
2022-08-25 英文简历模板



  Personal information


  Gender: female

  Marital status: single

  Ethnic composition: the han nationality

  Registration: - xinyang, henan

  Age: 24

  Now home to: guangdong - dongguan

  Height: 164 cm

  Hope regions: guangdong - shenzhen, guangdong, dongguan

  Hope jobs: logistics/purchasing class - purchasing director

  Logistics/purchasing - procurement specialist/assistant

  Logistics/purchasing class - purchasing manager/supervisor

  Logistics/purchasing class - purchasing engineer

  Trade classes - domestic trade personnel

  Education experience

  The 2007-09 to 2007-06 hunan normal university business management college

  Trained experience

  2010-12-2010-12 Chinese scientific research first subtropical parts of the city green building technology and subtropical green building union meeting

  Work experience has 4 years working experience in February, worked in two companies

  * * company (2009-06 to 2012-08)

  Nature of the company: the foreign capital enterprise industry categories: trade, business, import and export

  Position: procurement specialist job categories: procurement specialist/assistant

  Job description: 1. Know the market of new products, new materials supplier search, data collection and development work. 2. The status of new supplier quality system (capacity, equipment, delivery, technology, quality, etc.) of the assessment and certification, to ensure that the supplier's optimal benign, parity, bargaining negotiations with suppliers, purchasing plan. Material ordering and delivery control (3) of the old supplier price, capacity, quality and delivery of audit work, to determine the stability of the original supplier supply capacity. 4. Timely grasp the price of raw material market change and quality situation, in order to improve product quality and reduce the purchasing cost. 6. Communication and coordination with suppliers and other departments, etc., is mainly responsible for purchasing the finished project lighting products export, such as: office lighting, commercial lighting products, samples from the customer order to confirmed until the purchase order the container to the port of destination inspection work, including the communication with shipping companies to cooperate as well as the company procurement accounts, financial accounts to check and arrange payment information, etc.

  Leaving reason: the other for development

  * * company (2006-02-2007-09)

  Nature of the company: private enterprise industry categories: rubber, plastic products

  Position: gro job categories: gro

  Job description: responsibilities: responsible for customer development; Tracking customer; Visit customers, month, week work plan report, responsible for all development activities, exhibition and is responsible for the management of customer files, tracking orders, maintaining customer relationship and related working experience, good at coordination and organize customer information tracking and feedback, organize the customer for the product opinion and the suggestion, and tracking customer orders until production shipment

  Leaving reason: the other for development


  Professional title: industrial and commercial enterprise management

  Computer skills: visual foxpro

  Computer skills in detail:

  Expertise: once studied in hunan normal university for two years, majoring in business management, economics, accounting, human resources, marketing, production and operation management and so on

  Language ability

  Fluent in mandarin, cantonese, general

  English: poor oral English


  Development direction: hope to domestic trade class, class is the best lighting, because to do two or three years of lighting procurement, export or sales customer service class will do

  Other requirement: can hope for the best job in shenzhen or dongguan two area

  Their own situation

  Self-evaluation: after graduation on the outside of the good society ferity and ardor, began his working life, learned a lot during the two years of work to practice knowledge, but always feel lack of something, to strengthen all aspects of professional expertise, and came to hunan normal university to read two years of management, hoping to improve yourself. What I have is young and knowledge. Young may mean lack of experience, but also means that young enthusiasm and vitality, I am confident that by our own ability and knowledge in the later work and overcome various difficulties in life, realize their life values and the pursuit of the goal of constantly, in this world, not to do things that only unexpected things, as long as you can want, determined to do it, we will be able to do it, who has made up his mind to win never say "impossible" only by constantly challenge myself!




  性  别: 女

  婚姻状况: 未婚

  民  族: 汉族

  户  籍: 河南-信阳

  年  龄: 24

  现所在地: 广东-东莞

  身  高: 164cm

  希望地区: 广东-深圳、 广东-东莞

  希望岗位: 物流/采购类-采购总监






  2007-09 ~ 2009-06 湖南师范大学 工商企业管理 大专


  2010-12 ~ 2010-12 中国城市科学研究会 第一届亚热带地区绿色建筑技术暨亚热带地区绿色建筑联盟成立大会


  **公司 (2009-06 ~ 2012-08)

  公司性质: 外资企业 行业类别: 贸易、商务、进出口

  担任职位: 采购专员 岗位类别: 采购专员/助理

  工作描述: 1.了解市场新产品、新材料供应商的寻找、资料收集及开发工作。2.对新供应商品质体系状况(产能、设备、交期、技术、品质等)的评估及认证,以保证供应商的优良性,与供应商的比价、议价谈判工作,采购计划编排.物料之订购及交期控制3.对旧供应商的价格、产能、品质、交期的'审核工作,以确定原供应商的稳定供货能力。4.及时跟踪掌握原材料市场价格行情变化及品质情况,以期提升产品品质及降低采购成本。6.与供应商以及其他部门的沟通协调等,主要负责采购照明类产品成品项目出口,如:办公照明,商业照明成品,从客户下订到进行样品确认直到下采购单出货柜到目的港验货全程工作,其中包括与海运公司的沟通配合以及公司采购帐目,财务帐目核对及整理付款资料等事宜。

  离职原因: 另求发展

  **公司 (2006-02 ~ 2007-09)

  公司性质: 私营企业 行业类别: 橡胶、塑料制品

  担任职位: 客户主任 岗位类别: 客户主任

  工作描述: 职责:负责开发客户;跟踪客户;定期回访客户,定月、周工作工作计划报表,负责参展及一切开发活动,负责管理客户档案,跟踪货单,维护客户关系等相关工作经验,擅于协调与组织工作客户信息跟踪反馈,整理客户对产品的意见和建议,以及跟踪客户所下订单直至生产出货

  离职原因: 另求发展


  专业职称: 工商企业管理

  计算机水平: 全国计算机等级考试二级


  技能专长: 曾在湖南师范大学学习过两年,主修企业管理、经济学、会计学、人力资源、市场营销、生产与作业管理等等


  普通话: 流利 粤语: 一般

  英语水平: 口语较差


  发展方向: 希望往国内贸易类,最好是照明类,因为做了两三年的照明采购出口,或者销售客服类都行

  其他要求: 希望最好能在深圳或东莞两个地区工作


  自我评价: 毕业后怀着对外面美好社会的冲劲儿,开始了自己的工作生涯,两年工作期间让自己学到了很多实践知识,但总觉得还欠缺点什么,为了更加增强各方面专业特长,于是来到湖南师范大学报读两年的管理学,希望能提升自己.我所拥有的是年轻和知识。年轻也许意味着欠缺经验,但是年轻也意味着热情和活力,我自信能凭自己的能力和学识在以后的工作和生活中克服各种困难,不断实现自我的人生价值和追求的目标,在这个世界上,没有做不到的事情,只有想不到的事情,只要能想得到,下定决心去做,就一定能做到,凡是决心取得胜利的人,从来不说“不可能”只有不断挑战自己!

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