
2017-09-24 英文简历模板

Name: YJBYS gender: female

Age: 24 height: 160 cm

Marital status: single address: SiPingShi


Job objective

Expect post properties: full-time

Expected monthly salary: 2000 ~ 3000 yuan/month yuan/monthly

Expect engaged in post: administrative specialist/assistant, accounting

Expect engaged in industry: financial (bank/insurance), professional service/accounting/law, government departments/institution


Education experience


Start-stop years: 2007-2010

The school name: changchun vocational and technical college

Professional name: accounting computerization

Degree: college degree


Self evaluation


"Learning is shortage" is my university learning and motivation. In university course in the course of learning, I feel light just learning school arranged by the professional course is very not enough, a work to do good, in addition to want to rely on rich solid professional knowledge, but one some extracurricular knowledge learning help is also very important. Therefore, I taught myself Office, Access, Photoshop etc of computer software. In addition, due to their itself to the Japanese have strong interest, thus to study the way of learning. Through one year of study, I've now reached Japanese 3-4 grade level, first I can carry on the basic communication. Later I will keep learning, and constantly enrich ourselves, I think I was a pretty have perseverance, believe that I'll become more outstanding.










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