
2018-03-121027 个人简历模板



姓名: YJBYS 国籍: 中国  
目前所在地: 广州 民族: 汉族
户口所在地: 江西 身材: 173 cm 60 kg
婚姻状况: 已婚 年龄: 28 岁
人才类型: 普通求职 
应聘职位: 服装/纺织/皮革/制鞋类:业务主管   生产经理/车间主任 生产经理   厂长/副厂长 外发主管
工作年限: 9 职称: 中级
求职类型: 全职 可到职- 一个月
月薪要求: 面议 希望工作地区: 广东省 浙江 上海
个人工作经历: 1999年8月-2001年8月在广东佛山恒威集团(威鹏)服装实业有限公司生产跟单
毕业院校: 江西诚信服装职业技能培训学院
最高学历: 大专 毕业- 1999-07-01
所学专业一: 服装工艺与工业工程 所学专业二: 服装生产管理
受教育培训经历: 1985年-1997年接受基本教育,获得高中毕业证书。
外语: 英语 较差    
国语水平: 良好 粤语水平: 一般
  I have 9 years experience in practical work clothing company, has many years of production in large-scale clothing company management experience, the successful management of large-scale domestic branded apparel business and apparel exports to Hong Kong's production, independent of improved production systems and the formation of its performance steady growth.
Integrated high-quality, good planning, organization, leadership, control, communication and coordination capacity and a high degree of responsibility, able to co-ordinate the various departments company-wide coordination and the formation of work teams.
All-round garment technology, proficient in all aspects of the process and quality control, can live in complete control of the production process problems to follow up with the delivery of外协加工suppliers and have good negotiation skills.
Large-scale clothing enterprises are familiar with the business, production data management, information on the establishment of production systems, document archiving, human resources, administration, financial management of systemic lupus experience.
Domestic and foreign business and trade negotiations have better skills to cope with various complicated situations there is a calm, steady attitude to deal with and resolved.
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