
2018-03-201027 英文简历模板

  Education experience:

  Start date End date Education organization Majors Certificate Certificate No

  2007-04 2008-05 China marketing association Marketing management Marketing management 30080000146

  Language Ability

  Foreign Language: English Level: normal

  Chinese level: excellent Cantonese Level: normal

  Relevant skills and abilities

  Senior marketing manager job qualifications;

  Good at operation of the market, managing the sales team and event planning and execution;

  Strong communication, coordination skills and market insight;

  Machine can realize paperless office, can skilled computer operation;

  Work in marketing for 13 years, can quickly enter the work state.

  Self-recommendation letter

  Senior marketing manager, jointly issued by the State Examination Center of Ministry of Education and the Chartered Institute of Marketing qualification certificates,Is a professional sales and marketing personnel,Work up to 13 years in sales and marketing management in the consumer goods sector,Marketing, channel planning and construction, dealer management, team management, marketing, staff training and sales management of the terminal stores a wealth of experience;Are those who want to challenge yourself again in the sales area to create greater value for the enterprise, entrepreneurial spirit and achievements of self.

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