
2021-07-11 近义词



  睥睨 基本解释

  睥睨[pì nì]

  词典look sideways:睥睨;斜视。

  近义词:傲视  [注释]蔑视;轻视:傲视同侪|傲视的目光。

  同义词:顾盼  [注释]向两旁或周围看来看去:左右~。

  睥睨[bì nì]

  [书] (眼睛斜着向旁边看; 引申为看不起) look askance at; look at sb. disdainfully out of the corner of one's eye:


  consider everyone and everything beneath one's notice; be overweening;


  behave arrogantly to; despise

  睥睨[pì nì]

  [书] look sideways

  睥睨 网络解释

  1. Condescend:2 Chrome Mox 五彩玛珂 | 4 Condescend 睥睨 | 1 Crucible of Worlds 世间锤炼

  2. bi ni:伛偻 yu lv | 睥睨 bi ni | 酩酊 ming ding

  睥睨 双语例句

  1. 丝印是长远实在可在所有货色上印制较厚不朱层的、较为不专用的一种单一、老练的出产工艺,笔者觉得水晶七彩瘪下殊效的会员卡制息后增工方法否它莫属,它可睥睨柔印、平印、瘪印等出产增工工艺而单不发风骚,在北京China Print 2005制卡和会员卡制息展览会上展不入了多款陈型的舶来手动、半被迫、残被迫、洋矮速的平台或滚筒式丝印机,使人们保持了畴前觉得丝印仅是纯真靠古板手工不不安息,技艺含度矮,不能登风雅之堂的不公,不小批度、矮速度的联机丝印印制增工已为业内同业所认同,并获得普及使用。

  Screen printing is almost the same thing on in all printed with a thick layer of ink and more commonly used in a simple and mature production process, I think hatogayu qicai raised about membership card after processing mode is non-mohazzab, which can be proud of its flexo printing and lithographic, such as production and processing of gravure printing process, in Beijing China Print 2005 business card printing and membership card making exhibition on display at a number of new type of home-made manual, semi-automatic, fully automated, high-speed platform or drum-type screen, getting people to change the perceived 7building just a mere, traditional hand-operated low-technology content, you cannot wave prejudice, maxzhy, high speed online 7building printed processing has to conlleague recognizes, and adoption.

  2. 丝印是长远实在可在所有货色上印制较厚不朱层的、较为不专用的一种单一、老练的出产工艺,笔者觉得水晶七彩瘪下殊效的会员卡制息后增工方法否它莫属,它可睥睨柔印、平印、瘪印等出产增工工艺而单不发风骚,在不好久后不柔落展的北京China Print 2005制卡和会员卡制息展览会上展不入了多款陈型的舶来手动、半被迫、残被迫、洋矮速的平台或滚筒式丝印机,使人们保持了畴前觉得丝印仅是纯真靠古板手工不不安息,技艺含度矮,不能登风雅之堂的不公,不小批度、矮速度的联机丝印印制增工已为业内同业所认同,并获得普及使用。

  Screen printing is almost the same thing on in all printed with a thick layer of ink and more commonly used in a simple and mature production process, I think hatogayu qicai raised about membership card after processing mode is non-mohazzab, which can be proud of its flexo printing and lithographic, gravure printing process such as and, not too long ago just show, Beijing China Print 2005 business card printing and membership card making exhibition on display at a number of new type of home-made manual, semi-automatic, fully automated, high-speed platform or drum-type screen, getting people to change the perceived 7building just a mere, traditional hand-operated low-technology content, you cannot wave prejudice, maxzhy, high speed online 7building printed processing has to conlleague recognizes, and adoption.

  3. 自认为很潮、很IN、很非主流的那一群人,他/她们在我们眼中是快要玩完的90后。面对他们时,我们也不能睥睨以待,因为他/她们总是很喜欢嚣张地嘲笑我们已经进入大叔、大妈的行列,我们落伍、老土、喜欢怀旧这些都是他们的笑资!

  Now I am sitting in the Helsinki School of Economy's Liabaray to enjoy their advanced internet service and try my best to remeber what had happened after I left my beloved motherland.

  4. 他们在20世纪80年代统治了NBA,21世纪初又夺得了三连冠,一度睥睨全联盟。

  They ruled the NBA in the 1980s and again at the turn of the 21st century.

  5. 想开个大号去睥睨天下,可我有吗?

  I have a dream, I hope all dreams are back.

  6. 你不断地投来锋利的睥睨,永远新鲜我的痛苦。

  Constant thrusts from your eyes keep my pain fresh for ever.

  7. 现在就是这样的时候,已是盛夏,他有着充足睥睨人类的借口。

  At special occasions like this, when it`s the dead end of summer, he had an excuse for setting eyes on the people.

  8. 而且我全家最大,我的'位置当然是最高拉~~~~我最喜欢睥睨每个人了~!

  And since I am the boss of this house, I certainly stay at the toppest position, I like seeing everything from the top since I was young, still now!

  9. 而镜里一张面孔,依然婉妙如画,她偏过头睥睨自己的侧脸,额头和脸颊的弧线像一片肥沃的丘陵。

  The lens of a face, still wan wonderful picturesque, she Pianguo Tou turned its own profile, forehead and cheeks of the arc, like a fertile hills.

  10. 她无精打采地--------且当她每次睥睨格兰特,他眼睛出神------这种情况只有他沉思的时候才有。

  She picked listlessly at her bolognaise, and every time she glanced at Grant he had a far away look in his eye -- the one he got when he was planning something.

  11. 日本这个国家的国民深深热爱现金,甚至有些睥睨信用卡,如何去说服他们去刷手机来支付商品和服务费用呢?

  How do you persuade a nation that is deeply in love with cash and even looks askance at credit cards to pay for goods and services with the swipe of a phone?

  12. 除此之外,还有部分公务员对自我角色的错误认识,在各种新闻报道中不断的出现公务员睥睨大众,或口吐狂言,或飞扬跋扈的表现,这些都是由于公务员的角色认知问题。

  In addition, there are some civil servants are erroneous understanding of own role, civil servants continue to burst the arrogance of the public, vomit raving, domineering, is the role of cognitive problems appear.

  13. 雕像和神庙比比皆是。其间,熠熠发光的奥林匹亚宙斯神庙高耸突兀,睥睨四邻。

  Statues and temples are everywhere, but above them all shines the temple of Olympian Zeus.

  14. 这些袭击甚至可以睥睨世界上最棒的敢死队。

  The attacks would have challenged the world's finest commandos.

  15. 在面对至高无上的君王,他敢于睥睨王者、刚正直言,以一种不屈不挠的气度、坚决的捍卫人的独立和人的尊严。

  When facing the king, he dared to defy the king. He was upright and respect.

  16. 国有土地以其主宰的地位,睥睨着其上的一切建筑物。

  Dominated by the status of state-owned land, a symbol of all its buildings.

  17. 他还写道,无忧无虑的作家睥睨舆论,“永远为不相识的朋友写作”。

  In the same source he notes that the happy author is the one who, ignoring public opinion, " writes always to the unknown friend ".

  18. 《复仇者联盟》中他的合作影星克里斯埃文斯、克里斯海姆斯沃斯、马克鲁法洛、杰瑞米雷纳和斯嘉丽约翰逊集体出席颁奖,而唐尼当然尤为睥睨众生。

  His Avengers co-stars Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner, and Scarlett Johansson all assembled to present the award and Downey certainly made the most of it.

  19. 本世纪二三十年代,生气勃勃的魏玛文化在共和国贫乏苍白而又充满危机的政治背景下睥睨欧陆。

  During the 1920s and 1930s, a vigorous Weimar culture, with the dull and crisis-ridden politics of the Reich, overwhelmed the European countries.

  20. 战争的烽火硝烟已经消散。鹰眼如炬,硝烟年代睥睨大地的悲情。

  The flames and smoke of war had dissipated. Yet the bird's eyes shone like torches, casting sad compassion over a land enshrouded in gunpowder smoke.

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