
2017-07-10 英文简历范文



  Personal information


  Gender: female

  Nationality: han age: 27

  Marital status: married professional name: accounting

  Major: finance and economics political status: the masses

  Graduated from: xiamen institute of technology graduation time: July 2012

  Highest degree: bachelor computer level: proficient

  Work experience: over 4 years height: 156cm weight: 45kg

  Current location: xinluo district residence: changxian county


  Expected career: finance director expected salary: 6000-8000

  Expected work area: new luo district expected job nature: full-time

  The fastest time to go: interview to provide housing: no need


  Education background:

  School name: fuzhou university (April 2010 - October 2011)

  Professional name: accounting degree: bachelor degree

  Location: fuzhou certificate: diploma

  School name: xiamen institute of technology (September 2009 - July 2012)

  Professional name: accounting education: junior college

  Location: xiamen certificate: graduate certificate, accounting certificate

  Professional description: the professional outstanding engineering college accounting school-running advantages and characteristics, on the professional set up fully considering the changes in the social demand for talents, the curriculum for primary, intermediate accounting, senior accounting, management, high number, etc., near increased field course after graduation, graduation design, etc., in order to the future work to lay a foundation.

  Training experience:

  Work experience

  Company name: xiamen baojin brand management co., LTD. (June 2015 - present)

  Industry: the nature of wholesale and retail companies: private enterprises

  Company size: 200 ~ 500 people working location: xiamen lake district

  Job title: treasurer

  Job description: under the leadership of the general manager, the implementation of relevant national financial laws, regulations and regulations, responsible for the comprehensive work of the financial department; Responsible for establishing and improving the financial rules and regulations and organizing the daily financial management activities of the company; Review the payment documents, financial statements and statements, and do the financial analysis. To review and participate in the formulation of major contracts, agreements and other important economic documents; To organize and study tax planning to avoid tax risks; Coordinate external relations with tax, industry, commerce, banking and auditing institutions; To organize the formulation of funds management measures to be responsible for the fund-raising, utilization and balance of daily funds of the company; Attending the relevant meetings of the company; Complete other tasks assigned by superior.

  Reason for leaving: consider the resettlement of longyan

  Company name: xiamen wanita telecommunications co., LTD. (March 2012 - May 2015)

  Industry: wholesale · retail company nature: private. Private enterprises

  Company size: 200 ~ 500 people working location: xiamen

  Job title: tax accountant/host accountant

  Job description: account set of accounting treatment, preparation of balance sheet, income statement, the cash flow statement and other conventional financial statements, tax return on time, at the end of the liquidation income tax, reasonable tax planning company, provide effective Suggestions for tax planning scheme. Assist gm to set up the budget management system, formulate and improve the corresponding internal control process, to develop company financial management, accounting, fixed asset management, and other aspects of the rules and regulations and work procedures, complete other matters assigned by the superiors.

  Reason for leaving: personal planning

  Self assessment

  Self assessment: I have been with the modest and prudent, serious and responsible work attitude, and constantly improve their professional accomplishment, in September 2013 through the junior accountant qualification, from 2012 to participate in the financial work, from the initial financial assistant to tax accounting and financial director, familiar with accounting process, skilled use financial software, can the independent processing arranged throughout the company's financial work; At the same time, I believe in the work atmosphere of harmonious mutual assistance, and seek to give full play to the position of professional specialty, and work with the team to work happily and grow up together!

  Language ability

  Language name mastery degree

  Good English

  Mandarin good




  性别: 女

  民族: 汉族 年龄: 27

  婚姻状况: 已婚 专业名称: 会计

  主修专业: 财经类 政治面貌: 群众

  毕业院校: 厦门理工学院 毕业时间: 2012年7月

  最高学历: 本科 电脑水平: 精通

  工作经验: 四年以上 身高: 156cm体重:45公斤

  现所在地: 新罗区 户籍: 长汀县


  期望从事职业: 财务主管 期望薪水: 6000-8000

  期望工作地区: 新罗区 期望工作性质: 全职

  最快到岗时间: 面谈 需提供住房: 不需要



  学校名称: 福州大学(2010年4月-2011年10月)

  专业名称: 会计 学历: 本科

  所在地: 福州 证书: 毕业证书

  学校名称: 厦门理工学院(2009年9月-2012年7月)

  专业名称: 会计 学历: 大专

  所在地: 厦门 证书: 毕业证书,会计从业资格证

  专业描述: 本专业突出工科高校会计学的办学优势和特色,在专业设置上充分考虑了社会对人才需求变化的影响,课程设置了初级会计、中级会计、高级会计、管理学、高数等,在临近毕业后增加了实操课程、毕业设计等,为了今后的工作打下基础。



  公司名称: 厦门保进品牌管理有限公司(2015年6月-至今)

  所属行业: 批发·零售 公司性质: 私营.民营企业

  公司规模: 200~500人 工作地点: 厦门湖里区

  职位名称: 财务主管

  工作描述: 在总经理的领导下,贯彻执行国家有关财经法律、法规、制度,负责财务部全面工作;负责建立健全各项财务规章制度并组织加强公司日常财务管理活动;审核付款单据、财务凭证及报表,做好财务分析工作;审核并参与重大合同、协议及其他重要经济文件的拟定;组织研究税收筹划工作,规避税收风险;协调税务、工商、银行、审计机构等外部关系;组织制定资金管理办法,负责公司资金的筹集、运用和日常资金的平衡工作;出席公司的有关会议;完成上级交代的其他任务。

  离职原因: 考虑回龙岩定居

  公司名称: 厦门市万盟电讯有限公司(2012年3月-2015年5月)

  所属行业: 批发·零售 公司性质: 私营.民营企业

  公司规模: 200~500人 工作地点: 厦门

  职位名称: 税务会计/主办会计

  工作描述: 帐套账务处理,编制资产负债表、利润表、现金流量表等常规财务报表,按时进行申报纳税,年末所得税清算,合理规划公司的税收,对税收筹划方案提供有效意见。协助总经理建立预算管理体系,制定和完善相应的内控流程,制订公司财务管理、会计核算、固定资产管理等方面的规章制度和工作程序,完成上级交办的`其他事宜。

  离职原因: 个人规划


  自我评价: 我一直秉持着谦虚谨慎、认真负责的工作态度,并且不断地提高专业素养,2013年9月通过初级会计师的资格考试,从2012年参加财务工作,自己从最初的财务助理到税务会计再到财务主管,熟悉会计核算流程,熟练运用财务软件,能独立处理安排好整个公司的财务工作;同时我崇尚和谐互助的工作氛围,寻求能发挥自身专业特长的岗位,与所在团队快乐工作、共同成长!


  语种名称 掌握程度

  英语 良好

  普通话 良好










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