

1 argue vt., vi. argued, arguing

辩论argue a case辩论一个案子

They argued their actions had nothing to do with the riot, but I think that's debatable.



Others argue that more bus routes should be opened up because buses can accommodate more passengers.另外一些人认为应该开辟更多的公交路线,因为公共汽车载客多。


The speaker argued that more immigrants should be admitted to the country.



He argued with Mary about the best place for a holiday.他和玛丽争论度假的最好地方。


argued the clerk into lowering the price.极力说服售货员降低价格

常用短语:argue about\ on \over辩论[争论]某事

argue against反驳 argue sb. down驳倒某人

argue for赞成; 为...而力争 argue sb. into说服某人(做某事或接受某种意见)

argue sb. out of说服某人不做某事, 打消某种念头

2 fond adj.(与of连用)特别喜爱的

"Because she's fond of books and anxious for knowledge, she frequents the library."


"Jack's too fond of fun, so the boss doesn't like him much."


3 by way of=Through; via:通过;经由:

flew to the Far East by way of the polar route.经由极地航线飞往远东

As a means of:以…的形式:

made no comment by way of apology.以道歉形式末做任何评论

in a way在某种程度上;有保留地:

I like the new styles, in a way.某种程度上我喜欢这些新款式

从某一点上看:In a way, you're right.从某一点上看你是对的

in the way挡道地处在阻碍、阻挡或干涉的位置上

stand in sb. 's way 妨碍某人, 阻挠某人

on the way:在路上在旅程的路途中:

met him on the way to town; ran into them on the way.


out of the way=remarkable.不寻常特征的;奇特的

不正确的;错误的:said nothing out of the way.不说任何不妥之辞

by the way顺便说, 附带说说

force one's way挤(出去), 冲(出去)

give way (to)让步; 退让;让位于

make way for为...让路

make one's (own) way前进, 繁荣, 兴隆; 发迹, 飞黄腾达

pave the way for为...铺平道路, 为...做好准备

no way[美口]无论如何不, 决不

under way在进行中, 发生; 在航行中

4 catch fire着火 cease fire停火 make a fire生火

take fire着火燃烧; 激动起来; 对...发生兴趣 play with fire玩火;冒险

under fire在炮火下; 受到攻击[批评, 责怪] fire at对... 开枪, 向... 射击

set fire to放火烧, 使燃烧; 使兴奋, 使激动 set on fire放火烧, 使燃烧; 使兴奋, 使激动

vt., vi射击 解雇You're fired.你被解雇了。

5 care vi. cared, caring喜欢;想

I don't much care about going to the party.我不太想去参加晚会。

My wife doesn't really care for tea; she likes coffee better.


Would you care to visit us this weekend?你愿意本周末来我们这儿玩玩吗?

I don't care for him to read this letter.我不愿让他看这封信。

She cares for him very much.她非常喜欢他。

关心;顾虑You say you care about the poor, but you don't help them, you hypocrite!


Can you imagine that the president of a large firm doesn't care much about dress?


She didn't care where her son went.她不关心儿子到什么地方去。

I don't care how far I'll have to go.无论走多远,我都不在乎。

We didn't really care whether won or lost the game.对这场比赛我们实际上并不在乎输赢。

照顾His son cared for him when he was ill.当他生病时,他的儿子照顾他。

care for喜欢

I don't care for tea.我不喜欢喝茶。


He's good at caring for sick animals.他精心照料生病的牲畜。

Uncle Dick is very good at caring for sick animals.狄克大叔照管生病的动物,很在行。

6 regard n.关心, 致意, 问候, 关系

vt. 看待, 当作, 重视, 尊敬, 关系

I have always regarded him highly.我总把他看得很高。

You can't regard him as a friend but a business associate.


'Titanic' is regarded as his best film so far.


(pl) 致意;问侯

Give my regards to your parents.代我向你父母问好。

常用短语:with regard to [of](=in regard to)关于, 对于

without regard to [for]不顾, 不考虑

regard ...as...把...视为; 认为...是

give my best regards (to sb.)请代问候(某人), 请代向某人致意

7 lie vi. lay, lain, lying

躺,卧He was lying in the shade of the tree.他正躺在树荫下。

处于(某一位置)The factory lies to the west of town.工厂在小镇的西边。

lie vi.lied, lying

说谎I'm sorry I lied to you.我很抱歉向你撒了谎。

lie with=To be decided by, dependent on, or up to:由…决定,取决于,视…而定:

The choice lies with you.你来做出选择

8 share vt., vi.shared, sharing


They share their joys and sorrows.他们同甘共苦

share responsibility共同负责 share a room with sb.与某人同居一室



9 majority n.-ties(常与of连用)多数;半数以上

The majority of children in our class have brown eyes; only three have blue eyes.


The minority is subordinate to the majority.少数服从多数。

He was elected by a large majority [by a majority of 3240].


常用短语:carry [gain] the majority赢得多数票

in the majority占多数, 拥有多数

10 stand by在场;靠近;袖手旁观

忠于;信守to stand by one's promise遵守诺言

stand for代表,表示;意指;象征;

stand in当替身;代替

stand out明显;醒目;突出;杰出;

坚持;支撑to stand out a crisis挨过危机

stand up耐久;耐用;成立

Will the charge stand up in court?这个指控在法庭上能成立吗?

stand up for维护;拥护;支持

We will not stand for impertinent behavior.我们不会容忍不礼貌的行为

11 exchange seats with sb.与某人调换一个座位

exchange experience交流经验 exchange greetings互相问候

exchange foreign money for Renminbi把外币兑成人民币

in exchange for以...换 make an exchange交换

exchange sth. with sb.与某人交换[调换]某种东西 exchange words争吵, 吵架

12 equal adj.(常与to连用)相同的

One li is equal to half a kilometre.一华里等于半公里。

It is equal to me whether he comes or not.他来不来对我都一样。


John is quite equal to the job of running the office.约翰很能胜任主理这个办事处的工作。

He is equal to this task.; He is equal to doing this task.他能胜任这项任务。

All countries, big and small, should be equal.国家不论大小, 一律平等。

He was equal to the occasion.他能应付这个局势 。

She did not feel equal to receiving visitors.她的身体不适, 不能接见客人。

13 knowledge n.知道;了解

a knowledge of French懂法语

熟悉She has a good knowledge of London.她对伦敦的情形很熟悉。

知识We go to school to get knowledge about many different things.


14 come across偶遇;碰到 (= come upon)

We've just come across an old friend we haven't seen for ages.



Your speech came across very well.你的演说极受欢迎。

come along进展;进步;进行

How's your work coming along?你的工作进展如何?

追随;跟着来(= come on)

These visitors came along with some business men.这些旅客是和一些商人一起来的。

come in流行;时髦;上市

When did the short skirt first come in?短裙是什么时候开始流行的?

进入(比赛)(在比赛中)获得名次come in third

come out(照片上)显露;结果是

My sister came out well in that photograph.那张照片中我妹妹照得很好。

The stars came out as soon as darkness fell.天一黑,星星就出来了。


The news came out that king and queen suddenly fell ill.国王和王后突然生病的消息传开了。

The Asian countries along the coast of the Pacific all came out against the US new military base in Japan.太平洋沿岸的亚洲各国都宣布反对美国在日本的新军事基地。

When does John's book come out?约翰的书什么时候出版?

come to涉及;谈及

When it comes to politics I know nothing.谈到政治,我一无所知。

获致;到达;结束They came to the conclusion that they had made an unforgivable mistake.


The water came to my waist.水已达我的腰部。

The performance of the opera has come to its climax.歌剧的表演已经到达最高潮了。

总共;共计The bill came to $5.50.账款共计5美元50美分。

突然想起Suddenly the words of the song came to me.我猛然想起了这首歌的歌词。

come up with想出(计划、回答);作出(反应);产生

He couldn't come up with an appropriate answer just at the time.那时他想不出一个合适的答案。

15 difficulty n.-ties困难;艰难

This question is full of difficulties.这个问题困难很多。

Do you have any difficulty with English?你英语上有困难吗?

"At first, the government had great difficulty in persuading people to leave Rio and to settle in Brasilia.""开始时,政府很难说服人们离开里约热内卢去巴西利亚落户。"

常用短语:be in difficulty有困难have difficulty in对...有困难

make no difficulty[-ties]无异议, 不反对, 不阻挠

with difficulty困难地; 吃力地 without difficulty容易地, 毫不费力地

16 consider vt., vi.

考虑;思考I am considering going abroad.我正在考虑出国。

The court would not even consider his claim for the old man's legacy.



I consider it a great honor.我认为这是极大的荣幸。

We consider that the driver is not to blame.我们认为这不是司机的过错

considers waste to be criminal.认为浪费是有罪的

17 separate adj.区别的;不同的;单独的;孤立的;各 自的

They have gone to separate places.他们去了各不相同的地方。

The children sleep in separate beds.孩子们分别睡在各自的床上。

vt., vi.-rated, -rating分开; 离开;脱离;隔开,阻隔

The two children separated at the end of the road.两个孩子在路的尽头分手了。

A fence separated the cows from the pigs.围栏把奶牛和猪分开。

separate the good ones from the bad ones把好的和坏的分开

常用短语:be separated from和...分离开, 和...分散

separate divide都含“分开”的意思。

separate 指“把原来在一起的人或物分开”, 如:

S-those two boys who are fighting, will you?(你)把那两个打架的孩子拉开, 好吗?

divide 指“施加外力或自然地把某人或某物由整体分成若干部分”, 如:

divide the candies among the children给孩子们把糖块分开。

18 on board在船上,在公共交通工具内

We went on board the ship.我们登上了轮船。

Everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened.


vt., vi.上船;坐船;搭乘(公共交通工具)

He boarded the bus.他上了公共汽车。


She arranged to board some students from the university.她供一些大学生膳宿。

常用短语:above board诚实地, 公开地, 光明正大地

go on board上船; 上飞机, 上火车

go on the boards当演员 go by the board从甲板上落水

19 experience un.经验

gain experience in ...获得...经验

learn by [from, through] experience从经验中学到[懂得]

man of experience有阅历[见识]的

Cn 经历,阅历Please tell us your experiences in America.请你告诉我们你在美洲的经历。

vt. 经历; 感受 experience difficulties [setbacks]遭到困难[挫折]

be thoroughly [poorly] experienced in在...方面十分有[缺乏]经验

20 destroy vt.毁坏, 破坏;打破(希望, 计划), 使失败

The houses were destroyed by a fire [a flood, an earthquake].房屋被火灾[水灾, 地震]所毁。

The heavy rain destroyed all hope of a picnic.大雨打破了野餐的一切希望。

damage destroy ruin都含“破坏”、“毁坏”的意思。

damage 指“价值、用途降低或外表损坏等, 不一定全部破坏, 损坏了还可以修复”, 如:

The heavy rain damaged many houses.大雨毁坏了许多房子。

destroy 指“彻底毁坏以至不能或很难修复”, 如:

That town was destroyed in a big fire.那个城镇在一场大火中被毁了。

ruin现在多用于借喻中, 泛指一般的“弄坏了”, 如:

He knocked over a bottle of ink and ruined the table cloth.他打翻了一瓶墨水把桌布弄脏了。

21 live in fear.生活在忧虑之中 He was shaking with fear.他害怕得直发抖。

担心;顾虑There is no fear of his getting any injury.他不会受伤的。

vt., vi.惧怕,害怕;担忧 Never fear!不用怕!;别担心!

I fear that you'll be late if you don't go now.如果你现在不走的话,我担心你会迟到。

22 get in touch with和...取得联系

in\ within touch of在...能达到的地方, 在...的附近; 可以接近的, 可以做到的

in touch with同...有联系 lose touch with和...失去联系, 对...变得生疏

out of touch with同...失去联系, 与...没有通信;对...不了解

23 opportunity n.-ties机会;时机

I have been offered a job. It's a great opportunity.我找到了一份工作,这是一个很好的机会。

I'll have another opportunity to visit the exhibition next year.


have little opportunity to do sth.有[没有, 很少有, 有不多的]做某事的机会

take the opportunity for doing sth.乘机做某事

24 strike vi., vt. struck, striking

打;击He struck me with a stick.他用棍子打我。

使突然成为;使出其不意地成为I was struck all of a heap.我大吃一惊。


突然想到; 猛然悟到An idea suddenly struck me.我心中忽然产生一个念头。

罢工The workers were striking because they wanted more money.


on strike处于工作停顿状态的:

25 work out算出(总数)to work out a sum算出总数

带来好结果;有预期的结果Things will work themselves out.事情会有好结果的。

运动;锻炼to work out daily with sparring partner每天和拳击陪练员练习

work out a plan.制定计划 out of work没有工作的;未被雇用的

work on继续工作, 设法说服, 影响;从事于, 致力于 work at从事, 致力于, 钻研