
2021-06-22 教案

  Mdule 11 Phts

  Unit 2

  Unit 3 Language in use


  nwledge bective

  T practice the use f which/wh intrducing attributive clauses.

  Abilit bective

  Enable students t learn re abut develpent f phtgraph.

  Mral bective

  T nw abut hw t review the nwledge.


  T use which/wh intrducing attributive clauses


  PWP ethd, tas-based ethd


  A tape recrder, ultiedia and se pictures


  Teaching Prcedures:

  Step 1 Language practice

  He’s the b wh wn the pht cpetitin last ear!

  The pht which we lied best in the Cit and Peple grup was taen b Zha Min.

  A grup f phts which shw Beiing and Cabridge in England have wn the prize.

  Step 2 Cplete the pster fr the pht cpetitin. Use that, which r wh. There a be re than ne answer.

  Pht cpetitin

  Send us ur phts and win a new caera!

  We need phts _______ shw dail life at schl.

  ur phts shuld recrd interesting things _______ happen at schl, inside the classr r utside.

  The phts ______ u tae shuld be active, beautiful and true.

  The phts ______ u send shuld include se wrds abut the.

  The size f the phts _______ u tae shuld be 9c×13c.

  Students _______ enter the cpetitin shuld be between 10 and 16 ears ld.

  The last date _______ u shuld send ur phts is n 30th Nveber.

  The luc persn ______ wins the cpetitin will receive a new caera.

  Get ur caera and start taing ur phts nw!

  es: that /which that /which that /which that /which that /which

  wh / that which wh / that

  Step 3 Learning t learn

  In an English-speaing cuntries, the use tw sstes f easureent: iperial (inch, ft, ard, ile, pund) and etric (illietre, centietre, etre, ilere, ilgra). u als need t recgnise their shrt frs (in, ft, d, l, lb; , c, , , g).

  Step 4定语从句

  在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫先行词。定语从句必须放在先行词之后。引导从句的关系代词有wh(人-主格), wh(人-宾客), whse(人-所有格), which(物), that(人/物)。引导从句的关系副词有where(地点), when(时间), wh(原因)。

  The an wh lives next t us is a teacher.

  u ust d everthing that I d.

  We will never frget the da when we visited ur headaster.



  He ased the an (作从句主语) wh/that was sing.

  b. 动宾关系?

  The ndles (作从句宾语) that/which I ced were delicius.

  which 引导的定语从句

  which 引导的定语从句修饰的是无生命物体, which 在从句中可以作主语, 也可以作宾语。


  a. 关系代词前有介词。

  This is the huse in which we lived last ear.

  b. 先行词本身是that。

  The clc is that which I bught esterda.

  c. 非限制性定语从句。

  His English, which used t be ver pr, is nw excellent.


  如果先行词指人 那么定语从句的引导词就可以用wh。如果先行词指人, 引导词在从句中充当宾语, 那么引导词就要用wh的宾格形式wh, 口语中也可以用wh代替。

  She has tw brthers, wh are bth dctrs.

  The an wh I saw is called Sith.


  不管定语从句修饰的是人还是物, 如果引导词在从句中作宾语, 通常就可以省略。

  e.g. Did u g t the tal (that/ which) the faus scientist gave at ur schl?


  Is that the car (that/which) u bught last nth?


  A friend is a persn (wh/wh) u nw ver well and lie.


  引导词作宾语时可以省略是因为省略后的从句仍然有主语和谓语, 我们仍然可以分辨出哪部分是定语从句。但是, 引导词在从句中作主语时就不能省略, 否则会造成结构混乱。

  e.g. I’d lie t have a teacher wh is gd at speaing.


  He can ae lessns that are usuall bring interesting.


  以上两句中的引导词 wh 和 that 在从句中作主语, 不能省略。此外, 需要注意的是, 虽然在定语从句中作宾语的引导词在口语中往往被省略, 但在正式文体中则常常被保留。

  Step 5 中考真题

  1.“What d u thin f the schl unifrs?” “Ver gd. I lie clthes ______ ae e feel cfrtable.” 【2012贵州贵阳】

  A. that B. what C. wh


  考查定语从句引导词的用法。定语从句的先行词clthes是“物”, 所以, 定语从句的引导词用which或that引导。根据句意:你觉得校服怎么样呀? 很好, 我喜欢让我穿着舒服的衣服。

  2. It’s interesting that there are an peple ________ spea French in Canada. 【2012四川成都】

  A. which B. where C. wh

  3. I can never frget the stries ______ granda tld e. 【2012绵阳市】

  A. what B. wh C. the D. that

  4. Please pass e the cartn b _______ has a Mice Muse n the cver. 【2012天津】

  A. wh B. whse C. wh D. which

  Step 6 Exercises

  Cplete the sentences s that the are true fr u.

  1.I lie the writer wh ________________________________.

  2. I wuld lie t visit a place that ________________.

  3. I g t a schl which ____________________.

  4. M favurite band is the ne that _______________________.

  5. I have never seen a dctr wh ____________________.

  6. I want t tae a pht which ____________________.

  7. Our teacher is the an wh ____________________.

  es: wrte the Harr Ptter bs

  has lts f sunn beaches

  nl accepts students wh are gd at English

  we saw at the cncert last wee

  wears shrts in the perating theatre

  shws pet cat plaing in a cardbard bx

  is wearing a purple shirt

  Step 7 Wr in pairs

  Tal abut the tw phts.

  I lie the pht which …

  I dn’t lie the pht which …

  The pht which … is …

  Then tal abut the peple in the phts.

  The girl wh …

  Nw as questins abut the phts and write dwn ur answers.

  — Which pht …?

  —The ne …

  L arund the class and describe sene r sething t ur partner. Can ur partner guess wh r what u are describing?

  She is a girl wh has glasses and lng hair.

  It is sething that u use t paint pictures.

  Step 8 Cplete the cnversatin with the expressins in the bx.

  b the wa even thugh far fr thusand f tr … ut

  err: Hi, hw are u? I haven’t seen u fr a lng tie … Ww, is that a new caera, ___________?

  Tina: es. I drpped ld ne, and it was t expensive t repair. S I bught a new ne. This ne is uch better. It’s s uch lighter and easier t use than the ld ne. I’ve learnt hw t wr it alread, ____________ I’ve nl had it fr a cuple f das. And I dn’t have t wrr abut getting prints f all the phts — I can stre _____________ phts n cputer!

  err: Ww, that’s great! I’ thining f getting a caera t. D u ind if I ________ it ________?

  Tina: Of curse nt. Let’s g t the lae. It’s nt ___________ here. The lae wuld ae a reall gd pht.

  es: b the wa even thugh thusands f tr ut far fr

  Step 9 Reading

  Read the passage and cplete the table.

  WhenWhat happened

  In 1827

  In the earl 1830s

  After 1840

  In the 1880s

  B the end f the nineteenth centur

  es: Niepce invented a caera and the first successful phtgraph was prduced.

  A new ind f caera was invented.

  Peple culd tae pictures f ving things.

  Peple culd bu fil in sall bxes.

  Phtgraph becae a ind f art.

  Step 10 Listen and cplete the sentences.

  1.The first successful pht was prduced in _________.

  2. Because it t a lng tie t tae a pht, peple in earl phts did nt ___________.

  3. The first phtgraphers needed t nw hw t __________ and ___________ the.

  4. da intrduced a caera that culd be used b everne in ____________.

  5. da’s caera was ____________ and __________ than an f the earlier caeras.

  6. Caeras with cputer technlg were intrduced in ______________.

  es: 1827 sile tae phts; develp 1888

  saller; lighter the 1990s

  Step 11 Arund the wrld

  A faus pht

  The picture f the earth fr space was taen b Willia Anders n the Apll 8 trip int space.

  Step 12 Mdule tas: Maing a pht displa

  Chse ur favurite pht and describe it.

  Chse ne pht u lie best.

  Write a passage r str abut it. Sa what/wh it is in the pht, and wh it is iprtant t u.

  Step 13 Wr in grups.

  Tal abut ur pht. Use the passage r str u have written in Activit 8 t help u.

  Shw the grup ur pht. Tell the wh u lie it, and wh it is iprtant t u.

  Answer questins ur grup a have.

  Listen t the ther ebers f ur grup tal abut their phts.

  Shw ur phts fr the grup t the whle class and tal abut the.

  Step 14 Hewr

  Chse ur favurite phts and give a brief intrductin.









