

Unit 20 Words and expressions

1. curiosity n. 好奇(心);古玩

be ~ about sb’s past对某人的过去好奇

excite /satisfy one’s curiosity


He did it out of curiosity他那样做是出于好奇。

It is ~ that she didn’t remember the incident.


2. decoration n .装饰;装潢; 奖章

put up decorations 挂起装饰物

interior decoration 室内装潢

award/receive a decoration 授予/获得奖章

3. unearth vt. (从地下)发掘;揭露

unearth buried treasure 发掘埋在地下的宝藏

unearth a plot 揭露一个阴谋

4. spear n. 矛;枪;梭镖

throw a spear at 向…掷矛

5. pot n. 罐;锅;壶

a pepper pot 胡椒瓶

wash up pots and pans擦洗炊具

6. emperor n. 皇帝 (empress n. 女皇)

Even the emperor has his poor relatives.


7. pin n.(大头)针 ;别针;木棍

vt. 钉住,使固定,使不能动

a drawing pin图钉 a rolling pin 擀面杖

In the accident \he was ~ned under the car.


I ~ my hopes on him. 我对他抱有信心。

The map was ~ned up 那幅地图被钉在墙上。

8. clothing n.(总称)衣服;服装

put on/take off clothing穿上/脱下衣服

summer clothing 夏装

tailor-made clothing 定做的衣服

ready-to-wear clothing现成的衣服

an article of clothing 一件衣服

9. earring n.耳环

a pair of earrings 一副耳环

wear a ring 戴戒指

10. distinction n. 差别;对比;杰出

make a distinction区分;分清

an artist of distinction杰出的艺术家

11. centimeter n.厘米(cm)

1 kilometer=1000meters


12. clay n.粘土;泥土

a mass of clay.一堆泥土

Make clay into bricks.把泥土制成砖块

13. arrow n. 箭

Bow and arrow弓和箭

Guard against a hidden arrow.谨防暗箭。

The arrow found its mark.箭射中了目标.

14. dozen n. (一)打;十二个

(与数词或many, several等连用时,不加s )

two (many, several) dozen pencils


dozens of 几十,许多

for dozens of years 好几十年以来

pack in dozens 成打地包装

sell by the dozen 论打出售

15. cushion n. 垫石;垫子;坐垫

vt. 缓和...的冲击

air cushion气垫

kneel on the cushion跪在跪垫上

Snow cushioned my fall.


16. weapon n.武器

chemical /chemical weapon化学/核武器

a weapon of defense防御武器,

test a new weapon试验一件新武器

carry weapons 携带武器

17. pottery n.(总称)陶器

Chinese pottery中国陶器

A potter is making pottery by hand.


18. spare adj.备用的;额外的; 多余的

v.节约, 节省, 不伤害, 宽恕

a spare tire 备用轮胎

What would you like doing in your spare time?


Can you spare me just a few minutes

He doesn't spare himself.他律己甚严。

I have several spare ticket.我还富余几张票。

Please spare me my life. 请饶我一命。

spare no efforts 不遗余力

Spare the rod and spoil the child.


19. tend vi倾向;趋向; vt.照顾

tend to 朝某方向;趋于;往往会

I (tend to) prefer black tea.我一贯喜欢红茶。

Women tend to live longer than men.


The injured were well ~ ed in the hospital.

20. approximately adv. 近乎;接近

He is~ forty years old.他快四十岁了。

21. average n. 平均(数)

adj. 平均的;普通的 vt.平均达到,平均做到

An average of two students are absent each day. 每天平均有两个学生缺席。

He averaged nine hours' work a day.


on(an/the) average 平均

above (the) average在平均水平以上

below(the) average 在平均水平以下

22. link n.环;关系;联系vt.连接;联系

key /weak link中心/薄弱环节

establish a ~ between the two countries


~ up theory with practice把理论和实践联系起来

The road links all the new towns.


23. monument n. 纪念碑;纪念物

The monument to the People's Heroes.


His actions are a monument to foolishness.


24. homeland n.祖国;国家

We study for our homeland.我们为祖国学习。

25. in terms of用...来; 考虑到; 就…而言;

~ money, he's quite rich, but not ~ happiness.


~ technical development就科技发展来讲

26. Payment is made in terms of cash用现金支付status n.地位;身份; 状况

What's your official status in the company?


Women have very little status in many countries.

在许多国家, 妇女没有什麽地位.

family/ social status家庭状况/社会地位

27. in the eyes of 在…看来

In the eyes of my parents, I'm forever a child.


28. remote adj.偏远的;久远的;

in a remote village在一个偏僻的村庄里

in the remote past在久远的过去

Go to the ~ mountain areas到偏僻的山区去

29. distant adj.遥远的; 冷淡的,

The sun is distant from the earth.


She's always very distant with Ann.


30. lend a hand 帮助

Please ~ with my book.请帮我拿一下书。

31. site n. 遗址;地方 Banpo Site半坡遗址

32. quantity n.量; 数量

a quantity of +单/复数谓语

quantities of +复数谓语

There is a large quantity of milk.

A quantity of baskets were on sale.

Quantities of food/books were on the table

33. serve as 作为;当作

serve as a teacher 教课;担任教师工作

These views serve as a guide in life.


34. mask n.面具

Painting mask脸谱; a gas mask.防毒面具

35. dig up 挖出;掘起; 发现

dig up potatoes挖土豆

36. accompany vt.陪伴;陪同

I accompany you home.我陪你回家。

37. vast adj.巨大的;庞大的

vast plains广袤的草原。画

He has a vast appetite.他胃囗很大。

38. square adj.平方的;正方形的

n. 正方形; 广场 【数】平方,

city square城市广场 draw a square画正方形

64 is the square of 8.六十四是八的平方。

39. investigation n.调查研究

general investigation普查

The ~ into the accident was carried out by two policemen.两名警察对这一事故展开调查。