
2021-01-13 一句话经典语录

  1.Your gal pals, Penny and Bernadette, went out shopping for some wedding nonsense without Amy. An action they took with no thought or regard to how it would affect me, the future of string theory or my Lego fun time.因为你们的马子,佩妮和伯纳黛特偷偷跑去买婚礼垃圾,也不叫上艾米。她们完全没有想过她们会影响到我,影响弦理论的未来,还影响我的乐高欢乐时光。

  2.I am a man of science, not someone’s snuggle bunny.我是个搞科研的人,不是某人的抱抱兔。

  3.There’s a bird outside the window, and he won’t go away. That is the hell that is going on.窗户外面有只鸟,死活不肯走。弄得我跟人间炼狱似的。

  4.It’s called ornithophobia, and someday it will be recognized as a true disability, and then the landlord will be required by law to put a giant net over the building. Which is unfortunate because I have a fear of nets.这叫恐鸟症。而且总有一天,恐鸟症会被视为一种残疾,房东必须按照法律规定给这栋楼加一张大网。到时就悲剧了,因为我还怕网。

  5.Hummingbirds are the vampires of the flower world.蜂鸟是鲜花界的吸血鬼。

  6.Trust me. If I had a death ray, I wouldn’t be living here. I would be in my lair enjoying the money the people of Earth gave me for not using my death ray.相信我,如果我有“死光”,我就不会住在这了。我会坐在用不完的钱堆上,都是人们送来贿赂我求我别用“死光”的'。

  7.A., Comic books employ storytelling through sequential art, a medium that dates back seventeen thousand years to the cave paintings at Lascaux, and B., You play the harp. Like that’s cool.首先,漫画书通过连环画来讲述故事,这种方式可追溯到一万七千年前,拉斯科洞穴壁画时代,其次,你还玩竖琴呢,你以为那很酷吗?

  8.Am I okay? Leonard, I’m on a lifelong trajectory that includes a Nobel prize and cities named after me. All four wisdom teeth fit comfortably in my mouth without need of extraction, and my bowel movements run like a German train schedule.我还好吧?莱纳德,我这辈子迟早会拿诺贝尔奖,有座城市还要以我的名字命名。我的四颗智齿在我嘴里安稳得长着,完全不用拔掉,我的肠道活动就像德国火车一样规律。

  9.Cluck, cluck, cluck, what are we, ladies at a quilting bee? Or are we men playing a fantasy card game set in a magical frontier town?傻笑,傻笑,傻笑,咱是聚在一起缝棉被的家庭妇女吗?还是正在玩一个背景设在魔幻边境的魔幻桌游的一群男人?

  10.I’m in the Matrix, Leonard. I see everything.我在矩阵里,莱纳德,我什么都看得见。

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