人教新目标版2011-2012学年度八年级英语下学期期末考试卷 八年级英语下册 期末试卷 新目标 试题下载




考试卷 人教新目标版(含答案)A



I. 听句子,选图。(共5小题,每题1分,满分5分)



1._____ ____ 2.___________ 3.___________ 4.___________ 5.___________

II. 听句子,选答语。(共5小题,每题1分,满分5分)


6. A. That’s right. B. All right. C. I’m glad you like it.  D.OK.

7. A. By bus. B. Quite well. C. Reading a book. D. On foot.

8. A. Congratulations.   B. With pleasure.

C. Oh , I’m glad to hear that.   D. It’s very nice of you.

9. A. I don’t agree. B. That’s too bad.

C. Right .Why not ?   D. What a bad radio !

10.A.Certainly not.   B. No , thank you.

C. Sorry , please do.   D. Yes , a little.

Ⅲ. 听对话,选答案。(共5小题,每题1分,满分5分)


11. A. In London. B. In Liverpool. C. In New York. D. In Paris.

12. A. 13. B. 14. C. 15. D.16

13. A. In Washington. B. In New York.  C. In Boston. D. In Paris

14. A. He had lost the dictionary.

B. He had forgotten to bring the dictionary.

C. He had forgotten to tell Mr Smith to bring the dictionary.

D. He had forgotten to bring the notebook.

15. A. He doesn't like Japanese food. B. He doesn't want to eat out.

C. He wants to ask his mother whether he could go.

D. He doesn't like Chinese food.


16.A.For two years. B. For more than two years.

C. Only for one year. D. For more than one year

17.A.Because he can’t get up early in the morning.

B. Because he can’t sleep well at night.

C. Because the school is far from his home.

D. Because he likes to be late

18.A. She is a worker. B. She is a teacher.

C. She is a policeman. D. She is a nurse

19.A.5 minutes. B. 20 minutes. C. 15 minutes. D. 10 minutes.

20.A.It’s for Peter. B. It’s for students.

C. It’s for drivers. D. It’s for policemen.


Ⅰ. 单项选择 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(共15题,每小题1分,满分15分))

21. She her textbook at home yesterday.

A. leaves B. left C. forgets D. forgot

22. The young man is to carry the heavy box.

A. enough strong B. strong enough C. too strong D. so strong

23 If it sunny tomorrow, I fishing in South Lake.

A. is; go B. will be; go C. is; will go D. will be; will go

24. -Could you tell me ?

-She is a student of Eton School.

A. where Kate is studying B. how Kate studies

C. why Kate was studying D. when Kate studied

25. Colors can change our moods and make us happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.

A. to feel B. feeling C. felt D. feel

26. I hardly knew anything about it you told me.

A. since B. after C. until D. when

27.-Bob is late for school.

-Neither am I.

A. always B. often C. ever D. never

28.Tommy has been to China,    I

A. so have      B. neither have     C. so haven't   D. neither haven't

29.I was watching TV Andy knocked at the door.

A. when B. after C. while D. as soon as

30. Would you mind in line ?

A. not cut B. don't cut C. not to cut D. not cutting

31. There's little work I can do for you, ?

A. can I B. can't I C. isn't there D. is there

32.If you want to change for a double room. You'll have to pay $ 20.

A. other B. another C. for D. more

33. -Meimei hasn't paid for the school things, has she?

上一篇:七年级下 Unit2练习 下一篇:高考英语知识点分类整理(情态动词和虚拟语气)