
2017-08-31钰娟 英文简历模板




  Technical Skills

  Platforms/Operating Systems: Windows, UNIX

  Software: Object-Oriented Rational Rose, Visual Basic, HTML, Javascript,Access (SQL), MS Project, MS Office 2000, Java

  Conducted computational-modeling research project.

  Developed applications for processing Natural Language documents using machine-learning techniques.

  Analyzed visualization of topological and spatial relationships; conducted pilot experiments related to expertise and cognitive psychology.

  Coursework included: Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Neural Networks,Cognitive Linguistics, Artificial Intelligence,Graphical User Interfaces, Object Oriented Language Design.

  Interpersonal and Teamwork Skills

  Demonstrated strong interpersonal skills by interacting with diverse researchers and engineers.

  Provided support and assistance to research and audio staff members.

  Collaborated with professors on research projects.

  Played key role on team engaged in naturallanguage modeling in a human-machine communication using Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR).


  for Human-Computer Interaction Internship

  Solid and comprehensive computer and math skills.

  Exemplary interpersonal skills.

  Strong organizational skills.

  Excellent communication skills.

  Exceptionally motivated and able to motivate others; a self-starter.

  Equally effective researching independently and as a dynamic team member.

  Fast learner who can quickly grasp and apply new ideas.

  Coursework in artificial intelligence, signal processing, pattern recognition, and machine vision.


  Bachelor of XX in XX

  University of XXXX

  XX, CH, 2014

  Minor: Linguistics


  Research Assistant

  International Computer Science Institute

  Shanghai, CH

  Sept. 2013 to June 2014

  Cognitive Science Intern

  Knowledge Universe Interactive Studio

  Beijing, CH

  May to Aug. 2012

  Digital Audio Engineering Assistant

  Walt Disney Imagineering


  May to Aug. 2011


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