Unit 6 Mainly revision的教案设计

2021-06-12 教案


  一、Teaching Aims

  本单元为复习课,重点复习1至5单元出现的语法现象和日常交际用语,英语教案-Unit 6 Mainly revision。同时通过对话课的学习与操练,进一步熟悉有关打电话的用语,通过对两篇文章的学习,了解一些有关集邮,集硬币方面的知识,学生能够对硬币的历史,发展和收藏进行介绍。

  二、Teaching important and difficult points

  1.Words and phrases

  shape, ring, collection, bank, material, hide, (hid, hidden), envelope, cheaply, cock, shame coin, silver, penny, (pi. pence) , mine, possibly, whenever, whatever, afford, hand out, here and there, look round, sooner or later, pick up, packs of, kind of…, at the beginning, be mixed with

  2.Daily expressions

  Hello. Can I speak to Zhou Lan, please?

  This is Zhou Lan speaking.

  But I’ve only just got home.

  I would like to ask you about some stamps.

  What a pity! What a shame!

  I’ll ring you if I have any news.

  It’s a pity I didn’t think of it earlier.


  Revise grammar from unit one to unit five.



  在Lesson 21 有关打电话的对话练习,教师引导学生以口头练习为主,让学生在对话交际功能学会打电话的用语。教师可设置情景对话让学生们进行操练,比如说:教师让两个学生们到前表演,话题为谈论借英语学习杂志或其它使用学生们感兴的题目,教师给学生在黑板上写一些电话用语的日常用语如:Can/May I speak …..? This is ….speaking? Is that..? so on教师在这里只充当配角。












  The soldier carried a pack on his back. 这个军人背上背着一个小包。


  a packet of letters(一捆信),packet(pack)of cigarettes(一包香烟)




  We saw a shape through the mist but we couldn’t see who it was.我们从雾中看见一个人影,但我们看不清那是谁。


  In the early morning light we could just see the forms of the mountains.在晨曦中,我们仅能看到群山的轮廓。


  I could see a tall figure near the door. 我可以看见门附近有一个高大的身影。

  possible, probable的区别

  这两个词的反义词是impossible, improbable


  2)probable用来指有根据,合情理,值得相信的事物,带有“大概,很可能”的意味。语气比possible要重,是most likely之意。

  It’s possible, though not probable. That he will accept the terms.他也可能接受这些条件,但希望不大。

  (2) be possible, be probable常用形式主语it,构成句型为:

  It is possible/probable + that …(从句)

  It is possible /probable+ for sb. to do sth. 例如:


  [√] It is possible for him to do this.

  [√] It is possible that he will do this.

  [×] He is possible to do this.

  particular, especial或special区别




  There was a particular expression in his eyes. 他眼睛中有一种特别的神情。

  The patient needs special/ especial care. 病人需要特殊的照料。

  Coins can be made of many different kinds of metal mixed together.

  mixed together(=…which are mixed together)过去分词短语作后置定语,相当于一个省略的定语从句。

  He is reading the short stories written by Lu Xun. ( =He is reading the shorts stories which were written by Lu Xun. )

  Please give me letters received yesterday. (=…the letters which were received yesterday. )


  She is our respected teacher.

  The lost key has been found.

  A year passed when it was realized that the parcel had been sent to the wrong destination.一年以后才发现包裹送错了地方。

  It’s possible that one of them kept a bank where the workers could keep their money safe.有可能他们中的某个人办了一家银行,工人们可以放心地把钱存在那儿。

  这是一个由形式主语it引导的复合句,真实主语是后面的that从句。其句型结构为:It is+形容词+that从句,常用于这个句型的形容词有:possible,necessary, important, clear, certain, strange等。

  It is necessary that we master one or two foreign languages.我们精通一至二门外国语是很必要的。

  keep a bank意为“开办银行”。此处keep为及物动词,意为“经营”、“管理”、“养活”。

  keep a shop意为“开办商店” keep the farm意为“经营农场”

  keep the house意为“管理家务”keep the family意为“养家糊口”

  It contained 54,951 coins dating from the year 260-275 AD.那一次挖掘的硬币共有54951枚,都是公元260-275年间的硬币。

  dating from在句中作定语,相当于定语从句…which dated from the year…修饰先行词coins, date用作vi., 意思是“起始”、“兴趣于”。date from 表示“始于……时期”。


  Tell the children playing (==who are playing) there not to make so much noise.让那些在那儿玩的小孩别这么吵。

  They’re problems left (=which have been left) over by history.这些是历史遗留下来的问题。


  [×] The old temple is dated from 2,000 years ago.

  [√]The old temple dates back 2,000 years ago.

  [√]The old temple dates back to 2,000 years ago.

  [√]The old temple dates back 2,000 years.

  It does not matter if /whether they are old. 邮票)新旧没关系。

  1) It does not matter if/whether…是一个很有用的句型。

  It doesn’t matter ( to me ) if I miss my train, because theres another one later.对我来说错过一趟火车没关系,因为后面还有。

  2) It doesn’t matter 后还能跟其他从句

  If she does her best, it doesn’t matter what people think of her.只要她尽了力,别人怎么看她无关紧要。

  If you are just starting to collect stamps, here is some advice for you to follow.

  1) start 和begin, continue有一点是相同的,即它们可以用动词不定式或动名词作宾语。

  He started learning / to learn English when he was ten.

  They began building / to build the dam in 1994.

  How can you continue working / to work with all that noise going on?

  2) 但是当这些动词本身是进行时态时,一般后面跟动词不定式。

  starting to collect 一般不能换成starting collecting。

  It’s starting / beginning to rain.开始下雨了。


  She started / began to understand. 她开始理解了。



  Hello, Bob Dorson.

  Hello, 742511.

  This is Bob Dorson speaking. Who is that speaking?


  2) 若对方要找的不是Bob而是Chris,对方可能询问:

  Is Chris in/at home / there ?

  May /can /Could I speak to Chris?

  I’d like to speak to Chris , please.


  A moment, please.

  Hold on, please.

  Hold the line, please.

  Don’t hang up, please.

  3) Bob通知Chris 听电话:

  Telephone for you.

  You are wanted on the phone, Chris.

  4) 在互报完姓名后,就可以开始谈话了。


  Chris isn’t in /here right now. Can / Could I take a message for you?

  Would you like to leave a message?

  Can you call later? He will be back at about 2:30.

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