
2017-10-021041 个人简历模板


姓名: YJBYS 国籍: 中国
目前所在地: 山东 民族: 汉族
户口所在地: 山西 身材: 174 cm 60 kg
婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 25 岁
联系电话: ××××××××××× 电子邮箱: ×××@yjbys.com
人才类型: 普通求职 
应聘职位: 贸易类:外贸人员   外语类:翻译   服装/纺织/皮革/制鞋类
工作年限: 1 职称: 无职称
求职类型: 全职 可到职时间: 随时
月薪要求: 1500--2000 希望工作地区: 沿海城市
个人工作经历: 2013年7月-2014年7月 在山东××××外贸公司 外贸人员 合同满一年
2012年8月-2013年1月 在西安××进出口有限公司 经理助理,兼翻译
毕业院校: 西安翻译学院
最高学历: 大专 毕业时间: 2013-07-01
所学专业一: 英语 所学专业二: 国际贸易
受教育培训经历: 2010.03-2010.06 西安翻译学院 英语 CET-4
2011.03-2011.06 西安翻译学院 英语 CET-6

外语: 英语 一般    
国语水平: 一般 粤语水平: 一般
English Resume: Dear Leader:
Firstly I would like to send my cordial regards to you and hope all your wishes be fulfilled.
My name is YJBYS. I graduated of Xi’an Fanyi University; my major is English International Trade.Thank you for taking your valuable time to read the letter and giving me this opportunity to success.
During my college years, I have always made a goal to develop the structure of my knowledge, which was based on my principal courses. My English is excellent and I am good at Office Software.
In last year,I work in Shangdong .Now,I gain a lot of skills and know team-work is very important.
I also think it very necessary to get abundant work experience and try to combine my knowledge with practice. Although my experience is limited, in my opinion, the way developing myself is to study endlessly. Just like a proverb “live and learn”. My education has given me a wide range of background knowledge, so I will encourage myself to face the challenge of any kind of work in the future.
I am very interested in your organization, and feel that my personal characteristics may be due to the qualities that new employee should have. If my application has convinced you of my ability, I am looking forward to receiving your reply.
With my best wishes!
Yours sincerely
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