的英文摘要篇幅内准确表达研究结果的实际或潜在应用。例如:The paper contains the configuration, structural design and optimized parameters from the test results after many test。(本文通过许多试验获得了配置,结构化设计和优化参数)。The cited reports cover research on the use of tracers to study lower atmospheric air pollution movements(所引用报告包括用示踪元素研究大气底层污染移动的研究)。


  研究结果是客观的事实,是已经发现的规律,产生的现象或作者的观点,由此得出的结论也应该有准确的描述,最好是定量而非定性的表达,因此多用成果获取的词汇,如constructed, achieve, derive, establish, obtain, realize等。例如:Dissolution figures were constructed which could be adopted in low temperature cool treatment(文章绘制了用于低温冷处理的溶解图)。Server simulation models were obtained based on the half scope simulator(在半口径模拟机上建立了若干个仿真模型)。以方便读者快速获知文章作者所要表达的结论或观点。少用一般化推荐和非定量的建议词汇和语句,如propose, recommend, suggest等。例如:The basic object of engineering studies is not only to get an optimum design, but also test the real rule in the nature(工程研究的根本目的不单是要达到最优设计而且是要测试自然规律)。An different theory was proposed for the generation and migration of atom(提出了原子生成和迁移的另一种不同理论)。Suggestions were made for further study of the machine(就机器的进一步研究提出了建议)。后者的表达在摘要中就成了可有可无的鸡肋。




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