
2017-06-01 英文简历范文




  Male, 24,

  Education: junior college

  Length of work: fresh graduates

  Expected salary: 3000-5000 yuan

  Location: shenzhen - longgang sakata

  Objective: to check out |'s | nurse/nurse | real estate agent

  Strong ability to execute ability is strong and strong integrity of responsibility

  Work experience

  (7 months of work, 1 job)

  Shenzhen fifth people's hospital

  Working hours: May 2016 to December 2016 [7 months]

  Job title: intern

  Education experience

  In December 2016, the medical examination technology of the medical college of the national medical college of qiannan university was graduated


  The good bird chooses the wood, the man is the one who knows his own.



  Male, 19,

  Education: secondary school/technical school

  Length of work: fresh graduates

  Expected salary: 3000-5000 yuan

  Where to work: shenzhen - longgang

  Objective: nurse/paramedic | other hospital/medical post, | medical school, | pediatrician | other positions

  Strong ability to execute ability and strong ability to learn

  Work experience

  (working nine months, doing one job)

  Guangzhou Red Cross hospital

  Working hours: June 2016 to March 2017 [9 months]

  Job title: intern

  Work: work with a teacher to help the doctor

  Education experience

  In June 2017, the school of health and technical college of guangzhou medical university is nursing

  Language skill

  English: general


  I am an optimistic, confident, self-motivated, broad-loving, able to handle interpersonal relationships, have coordination communication of the special features, and have a strong sense of responsibility and sense of mission, now, in the face of new life choices and challenges, I am confident.

  During the 10 months of clinical practice at the Red Cross hospital in guangzhou, the importance of love, patience and high sense of responsibility in nursing care was keenly recognized. I always use "love. Careful. Patience" is basic, want patient's thought, urgent patient's urgent, set up the good doctor and medical ethics. And to standardize the knowledge and basic skills of basic nursing operations and specialized nursing operations. Improve your professional skills.

  So I will make unremitting efforts, with my love. Patience. Confidence. Responsibility to the future career!










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