高考复习(一)人教版第一册Unit 19-22语言点(人教版高考复习英语教案教学设计)



1 way, method, means

way可指一般的方法,也可指个人的或特殊的方法或方式。如:生活方式way of life。另外,当way作先行词时,定语从句引导词可以是in which也可以是that,也可以不用引导词。常用短语:in this way用这种方式;by the way顺便说;in a way在某种程度上;in no way决不;in the way妨碍某人;lose one’s way迷路;on the/one’s way在路上;make one’s way前进。

method指理论的或系统的方法。Our teacher is showing us a new method of writing.


There's not much method in the way they do their accounts. Will you come to help them?


条理;秩序; 有条不紊If you had used more method, you wouldn't have wasted so much time.


means指具体的“方法、手段、工具”,其单复数相同。常用短语:by this means用这种方式;by all means无论如何;by means of以……方式;by no means一点也不。


(1). I think this is the best _____ to deal with the waste.

(2). Now teaching the text is done in a very lively _____ in English classes.

(3). He introduced the Western _____ of teaching in class.

(4). Follow her _____ of cooking.

(5). Every possible _____ has/ All possible _____ have been adopted.

2 produce\production\product

3 shortage缺乏, 匮乏;缺乏之量

a shortage of water缺水

The total shortage was $500.不足的总额为500美元。

"In the developed countries, there's a great shortage of labour / work force."


4 guide n.领路人, 导游者, 向导, 引导者, 指南a Guide to English Grammar

vt.指导, 支配, 管理, 带领, 操纵

They guided us to the office.他们带领我们到了办公室。

5 condition:可以用作动词和名词。主要义项有:条件;状况;状态;决定;调整状态。

Eg. He conditioned himself for the race.

I conditioned the dog to bark at strangers.

Ability is one of the conditions of success in life.

用作名词表示“条件”时可以构成以下短语:on condition that在……条件下;

Eg. We’ll let you use the room on condition that you keep it clean and tidy.

on this/ that/ no/ what condition在这种(那种,没有的,什么)条件下。

Eg. You should on no condition visit that place.

表示“状态”时可以构成的短语有:in good condition(s)情况良好;

Eg. My car is old but in good condition.

in/ out of condition健康状况良好(不佳)

Eg. He is not in a condition to make a long trip.

The car is in very good condition.这辆汽车情况良好。

注意:比较相似词语:situation形势,局势;state状态(Matter has three states.);surrounding环境

Situation n.形势;状况;事态The situation is very difficult.处境很困难。

地势;地理位置an island situation岛国地势

State n.状况;情形;状态

Everything was in a state of disorder.一切都处于紊乱状态。

The messy garden is in a state of neglect.这个又脏又乱的花园处于无人管理的状态。

焦虑或兴奋状态She is in a worried state of mind.她心情很焦急。

The whole country was in a state of ferment that year.那一年这个国家全部处于动乱状态。

6 remove vt., vi.(常与from连用)拿走;撤走,除去

to remove your hat脱掉你的帽子

to remove a child from a class把一个孩子从班上带走


7 word n.词,单词;话,言语

Tell me in your own words.用你自己的话告诉我。


'I can't hear a word!' I said angrily.'我一句也听不见了!'我愤怒地说。

Can I have a word with you?我能和你说几句话吗?

消息No word has come from the battle front.前线还没有消息传来。

承诺I give you my word that I will return.我向你保证我会回来的。

The boy kept his word.那孩子信守诺言。

eat one's words承认说错了话

have words吵嘴;争论

in other words换句话说

word for word逐词地;原原本本地

Tell me what she said, word for word.把她说的一五一十地告诉我。

8 stand by袖手旁观;忠于;信守;帮助或者支持:

to stand by one's promise遵守诺言;stands by her friends.支持她的朋友

stand for代表,表示;意指;象征;倡导或者支持:接受;容忍:

We will not stand for impertinent behavior.我们不会容忍不礼貌的行为

stands for freedom of the press.倡导新闻的自由

stand out明显;醒目;突出;杰出;坚持;支撑

to stand out a crisis挨过危机

stand in当替身;代替

stand up耐久;耐用;成立

Will the charge stand up in court?这个指控在法庭上能成立吗?

stand up for维护;拥护;支持

9 go against:反对, 违反, 不利于

Eg. It goes against my interests.

相关归纳:(1)go ahead进步;前进;可以Eg. He is going ahead fast.

(2)go away离开;走开Eg. Did you go away or stay at home in the vacation.

(3)go by走过;时间流逝受指导;遵照,依照

Eg. Don't go by what she says.别听她的。 Several years went by before we met again.

(4)go down下降;落下;平静下来Eg. The wind has gone down a little.

(5)go in for从事;参加酷爱;嗜好

Eg. Young people should never simply go in for material comforts.年青人永远也不应一味地追求物质享受。 He goes in for sports every day.

(6)go off离去;进展;变坏;熄掉爆炸;(爆竹、铃等)响

Eg. The signal pistol went off with a bang.信号枪砰的一声响了。

The meeting went off very well. The milk has gone off.

(7)go over调查;复习

(8)go through经过;经历;完成;做完;通过;批准

Eg. The law has gone through Parliament.议会已经通过了这项法案。

She went through the room but couldn’t find the missing ring.

注意:go还可以用作连系动词,构成短语:go bad“变质”;go hungry“挨饿”;go mad“发疯”。

(9)go about到处走动,走来走去;(轮船)掉头,转向从事;着手做

How shall we go about the job?我们该怎样着手做这件工作?

How do you go about repairing this telex machine?你怎样着手修理这架电传机?

10 depend vi.(常与on, upon连用)视情况而定

That depends.视情形而定。

It all depends on how you tackle the problem.那要看你如何应付这问题而定。

(常与on 连用)信任,信赖;需要

Can I depend on you?我可以信任你吗?

I haven't a car, I have to depend on the buses.我没有汽车,只能靠公共汽车。

That depends.[口]要看情况而定。

It all depends.[口]要看情况而定。

You may depend upon it.[口]肯定无疑; 放心好了。

depend upon it[口]肯定天疑, 管保没错, 我敢说(用于句首或句末


1 intend:用作动词,主要有“意欲;打算”“原本是要……;原意要……(常用于被动语态)”等义项。主要用法有:(1)intend to do Eg. He intends to study abroad next year.

(2)intend sb. to do Eg. He intends his son to manage the company.

(3)intend that…Eg. He intends that the plan should be put into practice within a year.= He intends the plan to be put into practice within a year.

(4)be intended for/ as为特殊目的而设计; Eg. This dictionary is intended for children.

(5)be intended to do Eg. This was intended to be a picture of a cat.

注意:intend to do和mean to do有相同的用法。

Eg. I’ve made a mistake, though I didn’t intend to/ mean to.我错了,虽然我不愿意。

be intended to (do)意思是使; 是用来

be intended to be规定为, 确定为

it is intended that企图, 意图是

intend for打算供...使用; 打算送给;打算使...成为; 想让...从事某事

2 appreciate vt., vi.感激;感谢

We appreciate your efforts for the development of the company.



I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else.


appreciate English poetry欣赏英诗

appreciate good food品尝美味

appreciate sb.'s friendship珍视某人的友谊

We shall appreciate hearing from you again.我们恭候佳音。

3 suffer vt.遭[蒙, 经]受;忍受, 忍耐宽恕; 允许, 容忍

suffer pain受痛苦

suffer hunger挨饿

I will not suffer such conduct.我不能容忍这种行为。

She could not suffer criticism.她受不了批评。

I can not suffer you to be idle.我不能让你偷懒。

suffer from患...病; 受...苦;因……而遭罪

suffer from cold and hunger饥寒交迫

suffer from floods遭受水灾

She was suffering from a headache.她正经受头痛之苦。

The city suffered serious damage from the earthquake.

4 operate:用作动词,主要义项有:运转;操作;起作用;经营;管理;动手术。

Eg. Can you operate this computer?

The sleeping pill operated at once.

The company operates ten factories.

The surgeon decided to operate on her.


注意:operate在表示“操作;管理;经营”时,为及物动词,同义词有:run, manage等;表示“手术”时为不及物动词,跟宾语时需使用介词on。

5 direction n.方向, 指导, 趋势, (常用复数)指示, 用法, 说明(书)

In which direction are you going, north or south?你准备往哪个方向走?向北还是向南?

What direction does this exhibition hall face?展览馆朝什么方向?

(pl) 用法说明Full directions inside.内附详细说明书。

give directions予以指示

in every direction向各方面, 向四面八方

in the direction of朝 ... 方向

under the direction of在...指导下

6 look on… as把……看着。

Eg. I look on her as a promising pianist.

同义词组:think of…as…;regard…as…;treat…as…;see…as…

相关归纳:(1)look on旁观

Eg. Two men were fighting while people looked on.

(2)look forward to希望;盼望

Eg. I’m looking forward to seeing you.

(3)look into往里看;调查

Eg. The committee is looking into the cause of the accident.

(4)look over瞭望;越过……看;检查

Eg. The secretary looked over the letters quickly.

(5)look through浏览;审查

Eg. I have to look through my notebooks for the exam

(6) look down on轻视,看不起

(7)look up在书中查到;寻访到,探访(某人)

When you do not understand a word, you can look it up in this dictionary.


"On my way home, I looked up an old friend of mine."


look up to尊敬

7 create, invite, discover, find, find out




find out“查明真相;弄清”,同义词为make sure。


(1). The idea that God _____ the world is wrong.

(2). Thomas Edison _____ the first small electric lamp.

(3). They never _____ how to open the box.

(4). I was surprised when I _____ you in the bus.

(5). Did you _____ the book you lost?

(6). Please _____ who broke into the house last night.


1 avoid:用作及物动词,主要义项有:逃避;避免;回避。可以跟名词、代词或v.ing形式作宾语。Eg. The car turned to the left to avoid a collision.

I tried to avoid meeting him because he always bored me.

avoidable adj.可避免的;avoidance n.逃避;回避。

注意比较:fail to do sth.没有(没能)做成某事。

Eg. Never fail to write to me.

miss doing错过做……;躲过。

Eg. I missed buying the May number of the magazine.

escape doing逃离(灾难)。Eg. He escaped being punished.

2 manage:用作动词,主要义项有:经营;管理;(同义词:operate);操纵;对付;设法做成;设法维持。

Eg. He is managing the business for his father.

He couldn’t manage his horse, and it threw him to the ground.

I have to manage with 10 dollars till payday.


注意:比较manage to do sth.=succeed in doing sth.设法做成某事;

Eg. He managed to organize a live concert.= He succeed in organizing a live concert.

try to do sth.表示尽力做某事,但不知道最终的结果;try doing sth.试图做某事;attempt to do尽力做

3 vary vi., vt.改变;变化

The weather varies from day to day.天气一天天变化。

vary one's teaching method改变教学方法

vary from ...to ...从...到...不等; 在...到...之间变动

vary with随...而变化

4 occur:occur用作不及物动词,主要有以下义项:发生;(念头、想法等)想起;浮现;出现;存在。Eg. It is said that the accident occurred at midnight.

occur to sb.= come into sb’s mind想起,想到

Eg. An idea has occurred to me.

也可以使用句型:It occurs to sb. that…

Eg. It occurred to me that we should go there more often.

注意:下列动词或短语都有“发生”的意思,并且都是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态:happen, take place, break out, come about。

Happen chance occur take place都含“发生”的意思。

happen为常用词语, 指“一切客观事物或情况的偶然或未能预见地发生”, 如:

The accident happened yesterday.事故发生在昨天。

chance 指“偶然发生”、“碰巧”, 如:

He chanced to meet her.他偶然遇见了她。

occur属正式用语, 指“按计划使某事或效果发生”, 通常所指的时间和事件都比较确定, 在以具体事物、事件作主语时, 可与happen 互换, 如:

These events occurred in 1909.这些事件发生于1909年。

take place 指“发生事先计划或预想到的事物”, 如:

The meeting took place at 8:00 as planned.按计划会议在八点举行了。

5 get through:到达, 做完, 通过, 度过, 打通

Eg. The Bill didn’t get through.

A smile can help us get through difficult situations.

He has got through all his money.

相关归纳:(1)get across:过……的时候(不用被动语态);与……沟通

Eg. I just can’t get across to him.

(2)get along设法度过;相处(和with连用);进展(和with连用)

Eg. We’ll get along without that much money somehow.

How are you getting along with your work?

(3)get away离开Eg. I’m afraid I can’t get away from the meeting.

(4)get down下来Eg. The kitten climbed the tree and couldn’t get down.

(5)get down to开始做(to为介词)

Eg. He got down to business immediately he sat at the desk.

注意:(1)go through with/get through (with) = finish;(2)go through和get through在表示“通过”时,不用被动语态。

6 hold up:举起, 支撑, 阻挡, 拦截

Eg. I held up my hand to show that I had a question.

The travelers were held up by bandits.

We were help up on our way to the airport in a traffic jam.

相关归纳:(1)hold back:缩回;制止;隐藏

Eg. You must be holding something back from me.

The boss was unable to hold back his anger any longer. (喻)老板再也抑制不住怒火了。

No one can hold back the wheel of history.谁也无法阻止历史车轮的前进。

(2)hold off使……保持距离;拖延

Eg. Hold off for a minute. Mary tends to hold off from people.玛丽总是不接近人。

(3)hold on继续;坚持;不挂断(电话);固定

Eg. The storm held on all night.

(4)hold on to抓住;执著于;固守

Eg. The little girl held on to the tail of his coat.

(5)hold out伸出;维持

Eg. Our food supplies won’t hold out long.

(6)catch/get/lay//seize/take hold of抓住

Eg. He was caught hold of by the arm.

7 as to的句型结构:比较as to和so as to的区别。(1)so as to后面跟动词不定式,相当于in order to,表示“为了……”的意思。(2)as to后面跟名词、短语和从句,在wh-从句、短语前的as to常可省略。

Eg. As to money, he is indifferent.至于钱,他漠不关心。

She was at a loss (as to) how to explain it.

I enjoy going to the movies. But as to/as for the theater, I prefer staying at home.

8 end vi., vt.结束;完成

The party did not end until midnight.晚会到半夜才结束。

He ended his letter off with good wishes to his friend.他给朋友的信以祝好这句话结束。

The meeting ended up with the singing of The Internationale.会议最后以唱《国际歌》而结束。


All their plans ended in failure.他们一切计划都以失败告终。

The battle ended in a victory.战争以胜利而结束。

bring to an end结束, 完成, 终止

by the end of到...末

carry sth. through to the end把某事进行到底

come to the end结束, 告终

in the end最后, 终于

put an end to sth.结束某事, 终止某事; 消灭某事

stand on end竖立, 直立

9 while conj.当...的时候, 和...同时; 只要;但是, 然而;虽然; 尽管

Some people like coffee, while others like te有些人喜欢咖啡, 而有些人喜欢茶。

While he loves his students, he is very strict with them.

虽然他爱他的学生, 可是他对他们很严格。

I met her while I was at school.当我在学校的时候我遇见了她。


a long while好长一会儿

A short while ago, however, he became a busdriver and he has not regretted it.


It took a long while to do the work.做这个工作花了许多时间。


1 minority n.-ties少数

We're in the minority, more people are against us than with us.


少数人The nation wants peace; only a minority want(s) the war to continue.


be in a minority of one得不到任何人的支持

be in the minority占少数

2 divide, separate

divide vi.&vt.分开;分成……份。常构成短语:divide… into…“把……分成几份”;divide up分开。separate v.分离;分手;隔开。常构成短语:separate…from…“把……和……分开”。adj.分开的;各自的。

Let's divide ourselves into several groups.我们分成几个小组吧。

This class is too large; we shall have to divide it for oral practice.


divide the patients from the others隔离病人

divide the profit分配利润

separate divide都含“分开”的意思。

separate 指“把原来在一起的人或物分开”, 如:

S-those two boys who are fighting, will you?(你)把那两个打架的孩子拉开, 好吗?

divide 指“施加外力或自然地把某人或某物由整体分成若干部分”, 如:

divide the candies among the children给孩子们把糖块分开。

3 risk vt.使冒危险;作赌注冒…之险

to risk failure冒失败之险

He risked his life when he saved the child from the fire.


risk getting caught in a storm冒遭遇风暴之险

risk one's fortune [health, life]冒着财产[健康, 性命]风险

risk the jump[a battle]冒险跳一下[打一仗]

risk sb.'s anger准备受某人责备去试试看

at risk在危险中

at all risks (=at any risk)无论冒什么危险; 无论如何

at the risk of (=at risk to)冒...之险; 不顾...之风险

run [take] a risk(s)冒险

run[take] the risk of doing sth.冒险做某事

take no risks慎重行事

4 take turns:轮流, 依次 Eg. We take turns at cooking.

相关归纳:(1)by turns轮流=take turns at doing sth.

Eg. They laughed and cried by turns.

(2)It’s one’s turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事Eg. It’s your turn to sing.

(3)in turn(s)轮流;依次;按顺序Eg. They sang on the stage in turn.

(4)on the turn在转变Eg. Their opinions are on the turn.

(5)out of turn不按顺序;次序混乱Eg. Please don’t speak out of turn.

(6)serve one’s turn适合自己的需要Eg. I think this book will serve my turn.


5 injure, harm, wound, hurt四个动词都有“受伤”的意思,但侧重点不同。

injure意义较广,着重指偶然事故对人的“损害”。be slightly/seriously/badly injured受伤很轻/很严重/很重。injury n.

harm可以用于动词和名词,“伤害;危害”指精神上或物质上的危害;对……有害。短语:do harm to sb./do sb. harm对某人有危害。




(1). Tom fell down from the tree and _____ his legs.

(2). Smoking will _____ your health.

(3). She’s afraid that he would _____ the child.

(4). I _____ my eyes by reading in dim light.

(5). He got _____ in the war.

(6). He fell off the bike and _____ his arm.

(7). He didn’t want to _____ her feelings.

6 cut back剪枝;修剪;减少;缩小;削减

to cut back on industrial production缩减工业生产

cut down砍倒;砍伤;减少;减低

to cut down a tree with an axe用斧头把树砍倒

to cut down on smoking减少抽烟

cut in插嘴;超车抢挡;(突然)插入

Don't cut in while I'm talking.我说话时别插嘴。

to cut in on a queue加塞儿

cut out剪除;切掉;割掉;停止;放弃

to cut out a dress裁剪衣服

to cut out smoking戒烟

cut up切碎;使受苦

Jean was really cut up when her husband left her.在丈夫抛弃她之后,简痛苦极了。

cut off切断, 停掉;电话中断