
2017-08-21钰娟 英文简历模板




  sex: female

  origin: zhejiang xiaoshan

  national: han

  date of birth: 1988.8.1

  political landscape: members

  education: tertiary

  profession: construction project management

  family address: hangzhou city, zhejiang province xxxxx

  fixed-line telephone: xxx-xxxx


  phone: 136xxxxqq: 369482452

  education: 1995 ~ XXxxxx primary, XX ~ XXxxx junior

  XX ~ XXxxx department of institute of vocational studies, XX and XX graduate of tongji university network, in september XX continued reading tongji university network.

  professional knowledge: building structures, building construction, construction graphics, construction scale and budget, construction accounting, construction mechanics, building construction technology, building codes, construction and contract bidding, construction statistics, economic law, such as professional knowledge.

  job skills: familiar with the construction of zhejiang province in terms of scale and engineering methods, will be the preparation of budget and final accounts, the budget will be operating a number of fixed software (tea, god machine, success).

  self-evaluation: a man hard, solid work; are self-motivated, able to bear hardships and stand hard, seriously hard work, to accept the challenges, strong adaptability, easy-going personality, good communication.

  hobbies: reading books, newspapers, internet, playing badminton.

  job search intention: i hope that his own company in construction or in the cost of consulting firms able to find a job and learning opportunities, making themselves a comprehensive manner.


  1. cover letter(求职意向书) 一定需要写吗? 英文简历最好有一份cover letter,将你为什么加入该公司,个人能力是否和所对应的岗位匹配,你的强项在哪里,再表一下决心。许多实力雄厚的本地化企业觉得求职意向书多此一举,但真正有外派人员的企业还是很看重求职意向书的。

  2. cv、resume、personal profile的区别:现在常有人把cv和resume混起来称为“简历”,精确来讲,cv(curriculum vitae)源于拉丁语,,应是“履历”的意思。在美国,cv主要是用于申请学术、教育、科研职位,欧洲、中东、非洲和亚洲等地,cv更常用于应征工作。而源于法语的resume才是“简历”的意思。resume一般概述了与求职有关的教育经历,是对经验技能的摘要。personal profile 是更加精炼的个人介绍,着重点为工作业绩、学术成果等,一般不涉及太多个人信息。

  3. gender 和sex 不要搞混:gender 是社会性别,sex 是生物性别,也叫自然性别。gender 是更加地道的简历用语。例如:gender: male/ female.

  4. contact information( 联系方式): 国外的简历联系地址要写得很详细,国内一般不要求,但电子邮件一定不要写现在公司的地址。另外因为人才流动量大,一定要写清楚现在的城市。例如:5f, **building, chaoyang district, beijing,china.

  5. 工作经验的顺序安排:我曾见到过一份简历,学心理学专业出身,后来做过市场和销售,简历是根据其做过的行业、项目类别分类。给人感觉非常混乱,无法清楚看到某一时间段的持续性业绩,最好把自己的工作经验按照时间来排序,一些阶段性(几个月)的工作可以不用提及。

  6. 海归写英文简历也需要帮忙吗?很多海归是在非英语国家如:德国、法国接受教育,英文未必是留学所在国的授课或生活常用语言。所以,这要因人而异,量力而为,适当寻求专业帮助。

  7. spelling check (拼写检查)、grammar check一定要找别人进行:语法要保持一致。建议在描述工作经验时尽量用动词开头。例如:coordinate with account manager; is responsible for strategy, planning,marketing/positioning; skilled in working acrossbusiness segments.

  8. 工作经历要用数字!工作经历和经验的描述不等于现在的工作岗位说明书,多用数字说话,写明主要业绩。例如:published 20 articles, worked for almost 10 years, served 50 customers.

  9.bullet point (要点式):在陈述工作经历、教育背景时,注意用要点式,不要用1、2、3等有逻辑关系的方式。想学习更多英语知识。

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