Lesson 83 多媒体教学设计最新方案

2021-06-12 教学设计







  2.(导入)教师由介绍贝多芬有才华但贫穷导入Part 1的教学,让学生先了解Mr。 More和Mr。 Little的情况。

  3.(录像演示)让学生带着下面的问题观看Read and learn的情景演示,了解教材的大意。

  Does Mr。 More enjoy himself? Why?

  Does Mr。 Little enjoy himself? Why?


  w1。 Could Mr。 More buy himself lots of nice things?

  w2。 Did he have many friend?

  w3。 Did he enjoy himself?

  w4。 Why didn’t he enjoy himself?

  w5。 Could Mr。 Little buy himself lots of nice things。

  w6。 Did he have many friends?

  w7。 Did he enjoy himself?

  w8。 Who was happier, Mr。 More or Mr。 Little? Why?



  将下列句子用but 或and 连接。

  1。The boy is very clever。 He didn’t work hard。

  2。 Mary is always kind to us。 We all like her。

  3。 My brother is very careless。 He never forgets his homework。

  4。 Jane is a worker。 He loves his work very much。


  wA: Can you swim now?

  wB: Yes。 I can。

  wA: Could you swim two years ago?

  wB: No, I couldn’t。 I learned it last year?


  让学生讨论:If you have lots of money, what will you do?

  1) Who do you want to be, Mr。 More or Mr。 Little?

  2) Can money bring us everything?

  3) Which do you prefer, money or friendship?

  5.(录像演示)Read and say,让学生观看对话,学习新词汇:come along, return,然后回答问题:

  1)What are Sarah’s friends going to do tomorrow?

  2)Can Sarah go with them? Why or why not?






  1。 He taught ________French。

  2。 Did Ann and her friends enjoy _______at the party last night?

  3。 “Who did you go there with?” “Nobody。 We went all by ______。”

  4。 Could Mr。 More buy _______lots of nice things?

  5。 He said to _______, “I don’t know why!”

  6。 He said, “Boys and girls, help _______。”

  7。 “You must look after _______at home,” Jim’s mother said to him。

  8。 I can’t leave her by________。

  Keys: 1。himself 2。themselves 3。ourselves 4。himself 5。himself 6。yourselves 7。yourself 8。herself

  用连词and, but, so, or填空。

  1。 He helps her _________she helps him。

  2。 I got up late this morning, ________I wasn’t late for school。

  3。 You may go to Hangzhou ________go to Guilin。

  4。 He is ill, ________he can’t come to school。

  Keys: 1。and 2。but 3。or 4。so


  1。 Copy the words and the phrases。

  2。 Do the exercises on page 99。

  3。 Writing: Can Money Bring us Everything(150 words) 。

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