
2020-10-16 ×£´Ê

¡¡¡¡Minister: We are gathered here today in the sight of God£¬ and in the face of this company£¬ to join together (Groom¡¯s Name) and (Bride¡¯s Name) in holy matrimony; which is an honorable estate£¬ instituted of God£¬ since the first man and the first woman walked on the earth¡£ Therefore; it is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly£¬ but reverently and soberly¡£

¡¡¡¡Into this holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined¡£

¡¡¡¡If any one can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together£¬ let them speak now or forever hold their peace¡£

¡¡¡¡Who gives this woman to be married to this man?

¡¡¡¡Father: My wife and I do¡£

¡¡¡¡(Then the bride is given away)

¡¡¡¡Minister: I require and charge you both that if either of you know any impediment why you may not be lawfully joined together in matrimony£¬ you confess it now¡£ Be assured that if any persons are joined together otherwise than as God¡¯s word allows£¬ their marriage is not lawful¡£

¡¡¡¡(Minister: addressing the groom)

¡¡¡¡(Groom¡¯s Name)£¬ do you take (Bride¡¯s Name) for your lawful wedded wife£¬ to live together after God¡¯s ordinance£¬ in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love£¬ honor£¬ comfort£¬ and cherish her from this day forward£¬ forsaking all others£¬ keeping only unto her for as long as you both shall live?

¡¡¡¡Groom: I do¡£

¡¡¡¡(Minster: addressing the bride):

¡¡¡¡(Bride¡¯s Name)£¬ do you take (Groom¡¯s Name) for your lawful wedded husband£¬ to live together after God¡¯s ordinance£¬ in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love£¬ honor£¬ comfort£¬ and cherish him from this day forward£¬ forsaking all others£¬ keeping only unto him for as long as you both shall live?

¡¡¡¡Bride: I do¡£

¡¡¡¡(At this point the couple may improvise by playing a favorite song£¬ reading a scripture£¬ etc¡£ suggested scriptures might be genesis 2:21-25£¬ mark 10:6-8 and 1 cor 13:4-7)

¡¡¡¡Reader 1: A reading from the book of Genesis£¬ chapter 2£¬ versus 21 through 25:

¡¡¡¡So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping£¬ he took one of the man¡¯s ribs and closed up the place with flesh¡£ Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man£¬ and he brought her to the man¡£ The man said£¬ ¡°this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ¡¯woman£¬ ¡¯ for she was taken out of man¡£¡° for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife£¬ and they will become one flesh¡£ The man and his wife were both naked£¬ and they felt no shame¡£

¡¡¡¡Reader 2: A reading from the gospel of Mark£¬ chapter 10£¬ versus 6 through 8:

¡¡¡¡But at the beginning of creation God made them male and female¡£ For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife£¬ and the two will become one flesh¡£ So they are no longer two£¬ but one¡£

¡¡¡¡Reader 3: A reading from the Apostle Paul£¬ the first letter to the Corinthians£¬ chapter 13£¬ verses 4 through 7:

¡¡¡¡Love is patient£¬ love is kind¡£ It does not envy£¬ it does not boast£¬ it is not proud¡£ It is not rude£¬ it is not self-seeking£¬ it is not easily angered£¬ it keeps no record of wrongs¡£ Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth¡£ It alwaysprotects£¬ always trusts£¬ always hopes£¬ always perseveres¡£












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