
2017-08-03钰娟 英文简历模板



  Donald Jobs

  Objective: Strategy Consulting




  Jobs University (985)

  2010.09 - 2012.06

  Master of Financial management

  Jobs University (985)

  2006.09 - 2010.06

  Bachelor of statistics


  Chartered Financial Analyst(level1), TOEIC(805),CET6(665)


  GPA:3.8/4.0, XX scholarship


  Jobs Accenture

  2011.11 - 2012.03

  DA Intern


  Took part in project of Customer Financial construction Sharing Service Center and assisted in consulting financial staff


  Assisted project manager to design financial process according to data

  Jobs Trading Co., Ltd.

  2009.09 - 2010.08

  Market and Consumer Research Intern


  MD intern and assisted project management to research project


  Get project design and implementation from officer related brand and report in time

  Spatial statistical analysis on Chinese economic growth and income difference

  2009.09 - 2010.08


  Future Leaders Association of Jobs University

  2010.09 - 2010.12



  Organized activies of public and career development training, succeed in contacting and held Johnson, GE on career development training


  hold the position of project manager repeatedly and organize recruit and public education, ect

  Wildlife at Jobs University

  2008.09 - 2011.10

  Leader of Group


  Lead member complete the activity's routes in the mountains in lack of water


  Coordinated team members' conflicts, had a good arrangement,completed the project by a leap of 37 hour


  Jobs Agricultural Bank

  2009.07 - 2009.09

  GZ Office Intern


  learned to master the process of bank internal and completed loans and credit card business


  Made required documents of signing contract, managed agreement



  Second Prize of postgraduate Curricular Academic Competition



  Winner of ”Expo Knowledge Contest"



  third Prize of National College Students English speech contest




  Enjoy Parachuting (Parachuting license), wildlife, tennis


  1 Middle and high school information. If you've gone through college, you usually don't need to add your high school information, particularly if you're way past the graduation date. Middle school references are also best taken out.


  2 Average or poor GPA. If the company doesn't ask for it, there's no reason to insert in your GPA, especially if your college days are far behind. Including a low GPA won't help your case.


  3 Passive language. Use action verbs and don't make weak references to your achievements. For example, saying things like "familiar with [insert skill]" or "learned how to [insert skill]" is unnecessary. You should cut to the chase and immediately address the skill so you seem like you have the experience, instead of looking like a trainee.


  4 Photos. Unless requested or depending on the industry, leave your photo out. You are not being judged on how you look, so including a photo will make you look unprofessional.


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