七年级英语上单元测试题--Unit6 七年级英语上册 单元练习 冀教版 试题下载




Class: Name:


1, Sun Wukong is the m________ king(猴王).

2, Is the movie theatre _____________ (not near ) from our school?

3, Go down this street and t_________ right.

4, Excuse me , I’m new here and I’m _________ (迷路).

5, The telephone is ___________(在旁边) the lamp.

二、按照下列要求转换词形 (5分)

buy(同音词) bike(同义词) man(复数)

sheep(复数) break(形容词)


  traffic light 购物 department store

  茶叶商店 on sale


( )1.--- _____does she go to work ?---She ofen walks to work .

A.when B. What time C.What D.How

( )2.---Where does a bird live ? ---A bird_____in a tree.

 A. lives B. living C. is live D. to live

( )3.---We feel very _______. ----Let’s go and eat some food.

A. thirty B. hungry C.sad D. happy

( )4.----_____? -----Yes, I want to buy some erasers.

A. What are you doing B.Where are you doing

C. What’s the matter D.May I help you

( )5.---- I like some milk .

----- Sorry , we don’t have ____. Would you like ____ juice ?

A. some , some B.any ,any

C. some, any D.any, some

( )6.-What’s ____favorite movie ?

---She likes “Titanc (泰坦尼克)”.

she B. he C. his D. her

( )7.--- May I borrow your pen ? ---____.

A. No,you’re welcome B.Yes, you can’t

C. Sure, Here you are D. Not at all.

( )8.---____ is this coat ? --- Forty yuan.

A. How much B.How many C.What D.How

( )9. What does Jenny’s father do? --He’s ___.

A. a doctor B.Jim Smith C.a tall man D.very old

( )10. ---Would you like some tea ? --- ______.

A. Hello B.No,thanks C.No,please D.Yes,I like

( )11. --_____? -- I'm listening to the teacher.

A.What are you B .How old are you

C.What are you doing D.Where are you going

( )12.Look at Danny. He ________with a ball.

A plays B playing C to play D is playing

( )13. _________Jenny _____animals?

A. Is , like. B. Is , likes C. Does , like D. Does, likes.

( )14.Excuse me! is the library?

A. What B. How C. Where D. Which

( )15. --_______do you go to school? --- _________.My uncle drives me .

A.What , By bus B.How , By car C.How , I walk D.What, On foot

( )16.---Why do you go to the grocery store?

--- I want to buy some ice cream.

A. Because B. Whose C. Which D. That

( )17.Okay!I'll four ,please.

A. have B. buying C.buys D. take

( )18. It’s 12:00, It’s time ________ lunch .

A. to B. with C. in D. for

( )19.---__________ Are these your shoes ? ---Yes.

    A. What? B. Excuse me! C. Yes ? D. Why ?

( )20.The monkey is eating. eat bananas.

A. monkeys B. Monkeys C. Monkeies D. Monkey


A : 补全对话.

  1. A : ____ __?

    B: To the restaurant.

    A: ________________?

     B: Because I’m very hungry .

2. A: Excuse me ! ________ ___?

     B: The library is near the office .

3. A: ___________________ _____?

     B: I walk to school.

4. A: Happy birthday to you !

     B: _______________.


5. 选择.

     A: _______1__________?

     B: Yes, please. I want to buy a radio.

     A: This one is very good.

     B: _______2_______?

    A: It’s 80 yuan.

    B: 80 yuan ?__________3_________.Can I look at that one ?

     A: Sure . ________4__________.

     B: It’s OK. How much is it ?

     A: 50 yuan .

    B: It’s expensive for me too.

    A: And this one ? Only 30 yuan

     B: ______5________.All right .I’ll take it.

   A: Let me have a look.

   B: Here you are.

   C: It’s very expensive

   D: How much is it?

   E: Can I help you ?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


1.There are some (photo)on the wall.

2.Danny (get)up at 6:00 every morning.

3.They (eat

上一篇:高一英语第二学期期中模拟试题(一) 下一篇:篆角乡初级中学2013春季学期月考试题仁爱英语七年级(下)Unit 6