高三年级英语学科 高三英语选修十 单元练习 译林牛津版 试题下载




作 业 纸 编号 25__

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课题:M10-unit2words and expressions(1)


一. 根据要求写出下列单词

1. Edition n. 版本, 版; vt. 编辑; n. 编辑, 编者;

2. Mobility n. 流动, 迁移; adj. 可移动的;

3. Trend n. 趋势, 倾向; 流行 时尚; t n.趋向, 倾向

the trend of a coast-line 海岸线的走向; the trend of modern living 现代生活的趋势

4. freeway n. 高速公路= ; n. 公路;

5. change v/n. 变化; adj. 易变的, 可变的;

6. slip vi/n. 过去式; 过去分词;

7. retirement n. 退休; vi 退休;

8. local n. 当地居民; adj. 当地的; n. 位置, 场所;

9.account n. 帐目; n. 会计, 会计师;

10.physist n. 物理学家; n. 物理学; adj. 物理的, 身体的;

n. 内科医生;


1…..事的理由 2. 搬到

3. 做…事很有趣 it is fun to do sth;


I think it will be fun .

4. 讨厌…, 对…感到厌恶

我们讨厌下雪的天气. We the snow.

5. 某个温暖的地方 6. 出国学习

7. 返回到 地方 return to sp

回家: return ; 返回伦敦: return

8. 搬到…地方 9. 在旅途中, 在迁徙中

10. 收拾行里 11. 进行全国人口普查

12. 是…的栖息地 13. 说明…, 占据…, 解决…

14. 变成… 15. 有意义

16. 迎合某人 17. 为某人设计(准备)的

18. 根据… 19. 从…地方毕业

20. 寻找刺激 21. 碰运气

22. 一致地, 全体同意地 23. .出发, 动身, 前往

24. 开车送某人到…; 驱使某人到


1. (季节性的) workers have been brought in to cope with the Christmas period.

2. There were conflicts between local (居民) and the police.

3. They’re renting a furnished (公寓) on the third floor.

4. The weather is very (多变的) at this time of year, take care of yourself.

5. These woods and fields are typical features of the English (风景).

6. The price includes morning coffee, (自助餐)and afternoon tea.

7. His father gives him a monthly (补助) of $200.

8. I’m sorry, but I have to go to the (卫生间).


Changeable accountant ambulance mobility retire freeway edition head boom rent

1. These days, I usually take an umbrella with me when I go out because the weather is quite .

2. Madison enjoys studying mathematics and doing calculations, and is interested in becoming an .

3. By the time he , he had been teaching for 40 years.

4. There has been a in housing in this city for the past two years as more and more people are moving here.

5. Although may be high, many university students prefer to live in a flat so that they can live more independently.

6. Sally was for the airport when she saw Matt, so she did not have much time to chat.

7. When travelling long distances in the USA, it is better to take the because it is the fastest way to get anywhere.

8. Because of an emergency, the was allowed to drive faster than other vehicles through the streets.

9. Many people feel that owning a car provides a lot of comfort and .

10. A new of this dictionary was published last month, and it is selling well.










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