
2018-03-25文帼 英文简历模板



  Personal information


  Gender: female

  Ethnic composition: the han nationality

  Age: confidential

  Marital status: single

  Professional title: urban planning

  Major: civil engineering classes

  Political landscape: the league members

  School: wuhan university of technology institute of China

  Graduation time: in July 2016

  Highest degree: bachelor

  Computer level: in general

  Working experience: more than a year

  Height: 158 cm

  Weight: 0 kg

  Home now: yongding county

  Registration: yongding county


  Hope is engaged in the occupation: urban planning and design

  Expected salary: 3000-4000

  Expect work areas: xinluo district Fujian xiamen, In fuzhou, fujian

  Expect nature of work: full-time

  Fastest arrive time: within 1 week

  Must provide housing: no need


  Education background:

  School name: wuhan university of technology institute of China (September 2012 - July 2016)

  Professional title: urban planning education: bachelor degree

  Location: wuhan, hubei province certificate: the university English four levels, the computer level 2

  Professional description: building a preliminary, introduction to Chinese and foreign history of architecture, architectural design, architectural design principle, overview of architecture, city planning, city detailed programming principle and detailed

  Gauge design, the urban residential area planning and design, landscape architecture planning and design, urban garden green land planning principle, the urban total gauge principle, the overall urban planning

  Regulatory design, city design, landscape design, urban system planning, urban and rural planning management and regulations, the Chinese and foreign history, city roads and city

  Introduction to transportation, and urban design.

  Trained experience:

  Work experience

  Company name: urban and rural planning design and research institute of fujian province (September 2015 - November 2015)

  Related industries: real estate development, construction and engineering, services (mediation, property management, supervision, design) company nature: business unit

  Company size: working location: in fuzhou

  Job title: intern

  Job description: help planner processing data collection and mapping work of the project

  Company name: Beijing Chinese and foreign architectural design co., LTD xiamen branch (July 2016 - present)

  Related industries: real estate development, construction and engineering, services (mediation, property management, supervision, design) nature of the company: private. Private enterprises

  Company size: 50-200 people working location: xiamen city

  Job title: planning designer

  Job description: currently works in Chinese and foreign architectural design co., LTD., xiamen branch of Beijing planning a, daily work is mainly responsible for project prophase research, design and design of the main drawing and the preparation of the text. Has done a total gauge, gauge, gauge, tourism planning and design planning books, etc. The following for making project, in which I am namely: four fort new rural construction and cultural trade town overall planning scheme (main),

  Thou farmland under the new village construction of detailed planning,

  If the peak level of fishing port conceptual master plan design,

  Dongshan XianBao longwan controlling detailed planning,

  Responsible for nanjing county and town overall planning (main),

  Longyan city town luo xi village protection development planning,

  Anxi longmen town in regulatory detailed planning,

  Responsible for consideration of saltworks tourism concept planning (main).

  Language ability

  Language name master degree

  Good English

  Proficient in mandarin

  Self assessment

  Self assessment: I have a bright and cheerful disposition, helpful, work rigorous careful, serious and responsible. Observant surroundings at the same time, good at collecting data analysis problems. Also likes to interact with others, love life. Strong ability to learn, hard work, and constantly ask yourself, improve yourself. During the university also actively participate in volunteer activities, and good interaction with the team, good communication skills, to person to matter also has the enough patience and confidence, and have the courage to accept the challenges of new things. University life and many times the summer internship experience let me understand what kind of job you want, the hold what kind of attitude towards life. I am a like to challenge, dare to accept defeat, yearn for a can let me have a chance to hard work. Although I am a girl, but I am far, afraid tired, meet things don't like to give up easily. At the university of professional learning let me mastered a variety of computer office software, such as office, excel, cad, photoshop, xiang source cad, etc. In addition, I through their own efforts to get the English level 4 and computer level 2 certificate. Hope that with my current little work experience, and social experience, give me a jobs, such as service for your company, I will be extremely warmly reply to him!





  性别: 女

  民族: 汉族

  年龄: 保密

  婚姻状况: 未婚

  专业名称: 城市规划

  主修专业: 土建类

  政治面貌: 团员

  毕业院校: 武汉理工大学华夏学院

  毕业时间: 2016年7月

  最高学历: 本科

  电脑水平: 一般

  工作经验: 一年以上

  身高: 158cm


  现所在地: 永定县

  户籍: 永定县


  期望从事职业: 城市规划设计

  期望薪水: 3000-4000

  期望工作地区: 新罗区 福建厦门市 福建福州市

  期望工作性质: 全职

  最快到岗时间: 1周以内

  需提供住房: 不需要



  学校名称: 武汉理工大学华夏学院(2012年9月-2016年7月)

  专业名称: 城市规划 学历: 本科

  所在地: 湖北省武汉市 证书: 大学英语四级、计算机二级

  专业描述: 建筑初步、中外建筑史概论、建筑设计、建筑设计原理、建筑构造、城市规划概论、城市详规原理、城市详






  公司名称: 福建省城乡规划设计研究院(2015年9月-2015年11月)

  所属行业: 房地产开发·建筑与工程·服务(中介·物业·监理·设计) 公司性质: 事业单位

  公司规模: 工作地点: 福州市

  职位名称: 实习生

  工作描述: 帮助规划师处理项目的资料收集和绘图工作

  公司名称: 北京中外建建筑设计有限公司厦门分公司(2016年7月-至今)

  所属行业: 房地产开发·建筑与工程·服务(中介·物业·监理·设计) 公司性质: 私营.民营企业

  公司规模: 50~200人 工作地点: 厦门市

  职位名称: 规划设计师

  工作描述: 目前就职于北京中外建建筑设计有限公司厦门分公司规划一所,工作日常主要负责方案前期的调研,方案构思和设计,主要图纸绘制及文本的编制。目前已做过总规、控规、修规、旅游规划策划书等方面的设计。以下为我所参与制作过的项目,即有:四堡新农村建设及文化贸易古镇整体策划方案(主负责),









  语种名称 掌握程度

  英语 良好

  普通话 精通


  自我评价: 本人性格开朗、乐于助人,做事严谨仔细、认真负责。同时善于观察周围的事物,善于收集资料分析问题。也喜欢与他人交往,热爱生活。学习能力较强,刻苦努力,不断要求自己、提升自己。大学期间也积极参与志愿者活动,并与团队进行良好的互动,具有良好的沟通能力,对人对事也拥有较足够的耐心和信心,且勇于接受新鲜事物带来的挑战。大学生活和多次的暑期实习经历让我明白了自己想要什么样的工作,该持有什么样的人生态度。我是个喜欢挑战,敢于接受挫折的人,渴望一个可以让我有机会拼搏的工作。尽管我是个女生,但我不怕苦,不怕累,遇到事情不喜欢轻易放弃。大学的专业学习让我熟练掌握了多种电脑办公软件,如office、excel、cad、photoshop、湘源CAD等。此外,我通过自己的努力拿到了英语四级和计算机2级的证书。希望凭借我目前仅有的一点工作经验,和社会阅历,给我一次就业机会,如能为贵公司服务,我将以十二分的热忱回复给予的知遇之恩!

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